File::Util - Easy, versatile, portable file handling
File::Util provides a comprehensive toolbox of utilities to automate all kinds of common tasks on file / directories. Its purpose is to do so in the most portable manner possible so that users of this module won't have to worry about whether their programs will work on other OSes and machines.
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my($content) = $f->load_file('foo.txt');
$content =~ s/this/that/g;
'file' => 'bar.txt',
'content' => $content,
'bitmask' => 0644
'file' => 'file.bin', 'content' => $binary_content, '--binmode'
my(@lines) = $f->load_file('randomquote.txt', '--as-lines');
my($line) = int(rand(scalar @lines));
print $lines[$line];
my(@files) = $f->list_dir('/var/tmp', qw/ --files-only --recurse /);
my(@textfiles) = $f->list_dir('/var/tmp', '--pattern=\.txt$');
if ($f->can_write('wibble.log')) {
my($HANDLE) = $f->open_handle(
'file' => 'wibble.log',
'mode' => 'append'
print $HANDLE "Hello World! It's ", scalar localtime;
close $HANDLE
my($log_line_count) = $f->line_count('/var/log/httpd/access_log');
print "My file has a bitmask of " . $f->bitmask('my.file');
print "My file is a " . join(', ', $f->file_type('my.file')) . " file."
warn 'This file is binary!' if $f->isbin('my.file');
print "My file was last modified on " .
scalar localtime($f->last_modified('my.file'));
# ...and _lots_ more
To install this module type the following at the command prompt:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
On windows machines use nmake rather than make; those running cygwin don't have to worry about this. If you don't know what cygwin is, use nmake and check out after you're done installing this module if you want to find out.
Exports nothing by default.
The following symbols comprise @File::Util::EXPORT_OK
), and as such are available for import to your namespace only upon request.
(see bitmask)
(see can_flock)
(see can_read)
(see can_write)
(see created)
(see ebcdic)
(see escape_filename)
(see existent)
(see file_type)
(see isbin)
(see last_access)
(see last_modified)
(see NL)
(see needs_binmode)
(see return_path)
(see size)
(see SL)
(see strip_path)
(see valid_filename)
Note: Symbols in @Class::OOorNO::EXPORT_OK
are also available for import.
:all (exports all of @File::Util::EXPORT_OK)
Note: Some of the methods listed will state that they are autoloaded methods. Autloaded methods are not compiled at runtime as part of your process and only get created if called somewhere in your program. (see AutoLoader.)
Methods listed in alphabetical order.
- Syntax:
bitmask( [file name] )
Gets the bitmask of the named file, provided the file exists. If the file exists, the bitmask of the named file is returned in four digit octal notation e.g.-
. Otherwise, returnsundef
if the file does not exist. This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
Returns 1 if the current system claims to support
and if the Perl process can successfully call it. (see "flock" in perlfunc.) Unless both of these conditions are true a zero value (0) is returned. This is an autoloaded method. This is a constant subroutine. It accepts no arguments and will always return the same value for the system on which it is executed.Note: Perl will try to support or emulate flock whenever it can via available system calls, namely
; or withfcntl
- Syntax:
can_read( [file name] )
Returns 1 if the named file (or directory) is readable by your program according to the applied permissions of the file system on which the file resides. Otherwise a value of undef is returned.
This works the same as Perl's built-in
file test operator, (see "-X" in perlfunc), it's just easier for some people to remember. This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
can_write( [file name] )
Returns 1 if the named file (or directory) is writable by your program according to the applied permissions of the file system on which the file resides. Otherwise a value of undef is returned.
This works the same as Perl's built-in
file test operator, (see "-X" in perlfunc), it's just easier for some people to remember. This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
created( [file name] )
Returns the time of creation for the named file in non-leap seconds since whatever your system considers to be the epoch. Suitable for feeding to Perl's built-in functions "gmtime" and "localtime". (see "time" in perlfunc.) This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
Returns 1 if the machine on which the code is running uses EBCDIC, or returns 0 if not. (see perlebcdic.) This is an autoloaded method. This is a constant subroutine. It accepts no arguments and will always return the same value for the system on which it is executed.
- Syntax:
escape_filename( [string], [escape char] )
Returns it's argument in an escaped form that is suitable for use as a filename. Illegal characters (i.e.- any type of newline character, tab, vtab, and the following
/ | * " ? < : > \
), are replaced with [escape char] or "_" if no [escape char] is specified. Returns an empty string if no arguments are provided. This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
existent( [file name] )
Returns 1 if the named file (or directory) exists. Otherwise a value of undef is returned.
This works the same as Perl's built-in
file test operator, (see "-X" in perlfunc), it's just easier for some people to remember. This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
file_type( [file name] )
Returns a list of keywords corresponding to each of Perl's built in file tests (those specific to file types) for which the named file returns true. (see "-X" in perlfunc.) This is an autoloaded method.
The keywords and their definitions appear below; the order of keywords returned is the same as the order in which the are listed here:
- Syntax:
flock_rules( [keyword list] )
Sets I/O race condition policy, or tells File::Util how it should handle race conditions created when a file can't be locked because it is already locked somewhere else (usually by another process).
An empty call to this method returns a list of keywords representing the rules that are currently in effect for the object.
Otherwise, a call should include a list with array containing your chosen directive keywords in order of precedence. The rules will be applied in cascading order when a File::Util object attempts to lock a file, so if the actions specified by the first rule don't result in success, the second rule is applied, and so on.
Recognized keywords:
tries to get an exclusive lock on the file without blocking (waiting)
tries to get a shared lock on the file without blocking
waits to try getting an exclusive lock
waits to try getting a shared lock
dies with stack trace
warn()s about the error with a stack trace and returns undef
ignores the failure to get an exclusive lock
returns undef
returns 0
- ex-
flock_rules( qw/ NOBLOCKEX FAIL / );
This is the default policy. When in effect, the File::Util object will first attempt to get a non-blocking exclusive lock on the file. If that attempt fails the File::Util object will call die() with a detailed error message and a stack trace.
- ex-
flock_rules( qw/ NOBLOCKEX BLOCKEX FAIL / );
The File::Util object will first attempt to get a non-blocking exclusive lock on the file. If that attempt fails it falls back to the second policy rule "BLOCKEX" and tries again to get an exclusive lock on the file, but this time by blocking (waiting for its turn). If that second attempt fails, the File::Util object will fail with a detailed error message and a stack trace.
- ex-
flock_rules( qw/ BLOCKEX IGNORE / );
The File::Util object will first attempt to get a file non-blocking lock on the file. If that attempt fails it will ignore the error, and go on to open the file anyway and no failures will occur or warings be issued.
This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
isbin( [file name] )
Returns 1 if the named file (or directory) exists. Otherwise a value of undef is returned, indicating that the named file either does not exist or is of another file type.
This works the same as Perl's built-in
file test operator, (see "-X" in perlfunc), it's just easier for some people to remember. This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
last_access( [file name] )
Returns the last accessed time for the named file in non-leap seconds since whatever your system considers to be the epoch. Suitable for feeding to Perl's built-in functions "gmtime" and "localtime". (see "time" in perlfunc.) This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
last_modified( [file name] )
Returns the last modified time for the named file in non-leap seconds since whatever your system considers to be the epoch. Suitable for feeding to Perl's built-in functions "gmtime" and "localtime". (see "time" in perlfunc.) This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
line_count( [file name] )
Returns the number of lines in the named file. Fails with an error if the named file does not exist.
- Syntax:
list_dir( [directory name] , [--opts] )
Returns alphabetically sorted all file names in the directory specified if it exists. Fails with an error message if no such directory is found.
- Flags accepted by
return only directory contents which are directories
return only directory contents which are files
do not include "." and ".." in the list of directory contents
return only files/directories matching pattern provided. argument should be plain text string. It will be converted to a perl regex and passed to CORE::grep as the method scans through directory listings for a match.
returns all file/directory names ending in ".txt". It will match "foo.txt", but not "foo.txt.gz" because of the "$" anchor in the regular expression passed in.)or for the opposite effect,
returns all file/directory names that don't end in ".txt" --with-paths
Include file paths with the contents of the directory list, relative to the directory named in the call.
Recurse subdirectories
Recurse subdirectories, same as
When returning directory listing, include first a reference to the list of subdirectories found, followed by anything else returned by the call.
When returning directory listing, include last a reference to the list of files found, preceded by a list of subdirectories found (or preceeded by a list reference to subdirectories found if
was also used). --as-ref
Return a pair list references: the first is a reference to any subdirectories found by the call, the second is a reference to any files found by the call.
Append a directory seperator ("/, "\", or ":" depending on your system) to all directories found by the call. Useful in visual displays for quick differentiation between subdirectories and files.
Items returned by the call to this method are sorted alphabetically by default, so "Zoo.txt" comes before "alligator.txt" because the alphabetical sort is case-sensitive. This is also the way directories are listed at the system level on most operating systems.
If you'd like the directory contents returned by this method to be sorted without regard to case , use this flag.
Returns a single value: an integer reflecting the number of items found in the directory after applying the filter criteria specified by any other flags (ie- "--dirs-only", "--recurse", etc.) that may have been passed in as well.
- Flags accepted by
- Syntax:
load_dir( [directory name] , [--ds-type] )
Returns a data structure containing the contents of each file present in the named directory. This is an autoloaded method.
The type of data structure returned is determined by the optional data-type switch. Only one option may be used for a given call to this method. Recognized options are listed below.
- Flags accepted by
Causes the method to return a list comprised of the contents loaded from each file (in case-sensitive order) located in the named directory.
Same as above, except an array reference to the list of items is returned rather than the list itself.
Implicit. If no option is passed in, the default behavior is to return a reference to an anonymous hash whose keys are the names of each file in the specified directory; the hash values for contain the contents of the file represented by its corresponding key.
Note: This method does not distinguish between plain files and other file types such as binaries, FIFOs, sockets, etc.
Restrictions imposed by the current "read limit" (see the readlimit()) entry below will be applied to the files opened by this method as well. Adjust the readlimit as necessary.
my($files) = $fu->load_dir('directory/to/load/');
The above code creates an anonymous hash reference that is stored in the variable named "
". The keys and values of the hash referenced by "$files
" would resemble those of the following code snippet (given that the files in the named directory were the files 'a.txt', 'b.html', 'c.dat', and 'd.conf')my($files) = { 'a.txt' => "the contents of file a.txt", 'b.html' => "the contents of file b.html", 'c.dat' => "the contents of file c.dat", 'd.conf' => "the contents of file d.conf", };
- Flags accepted by
- Syntax:
load_file( [file name] , [--opts] )
- OR:
load_file( 'FH' => [file handle reference] , [--opts] )
If [file name] is passed, returns the contents of [file name] in a string. If a [file handle reference] is passed instead, the filehandle will be
and the data obtained by the read will be returned in a string.If you desire the contents of the file (or file handle data) in a list of lines instead of a single string, this can be accomplished through the use of the
flag (see below).- Flags accepted by
If this flag is passed then your call to
will return an ordered list of strings, each of which is a line from the file [file name]. The lines are returned in the order they are read, from the beginning of the file to the end.This is not the default behavior. The default behavior is for
to return a single string containing the entire contents of the file, including line break characters. --no-lock
By default this method will attempt to get a lock on the file while it is being read, following whatever rules are in place for the flock policy established either by default (implicitly) or changed by you in a call to File::Util::flock_rules() (see the flock_rules()) entry below.
This method will not try to get a lock on the file if the File::Util object was created with the option
or if the method was called with the option--no-lock
.This method will automatically call binmode() on binary files for you. If you pass in a filehandle instead of a file name you do not get this automatic check performed for you. In such a case, you'll have to call binmode() on the filehandle yourself. Once you pass a filehandle to this method it has no way of telling if the file opened to that filehandle is binary or not.
Notes: This method does not distinguish between plain files and other file types such as binaries, FIFOs, sockets, etc.
Restrictions imposed by the current "read limit" (see the readlimit()) entry below will be applied to the files opened by this method as well. Adjust the readlimit as necessary.
- Flags accepted by
- Syntax:
make_dir( [new directory name] , [bitmask], [--opts] )
Attempts to create (recursively) a directory as [new directory name] with the [bitmask] provided. The bitmask is an optional argument and defaults to 0777. If specified, the bitmask must be supplied in the form required by the native perl umask function. see "umask" in perlfunc for more information about the format of the bitmask argument.
As mentioned above, the recursive creation of directories is transparently handled for you. This means that if the name of the directory you pass in contains a parent directory that does not exist, the parent directory(ies) will be created for you automatically and silently in order to create the final directory in the [new directory name].
Simply put, if [new directory] is "/path/to/directory" and the directory "/path/to" does not exist, the directory "/path/to" will be created and the "/path/to/directory" directory will be created thereafter. All directories created will be created with the [bitmask] you specify, or with the default of 0777.
Upon successful creation of the [new directory name], the [new directory name] is returned to the caller.
- Flags accepted by
If this flag is passed in then make_dir will not attempt to create the directory if it already exists. Rather it will return the name of the directory as it normally would if the directory did not exist previous to calling this method.
If a call to this method is made without the
flag and the directory specified as [new directory name] does in fact exist, an error will result as it is impossible to create a directory that already exists.
This is an autoloaded method.
- Flags accepted by
- Syntax:
max_dives( [integer] )
When called without any arguments, this method returns an integer reflecting the current number of times the File::Util object will dive into the subdirectories it discovers when recursively listing directory contents from a call to
. The default is 1000. If the number is exceeded, the File::Util object will fail with a diagnostic error message.When called with an argument, it sets the maximum number of times a File::Util object will recurse into subdirectories before failing with an error message.
This method can only be called with a numeric integer value. Passing a bad argument to this method will cause it to fail with an error message.
(see list_dir)
This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
Returns 1 if the machine on which the code is running requires that
(a built-in function) be called on open file handles, or returns 0 if not. (see "binmode" in perlfunc.) This is an autoloaded method. This is a constant subroutine. It accepts no arguments and will always return the same value for the system on which it is executed.
- Syntax:
new( ['parameters' => 'values', etc], [--flags] )
This is the File::Util constructor method. eg- It returns a new File::Util object reference when you call it. It recognizes various parameters and flags that govern the behavior of the new File::Util object.
- Parameters accepted by
- use_flock => true/false value
Optionally specify this option to the
method instruct the new object that it should never attempt to useflock()
in it's I/O operations. The default is to useflock()
when available on your system. Specify this option with a true or false value, true to useflock()
, false to not use it. - readlimit => positive integer
Optionally specify this option to the File::Util::new method to instruct the new object that it should never attempt to open and read in a file greater than the number of bytes you specify. Obviously this argument can only be a numeric integer value, otherwise it will be silently ignored. The default readlimit for File::Util objects is 52428800 bytes (50 megabytes).
- max_dives => positive integer
Optionally specify this option to the File::Util::new method to instruct the new object to set the maximum number of times it will recurse into subdirectories while performing directory listing operations before failing with an error message. This argument can only be a numeric integer value, otherwise it will be silently ignored.
- Flags accepted by
Directive to instruct the new File::Util object that when any call to one of its methods results in a fatal error that it should return
instead of the value(s) that would normally be returned by the call, and to send an error message to STDERR as well. --fatals-as-status
Directive to instruct the new File::Util object that when any call to one of its methods results in a fatal error that it should return
instead of the value(s) that would normally be returned by the call. --fatals-as-errmsg
Directive to instruct the new File::Util object that when any call to one of its methods results in a fatal error that it should return an error message instead of the value(s) that would normally be returned by the call.
- Parameters accepted by
- Syntax:
open_handle('file' => [file name], [ 'mode' => [mode], 'bitmask' => [bitmask], 'dbitmask' => [bitmask], [--opts])
Attempts to get a unique open file handle on [file name] in [mode] mode. Returns the file handle if successful or generates a fatal error with a diagnostic message if the operation fails.
You will need to remember to call
on the filehandle yourself, at your own discretion. Leaving filehandles open is not a good practice, and is not recommended.Once you have the file handle you would use it as you would use any file handle. Remember that unless you specifically turn file locking off when the
object is created (see (see new) or by using the--no-lock
flag when callingopen_handle
, that file locking is going to automagically be handled for you behind the scenes, so long as your OS supports file locking of any kind at all. Great! It's very convenient for you to not have to worry about portably taking care of file locking between one application and the next; by usingFile::Util
in all of them, you know that you're covered.A slight inconvenience for the price of a larger set of features (compare write_file to this method) you will have to release the file lock on the open handle yourself.
can't manage it for you anymore once it hands the handle over to you. At that point, it's all yours. In order to release the file lock on your file handle, call unlock_open_handle() on it. Otherwise the lock will remain for the life of your process. If you don't want to use the free portable file locking, remember the--no-lock
flag, which will turn off file locking for your open handle. Seldom, however, should you ever opt to not use file locking unless you really know what you are doing.If the file does not yet exist it will be created, and it will be created with a bitmask of [bitmask] if you specify a file creation bitmask using the
option, otherwise the file will be created with the default bitmask of 0777.If specified, the bitmask must be supplied in the form required by the native perl umask function. see "umask" in perlfunc for more information about the format of the bitmask argument. If the file [file name] already exists then the bitmask argument has no effect and is silently ignored.
Any non-existent directories in the path preceeding the actual file name will be automatically (and silently - no warnings) created for you and any new directories will be created with a bitmask of [dbitmask], provided you specify a directory creation bitmask with the
option.If specified, the directory creation bitmask [dbitmask] must be supplied in the form required by the native perl umask function.
If there is an error while trying to create any preceeding directories, the failure results in a fatal error with a diagnostic error message. If all directories preceeding the name of the file already exist, the dbitmask argument has no effect and is silently ignored.
- Native Perl open modes
The default behavior of
is to open file handles using Perl's nativeopen()
. Unless you use the--use-sysopen
flag, the following modes and only these modes are valid.'mode' => 'read'
[file name] is opened in read-only mode. If the file does not yet exist then a fatal error will occur with a diagnostic help message to help you troubleshoot the problem.
'mode' => 'write'
(this is the default mode)-
[file name] is created if it does not yet exist. If [file name] already exists then its contents are overwritten with the new content provided.
'mode' => 'append'
[file name] is created if it does not yet exist. If [file name] already exists its contents will be preserved and the new content you provide will be appended to the end of the file.
- System level open modes ("open a la C")
Optionally you can ask
to open your handle usingCORE::sysopen
instead of using the native PerlCORE::open()
. This is accomplished by passing in the--use-sysopen
flag. Using this feature opens up more possibilities as far as the open modes you can choose from, but also carries with it a few caveats so you have to be careful, just as you'd have to be a little more careful when usingsysopen()
anyway.Specifically you need to remember that when using this feature you must NOT mix different types of I/O when working with the file handle. You can't go opening file handles with
and print to them as you normally would print to a file handle. You have to usesyswrite()
instead. The same applies here. If you get asysopen()
'd filehandle fromopen_handle()
it is imperative that you usesyswrite()
on it. You'll also need to usesysseek()
and other type ofsys
* commands on the filehandle instead of their native Perl equivalents.That said, here are the different modes you can choose from to get a file handle when using the
flag. Remember that these won't work unless you use the flag, and will generate an error if you try using them without it. The standard'read'
, and'append'
modes are already available to you by default. These are the extended modes:'mode' => 'rwcreate'
[file name] is opened in read-write mode, and will be created for you if it does not already exist.
'mode' => 'rwupdate'
[file name] is opened for you in read-write mode, but must already exist. If it does not exist, a fatal error will result and a diagnostic help message will be printed out to help you troubleshoot the problem.
'mode' => 'rwclobber'
[file name] is opened for you in read-write mode. If the file already exists it's contents will be "clobbered" or wiped out. The file will then be empty and you will be working with the then-truncated file. This can not be undone. Once you call
using this option, your file WILL be wiped out. If the file does not exist yet, it will be created for you. 'mode' => 'rwappend'
[file name] will be opened for you in read-write mode ready for appending. The file's contents will not be wiped out; they will be preserved and you will be working in append fashion. You will only be able to write starting at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, it will be created for you.
- Flags accepted by
Makes sure that CORE::binmode() is called on the filehandle when your content is written. This is useful for times when the content you are writing to file is a binary stream.
By default this method will attempt to get a lock on the file while it is being read, following whatever rules are in place for the flock policy established either by default (implicitly) or changed by you in a call to File::Util::flock_rules() (see the flock_rules()) entry below.
This method will not try to get a lock on the file if the File::Util object was created with the option
or if this method is called with the option--no-lock
. --use-sysopen
Instead of opening the file using Perl's native
will open the file with thesysopen()
command. You will have to remember that your filehandle is asysopen()
'd one, and that you will not be able to use native Perl I/O functions on it. You will have to use thesys
* equivalents. See perlopentut for a more in-depth explanation of why you can't mix native Perl I/O with system I/O.
This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
readlimit( [integer] )
By default, the largest size file that File::Util will read into memory and return via the load_file is 52428800 byptes (50 megabytes).
This value can be modified by calling this method with an integer value reflecting the new limit you want to impose, in bytes. For example, if you want to set the limit to 10 megabytes, call the method with an argument of 10485760.
If this method is called without an argument, the read limit currently in force for the File::Util object will be returned.
This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
return_path( [string] )
Takes the file path from the file name provided and returns it such that "/foo/bar/baz.txt" is returned "/foo/bar".
This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
size( [file name] )
Returns the file size of [file name] in bytes. Returns
if the file is empty, returnsundef
if the file does not exist.This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
strip_path( [string] )
Strips the file path from the file name provided and returns the file name only.
- Syntax:
trunc( [file name] )
Truncates [file name] (i.e.- wipes out, or "clobbers" the contents of the specified file. Returns
if successful. If unsuccessful, fails with a descriptive error message about what went wrong.This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
unlock_open_handle([file handle])
Release the flock on a file handle you opened with open_handle.
Returns true on success, false on failure. Will not raise a fatal error if the unlock operation fails. You can capture the return value from your call to this method and
if you so desire. Failure is not ever very likely, orFile::Util
wouldn't have been able to get a portable lock on the file in the first place.If
wasn't able to ever lock the file due to limitations of your operating system, a call to this method will return a true value.If file locking has been disabled on the file handle via the
flag at the time open_handle was called, or if file locking was disabled using the use_flock method, or if file locking was disabled on the entireFile::Util
object at the time of its creation (see new()), calling this method will have no effect and a true value will be returned.This is an autoloaded method, due to open_handle also being autoloaded.
- Syntax:
use_flock( [true / false value] )
When called without any arguments, this method returns a true or false value to reflect the current use of
within the File::Util object.When called with a true or false value as its single argument, this method will tell the File::Util object whether or not it should attempt to use
in its I/O operations. A true value indicates that the File::Util object will useflock()
if available, a false value indicates that it will not. The default is to useflock()
when available on your system.This is an autoloaded method.
- Syntax:
write_file('file' => [file name], 'content' => [string], [ 'mode' => [mode], 'bitmask' => [bitmask], 'dbitmask' => [bitmask], [--opts])
Attempts to write [string] to [file name] in mode [mode]. If the file does not yet exist it will be created, and it will be created with a bitmask of [bitmask] if you specify a file creation bitmask using the
option, otherwise the file will be created with the default bitmask of 0777.[string] should be a string or a scalar variable containing a string. The string can be any type of data, such as a binary stream, or ascii text with line breaks, etc. Be sure to pass in the
flag for binary streams.If specified, the bitmask must be supplied in the form required by the native perl umask function. see "umask" in perlfunc for more information about the format of the bitmask argument. If the file [file name] already exists then the bitmask argument has no effect and is silently ignored.
Returns 1 if successful or fails (fatal) with an error message if not successful.
Any non-existent directories in the path preceeding the actual file name will be automatically (and silently - no warnings) created for you and any new directories will be created with a bitmask of [dbitmask], provided you specify a directory creation bitmask with the
option.If specified, the directory creation bitmask [dbitmask] must be supplied in the form required by the native perl umask function.
If there is an error while trying to create any preceeding directories, the failure results in a fatal error with a diagnostic error message. If all directories preceeding the name of the file already exist, the dbitmask argument has no effect and is silently ignored.
'mode' => 'write'
(this is the default mode)-
[file name] is created if it does not yet exist. If [file name] already exists then its contents are overwritten with the new content provided.
'mode' => 'append'
[file name] is created if it does not yet exist. If [file name] already exists its contents will be preserved and the new content you provide will be appended to the end of the file.
- Flags accepted by
Makes sure that CORE::binmode() is called on the filehandle when your content is written. This is useful for times when the content you are writing to file is a binary stream.
By default this method will attempt to get a lock on the file while it is being read, following whatever rules are in place for the flock policy established either by default (implicitly) or changed by you in a call to File::Util::flock_rules() (see the flock_rules()) entry below.
This method will not try to get a lock on the file if the File::Util object was created with the option
or if this method is called with the option--no-lock
- Syntax:
valid_filename( [string] )
For the given string, returns 1 if the string is a legal file name for the system on which the program is running, or returns undef if it is not. This method does not test for the validity of file paths! It tests for the validity of file names only. (It is used internally to check beforehand if a file name is useable when creating new files, but is also a public method available for external use.)
- Syntax:
Returns the correct new line character (or character sequence) for the system on which your program runs.
- Syntax:
Returns the File::Util keyword for the operating system FAMILY it detected. The keyword for the detected operating system will be one of the following, derived from the conents of
, or if$^O
can not be found, from the contents of$Config::Config{osname}
(see native Config library), or if that doesn't contain a recognizable value, finally falls back toUNIX
.Generally speaking, Linux operating systems are going to be detected as
. This isn't a bug. The OS FAMILY to which it belongs usesUNIX
style filesystem conventions and line endings, which are the relevant things to file handling operations.- UNIX
Specifics: OS name =~ /^(?:darwin|bsdos)/i
Specifics: OS name =~ /^cygwin/i
Specifics: OS name =~ /^MSWin/i
Specifics: OS name =~ /^vms/i
Specifics: OS name =~ /^dos/i
Specifics: OS name =~ /^MacOS/i
Specifics: OS name =~ /^epoc/i
- OS2
Specifics: OS name =~ /^os2/i
- Perl 5.006 or better
- Class::OOorNO v0.01_1 or better
- Exception::Handler v1.00_0 or better
Get the names of all files and subdirectories in a directory
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
# option --no-fsdots excludes "." and ".." from the list
my(@dirs_and_files) = $f->list_dir('/foo','--no-fsdots');
Get the names of all files and subdirectories in a directory, recursively
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my(@dirs_and_files) = $f->list_dir('/foo','--recurse');
Get the names of all files (no subdirectories) in a directory
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my(@dirs_and_files) = $f->list_dir('/foo','--files-only');
Get the names of all subdirectories (no files) in a directory
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my(@dirs_and_files) = $f->list_dir('/foo','--dirs-only');
Get the number of files and subdirectories in a directory
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my(@dirs_and_files) = $f->list_dir('/foo', qw/--no-fsdots --count-only/);
Get the names of files and subdirs in a directory as seperate array refs
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my($dirs,$files) = $f->list_dir('/foo', '--as-ref');
my($dirs,$files) = $f->list_dir('.', qw/--dirs-as-ref --files-as-ref/);
Get the contents of a file in a string
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my($contents) = $f->load_file('filename');
Get the contents of a file in an array of lines in the file
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my(@contents) = $f->load_file('filename','--as-lines');
Get an open file handle for reading
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my($FH_REF) = $f->open_handle(
'file' => 'new_filename',
'mode' => 'read'
Get an open file handle for writing
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my($FH_REF) = $f->open_handle(
'file' => 'new_filename',
'mode' => 'write'
Write to a new or existing file
use File::Util;
my($content) = 'Pathelogically Eclectic Rubbish Lister';
my($f) = File::Util->new();
$f->write_file('file' => 'a new file.txt', 'content' => $content);
# optionally specify a creation bitmask when writing to a new file
'file' => 'a new file.txt',
'bitmask' => 0777,
'content' => $content
Append to a new or existing file
use File::Util;
my($content) = 'Pathelogically Eclectic Rubbish Lister';
my($f) = File::Util->new();
'file' => 'a new file.txt',
'mode' => 'append',
'content' => $content
Determine if something is a valid file name
use File::Util qw( valid_filename );
if (valid_filename("foo?+/bar~@/#baz.txt")) {
print "file name is valid"
else {
print "file name contains illegal characters"
use File::Util;
print File::Util->valid_filename("foo?+/bar~@/#baz.txt") ? 'ok' : 'bad';
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
print $f->valid_filename("foo?+/bar~@/#baz.txt") ? 'ok' : 'bad';
Get the number of lines in a file
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my($linecount) = $f->line_count('foo.txt');
Strip the path from a file name
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
# On Windows
# (prints "hosts")
my($path) = $f->strip_path('C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts');
# On Linux/Unix
# (prints "perl")
print $f->strip_path('/usr/bin/perl');
# On a Mac
# (prints "baz")
print $f->strip_path('foo:bar:baz');
Get the path preceeding a file name
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
# On Windows
# (prints "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc")
my($path) = $f->strip_path('C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts');
# On Linux/Unix
# (prints "/usr/bin")
print $f->strip_path('/usr/bin/perl');
# On a Mac
# (prints "foo:bar")
print $f->strip_path('foo:bar:baz');
Find out if the host system can use flock
use File::Util qw( can_flock );
print can_flock;
print File::Util->can_flock;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
print $f->can_flock;
Find out if the host system needs to call binmode on binary files
use File::Util qw( needs_binmode );
print needs_binmode;
use File::Util;
print File::Util->needs_binmode;
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
print $f->needs_binmode;
Find out if a file can be opened for read (based on file permissions)
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my($is_readable) = $f->can_read('foo.txt');
Find out if a file can be opened for write (based on file permissions)
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my($is_writable) = $f->can_write('foo.txt');
Escape illegal characters in a potential file name (and its path)
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
# prints "C__WINDOWS_system32_drivers_etc_hosts"
print $f->escape_filename('C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts');
# prints "baz)__@^"
# (strips the file path from the file name, then escapes it
print $f->escape_filename(
# prints "_foo_!_@so~me#illegal$_file&(name"
# (yes, that is a legal filename)
print $f->escape_filename(q[\foo*!_@so~me#illegal$*file&(name]);
Find out if the host system uses EBCDIC
use File::Util qw( ebcdic );
print ebcdic;
use File::Util;
print File::Util->ebcdic;
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
print $f->ebcdic;
Get the type(s) of an existent file
use File::Util qw( file_type );
print file_type('foo.exe');
use File::Util;
print File::Util->file_type('bar.txt');
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
print $f->file_type('/dev/null');
Get the bitmask of an existent file
use File::Util qw( bitmask );
print bitmask('/usr/sbin/sendmail');
use File::Util;
print File::Util->bitmask('C:\COMMAND.COM');
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
print $f->bitmask('/dev/null');
Get time of creation for a file
use File::Util qw( created );
# prints "Fri Aug 22 14:57:58 2003" on my system
print scalar localtime created('/usr/bin/exim');
use File::Util;
# prints "Fri Apr 23 22:22:00 1999" on my system
print scalar localtime File::Util->created('C:\COMMAND.COM');
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
# prints "Thu Jul 24 05:51:30 2003" on my system
print scalar localtime $f->created('/bin/less');
Get the last access time for a file
use File::Util qw( last_access );
# prints "Fri Sep 5 04:11:41 2003" on my system
print scalar localtime last_access('/usr/bin/exim');
use File::Util;
# prints "Mon Sep 22 18:51:53 2003" on my system
print scalar localtime File::Util->last_access('C:\COMMAND.COM');
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
# prints "Mon Sep 22 03:14:38 2003" on my system
print scalar localtime $f->last_access('/bin/less');
Get the last modified time for a file
use File::Util qw( last_modified );
# prints "Fri Sep 5 01:14:51 2003" on my system
print scalar localtime last_modified('/usr/bin/exim');
use File::Util;
# prints "Fri Apr 23 22:22:00 1999" on my system
print scalar localtime File::Util->last_modified('C:\COMMAND.COM');
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
# prints "Fri Sep 5 01:15:17 2003" on my system
print scalar localtime $f->last_modified('/bin/less');
Make a new directory, recursively if neccessary
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
# optionally specify a creation bitmask to be used in directory creations
Truncate a file
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
Get the correct path seperator for the host system
use File::Util qw( SL );
print SL;
use File::Util;
print File::Util->SL;
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
print $f->SL;
Get the correct newline character for the host system
use File::Util qw( NL );
print NL;
use File::Util;
print File::Util->NL;
use File::Util;
my($f) = File::Util->new();
print $f->NL;
EXAMPLES (Full Programs)
Batch File Rename
# Code changes the file suffix of all files in a directory ending in
# *.foo so that they afterward end in *.bar
use strict;
use vars qw( $dir );
use File::Util qw( NL SL );
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my($dir) = '../wibble';
my($old) = 'foo';
my($new) = 'bar';
my(@files) = $f->list_dir($dir, '--files-only');
foreach (@files) {
# don't change the file suffix unless it is *.foo
if ($_ =~ /\.$old$/o) {
my($newname) = $_; $newname =~ s/\.$old/\.$new/;
if (rename($dir . SL . $_, $dir . SL . $newname)) {
print qq[$_ -> $newname], NL
else { warn <<__ERR__ }
Couldn't rename "$_" to "$newname"!
else { print <<__NOCHANGE__ }
File retained as "$_"
Batch Search & Replace
# Code does a batch find or search and replace for all files in a given
# directory, recursively or non-recursively based on choices set forth
# in the code.
use strict;
use File::Util qw( NL SL );
# will get search pattern from file named below
use constant SFILE => './sr/searchfor';
# will get replace pattern from file named below
use constant RFILE => './sr/replacewith';
# will perform batch operation in directory named below
use constant INDIR => '/foo/bar/baz';
# specify whether the operation will do a find or a search and replace
use constant RMODE => [qw| read-only write |]->[1];
# set the options for the search (will or will not recurse, etc)
my(@opts) = [qw/ --files-only --with-paths --recurse /]->[0,1];
# create new File::Util object, set File::Util to send a warning for
# fatal errors instead of dieing
my($f) = File::Util->new('--fatals-as-warning');
my($rstr) = $f->load_file(RFILE);
my($spat) = quotemeta($f->load_file(SFILE)); $spat = qr/$spat/;
my($gsbt) = 0;
my($action) = RMODE eq 'read-only' ? 'detections' : 'substitutions';
my(@files) = $f->list_dir(INDIR, @opts);
for (my($i) = 0; $i < @files; ++$i) {
next if $f->isbin($files[$i]);
my($sbt) = 0; my($file) = $f->load_file($files[$i]);
$file =~ s/$spat/++$sbt;++$gsbt;$rstr/ge;
$f->write_file('file' => $files[$i], 'content' => $file)
if RMODE eq 'write';
print $sbt ? (qq[$sbt $action in $files[$i]] . NL) : '';
print( NL . <<__DONE__ . NL x 2) and exit;
$gsbt $action in ${\scalar(@files)} files.
Pretty-Print A Directory Recursively
use strict;
use vars qw( $a $b );
use File::Util qw( NL );
my($ind) = '';
my($f) = File::Util->new();
my(@o) = qw(
my($filetree) = {};
my($treetrunk) = '/var/';
my($subdirs,$sfiles) = $f->list_dir($treetrunk, @o);
$filetree = [{
$treetrunk => [ sort({ uc $a cmp uc $b } @$subdirs, @$sfiles) ]
descend($filetree->[0]{ $treetrunk },scalar(@$subdirs));
sub descend {
my($parent,$dirnum) = @_;
for (my($i) = 0; $i < $dirnum; ++$i) {
my($current) = $parent->[$i]; next unless -d $current;
my($subdirs,$sfiles) = $f->list_dir($current, @o);
map { $_ = $f->strip_path($_) } @$sfiles;
$current => [ sort({ uc $a cmp uc $b } @$subdirs, @$sfiles) ]
descend($parent->[$i]{ $current },scalar(@$subdirs));
sub walk {
my($dir) = shift(@_);
foreach (@{ [ %$dir ]->[1] }) {
my($mem) = $_;
if (ref($mem) eq 'HASH') {
print($ind . $f->strip_path([ %$mem ]->[0]) . '/',NL);
$ind .= ' ' x 3;
$ind = substr($ind,3);
} else { print($ind . $mem,NL) }
Send bug reports to the AUTHOR. There are no known bugs at this time.
Add full support for PerlIO layers in File::Util::open_handle()
and possibly File::Util::write_file()
Tommy Butler <>
Copyright(C) 2001-2007, Tommy Butler. All rights reserved.
This library is free software, you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.