Wumpus Video Protocol
Video data is sent with headers in this order of bytes:
2 bytes: Magic number (0xFB42)
2 bytes: Protocol version (this document specifies version 0x0001)
2 bytes: Codec ID (h.264 = 0x0001, JPEG = 0x0002)
4 bytes: Flags
4 bytes: Payload length
2 bytes: Width of video
2 bytes: Height of video
4 bytes: Adler32 checksum of payload
4 bytes: Frame count of video
6 bytes: Reserved for future use
This will be followed by the payload data.
The following bits are specified for the Flags field.
- 1 - Reserved for future use
- 2 - If 1, this frame is a keyframe. Codecs where every frame is effectively a keyframe (e.g. MJPEG) should always set this to 1.
- 3 - If 1, the frame count value has overflowed
To ensure clients are still connected, the client should periodically send a Hearbeat packet. If the server does not see a heartbeat within a specified time period (e.g. every 1 minute), it may terminate the connection. Clients should send Heartbeats much more often than that (say every 10 seconds).
The Heartbeat is also sent to initiate a connection.
The Heartbeat packet is structured as the following:
2 bytes: Magic number (0xFB42)
14 bytes: All zeros (reserved for future use)