App::dupfind::Threaded::MapReduce - Basic, abstracted implementation of map-reduce for threaded tasks


version 0.140200


App::dupfind implements a simple map-reduce feature when threading is used and takes same-size file groups and processes them in parallel, each grouping forming a task mapping that is then reduced upon completion to only the files that are truly duplicates.

Please don't use this module by itself. It is for internal use only.



Wrapper/Conveniece method.

Resets all flags, queues, work mappings, and counters. Then it calls $self->mapper on its own @_. Then it returns the result of $self->reducer;


Takes two arguments:

1) a datastructure which it expects to be a hashref whose keys are file sizes and whose values are listrefs forming groupings of files that correspond to the indicated file size.

2) a coderef to execute, which actually is spawned as N threads of the coderef where N is the number of threads that the user has requested.

After spawning the thread pool, mapper() then iterates through the datastructure and places each grouping as a work item into the work queue for all threads.

This is a possibly-too-fine-grained mapping of work to the threads, and so it may change in the future so that work is divided up in a different way, but for now, this is what we've got and it runs pretty darn fast.

After spawning the threads and stuffing their work queue full of things to do, mapper waits until the threads report back that they are done working. The counter mechanism from App::dupfind::Threaded::ThreadManagement is used to accomplish this. When the counter of items processed is equal to the number of items that mapper put into the queue, mapper calls end_wait_thread_pool() which is inherited from the same class as the counter mechanism.

That action cleans up the thread pool and the the application then becomes single-threaded again and is ready for $self->reducer to be called.

This constitutes the "map" part of the map-reduce engine.


Scans through the result of an execution of $self->mapper, and "reduces" it to only the members of the result set that are duplicates (the entire point of this framework).

This constitutes the "reduce" part of the map-reduce engine.