EPUB::Parser - EPUB Parser class
use EPUB::Parser;
my $ee = EPUB::Parser->newe({ epub_version => '3.0' }) #default 3.0 and current supoprt only 3.0
# load epub
$ee->load_file({ file_path => 'sample.epub' });
# or
$ee->load_binary({ data => $binary_data })
# get opf version
my $version = $extract->opf->guess_version;
# get css. Return value is 'EPUB::Parser::Util::Archive::Iterator' object.
my $itr = $ee->opf->manifest->items_by_media_type({ regexp => qr{text/css}ix });
while ( my $zip_member = $itr->next ) {
# shortcut method. iterator object contain image,audio,video item path.
my $itr = $ee->opf->manifest->items_by_media;
# get list under <nav id="toc" epub:type="toc">
# todo: parse nested list
for my $chapter ( @{$ee->navi->toc->list} ) {
# get cover image blob
my $cover_img_path = $ee->opf->manifest->cover_image_path({ abs => 1 });
# get page list from each chapter.
my $collect_pages = $ee->pages_manager->get_page_from_each_chapter;
# no_chapter_member => [
# 'OEBPS/cover.xhtml',
# 'OEBPS/nav.xhtml'
# ],
# chapter_group => [
# [
# 'OEBPS/0_1.xhtml'
# 'OEBPS/0_2.xhtml'
# 'OEBPS/0_3.xhtml'
# ],
# [
# 'OEBPS/1_1.xhtml'
# 'OEBPS/1_2.xhtml'
# 'OEBPS/1_3.xhtml'
# ],
# ....
# ]
EPUB::Parser parse EPUB3 and return Perl Data Structure.
This module can only parse EPUB3.
Copyright (C) tokubass.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
tokubass <>