File::Util::ProxyLog - a call logging proxy class for File::Util
version 4.130590
This module serves as an aid in debugging File::Util method calls, logging each call to a file of your choosing. Just `tail -f` the log file and run your program.
File::Util does not depend on or use this module. It is stand-alone code.
This module is mainly a tool for the developers of File::Util to use in their testing, and is designed for that purpose. Perl programmers can use it if they like, but it should not be considered an official part of the File::Util distribution for end-users, as its interface could change at any time to suit the needs of its maintainers. This module is therefore primarily "for internal use only."
use File::Util qw( SL );
use File::Util::ProxyLog;
my $fto = File::Util->new( { fatals_as_status => 1 } );
my $log = '/tmp/File-Util.log';
my $ftl = File::Util::ProxyLog->new( $fto, $log );
# now use $ftl like you would use any File::Util object, and watch the log...
print $ftl->list_dir( '/some/directory' => { recurse => 1 } );
- new
my $ftl = File::Util::ProxyLog->new( $file_util_object, $log_file_name );