Test::ExtDirect - An easy and convenient way to test Ext.Direct classes
With default imports:
use Test::ExtDirect;
my $data = call_extdirect(action => 'Action',
method => 'Method',
arg => { foo => 'bar' });
$data = submit_extdirect(action => 'Action',
method => 'form_handler',
arg => { field1 => 'value1' });
$data = poll_extdirect();
use Test::ExtDirect qw(:all);
my $data = call(...);
$data = submit(...);
$data = poll();
This module provides a set of utility functions for testing Ext.Direct classes. For each test script, an instance of RPC::ExtDirect::Server will be created, and requests will be made with RPC::ExtDirect::Client.
This way you can simulate actual Ext JS or Sencha Touch client code making calls, submitting forms, uploading files, or polling events. Such testing provides additional layer of insurance against Ext.Direct specific problems and errors that may otherwise creep into the codebase.
Test::ExtDirect provides the following subroutines:
- start_server(%params)
Starts a new RPC::ExtDirect::Server instance. It is not necessary to call this function directly, call/submit/poll will launch a new server if it's not done yet.
Parameters are accepted as hash and passed on to server constructor. See RPC::ExtDirect::Server for details.
Returns port number that server listens on.
- stop_server
Stops the server instance used for testing. Again it's not necessary to call this function explicitly, the server will be shut down when all tests are finished.
- call_extdirect(%params)
Call Ext.Direct remoting method. Parameters:
- action
Ext.Direct Action (class) name.
- method
Ext.Direct Method name.
- arg
Method arguments; either arrayref for Methods that accept ordered arguments or hashref for Methods that request named arguments.
- ...
Any other parameters are passed to client constructor. See RPC::ExtDirect::Client for details.
Returns whatever data is returned by Method.
- submit_extdirect
Submit an Ext.Direct form request. Takes the following parameters:
- action, method, arg
The same as with "call_extdirect", see above.
- upload
Arrayref of file paths to upload with that request.
Returns the data passed on by Method.
- poll_extdirect
Poll the server for events. Does not take any parameters.
Returns arrayref with event data. When there are no events ready (if you test this case), a single __NONE__ event will be returned. This is to avoid breaking Ext JS code that throws an exception if no events are returned by the server.
By default, the following functions are exported:
- start_server
- stop_server
- call_extdirect
- submit_extdirect
- poll_extdirect
There are short-named versions that are not exported by default to avoid collisions. They can be added with :all tag:
- call
Points to call_extdirect.
- submit
Points to submit_extdirect.
- poll
Points to poll_extdirect.
For each of call*, submit* and poll*, there is similarly named *_ok function that wraps its respective namesake in eval(), passing or failing additional test depending $@.
Test::ExtDirect is dependent on the following modules: Clone, Test::More, RPC::ExtDirect::Server, RPC::ExtDirect::Client.
There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to author, patches are welcome.
For more information on developing Ext.Direct code in Perl, see RPC::ExtDirect.
Alexander Tokarev <>
I would like to thank IntelliSurvey, Inc for sponsoring my work on this module.
Copyright (c) 2012 by Alexander Tokarev
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See "perlartistic".