TaskPipe::OpenProxyManager::IPList - the base class for IPLists
TaskPipe's Open Proxy system grabs Lists of open proxy IPs that are available on the internet. Inherit from this class to create a new list. The format of the inherited package is normally:
package TaskPipe::OpenProxyManager::IPList_NewList;
use Moose;
use Web::Scraper
extends 'TaskPipe::OpenProxyManager::IPList';
has page_index_ws => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Web::Scraper', default => sub{
scraper => {
# define scraper to scrape page index of pages
# which have the ips on
has ws => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Web::Scraper', default => sub{
scraper => {
# define scraper to pull the ips from each list page
# (return an arrayref)
sub page_index_url{
my ($self) = @_;
# return the url of the page index
# (define it in a ::Settings package?)
sub url_from_page_index{
my ($self,$index_value) = @_;
# turn index_value into the url for
# the list page and return it
See the other TaskPipe::IPList_
packages for examples