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HTML::Miner - This Module 'Mines' (hopefully) useful information for an URL or HTML snippet.


Version 0.01


HTML::Miner 'Mines' (hopefully) useful information for an URL or HTML snippet. The following is a list of HTML elements that can be extracted:

  • Find all links and for each link extract:

    URL Title
    URL href
    URL Anchor Text
    URL Domain
    URL Protocol
    URL Absolute location
  • Find all images and for each image extract:

    IMG Source URL
    IMG Absolute Source URL
    IMG Source Domain
  • Extracts Meta Elements such as

    Page Title
    Page Description
    Page Keywords
    Page RSS Feeds
  • Finds the final destination URL of a potentially redirecting URL.

Example ( Object Oriented Usage )

use HTML::Miner;

my $html = "some html";
# or $html = do{local $/;<DATA>}; with __DATA__ provided

my $foo = HTML::Miner->new ( 

  CURRENT_URL                   => ''   , 
  CURRENT_URL_HTML              => $html 


my $meta_data =  $html_miner->get_meta_elements() ;
my $links = $html_miner->get_links();
my $images = $html_miner->get_images();
my ( $clear_url, $protocol, $domain, $uri ) = $html_miner->break_url();  

my $out = HTML::Miner::get_redirect_destination( "redirectingurl_here.html" ) ;

my $out = HTML::Miner::get_absolute_url( "", "../../about/" );

Example ( Direct access of Methods )

use HTML::Miner;

my $html = "some html";
# or $html = do{local $/;<DATA>}; with __DATA__ provided

my $url = "";

my $meta_data =  HTML::Miner::get_meta_elements( $url, $html ) ;
my $links = HTML::Miner::get_links( $url, $html );
my $images = HTML::Miner::get_images( $url, $html );
my ( $clear_url, $protocol, $domain, $uri ) = HTML::Minerbreak_url( $url );  

my $out = HTML::Miner::get_redirect_destination( "redirectingurl_here.html" ) ;

my $out = HTML::Miner::get_absolute_url( "", "../../about/" );

Testing HTML


      <meta name="description" content="desc of site" />
      <meta name="keywords"    content="kw1, kw2, kw3" />
      <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Title" href="" />
      <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Title" href="" />
      <link rel="alternate" type="application/rdf+xml" title="Title" href="" /> 
      <link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="Title" href="" />
  <a href="">Link1</a>
  <a href="link2.html" TITLE="title2" >Link2</a>
  <a href="/link3">Link3</a>
  <img src="" >
  <img alt="image2" src="" />
  <img src="" alt="link3">
  <img src="image3.jpg" alt="link3">

Example Outputs

my $meta_data =  $html_miner->get_meta_elements() ;

# $meta_data->{ TITLE }             =>   "SiteTitle"
# $meta_data->{ DESC }              =>   "desc of site"
# $meta_data->{ KEYWORDS }->[0]     =>   "kw1"
# $meta_data->{ RSS }->[0]->{TYPE}  =>   "application/atom+xml"

my $links = $html_miner->get_links();

# $links->[0]->{ DOMAIN }         =>   ""
# $links->[0]->{ ANCHOR }         =>   "Link1"
# $links->[2]->{ ABS_URL   }      =>   ""
# $links->[1]->{ DOMAIN_IS_BASE } =>   1
# $links->[1]->{ TITLE }          =>   "title2"

my $images = $html_miner->get_images();

# $images->[0]->{ IMG_LOC }     =>  ""
# $images->[2]->{ ALT }         =>  "link3"
# $images->[0]->{ IMG_DOMAIN }  =>  ""
# $images->[3]->{ ABS_LOC }     =>  ""

my ( $clear_url, $protocol, $domain, $uri ) = $html_miner->break_url();  

# $clear_url   =>  ""
# $protocol    =>  "http"
# $domain      =>  ""
# $uri         =>  "/"

HTML::Miner::get_redirect_destination( "redirectingurl_here.html" ) => 'redirected_to'

my $out = HTML::Miner::get_absolute_url( "", "../../about/" );
# $out    => ""

$out = HTML::Miner::get_absolute_url( "", "index2.html" );
# $out    => ""

$out = HTML::Miner::get_absolute_url( "", "../../index.html" );
# $out    => ""

$out = HTML::Miner::get_absolute_url( "", "/about/" );
# $out    => ""

$out = HTML::Miner::get_absolute_url( "www.perl.comhelp/faq/", "" );
# $out    => ""


This Module does not export anything through @EXPORT, however does export the following function through @EXPORT_OK



The following functions are all available directly and through the HTML::Miner Object.

Constructor new

The constructor validates the input data and retrieves a URL if the HTML is not provided.

The constructor takes the following parameters:

my $foo = HTML::Miner->new ( 

    ## New will croak if this is not provided. 
    CURRENT_URL                   => ''   , 
    ## Optional, will be extracted if this is not provided. 
    CURRENT_URL_HTML              => 'long string here'                                     ,  
    ## Will use default if not provided, 
    USER_AGENT                    => 'Perl_HTML_Miner/0.01'                                 ,  
    ## Will use default if not provided, 
    TIMEOUT                       => 5                                                      ,

    DEBUG                         => 0                                                       



This function extracts all URLs from a web page.


  When called on an HTML::Miner Object :

         $retun_element = $html_miner->get_links();

  When called directly                 :

         $retun_element = get_links( $url, $optionally_html_of_url );

  The direct call is intended to be a simplified version of OO call 
      and so does not allow for customization of the useragent and so on!


This function ( regardless of how its called ) returns a pointer to an Array of Hashes who's structure is as follows:

       "URL"             => "extracted url"                       ,
       "ABS_EXISTS"      => "0_if_abs_url_extraction_failed"      , 
       "ABS_URL"         => "absolute_location_of_extracted_url"  ,
       "TITLE"           => "title_of_this_url"                   , 
       "ANCHOR"          => "anchor_text_of_this_url"             ,
       "DOMAIN"          => "domain_of_this_url"                  ,
       "DOMAIN_IS_BASE"  => "1_if_this_domain_same_as_base_domain ,
       "PROTOCOL"        => "protocol_of_this_domain"             ,
       "URI"             => "URI_of_this_url"                     ,

So, to access the title of the second URL found you would use (yes the order is maintained):

@{ $retun_element }[1]->{ TITLE }


If ABS_EXISTS is 0 then DOMAIN, DOMAIN_IS_BASE, PROTOCOL and URI will be undefined

What if I want to extract URLs from a HTML snippet and don't care about the url of that page?

Well simply pass some garbage as the URL and ignore everything except


This function takes as arguments the base URL whithin the HTML of which a second (possibly reletive URL ) URL was found, and returns the absolute location of that second URL.


my $out = HTML::Miner::get_absolute_url( "", "../../about/" )

Will return:


This function can not be called on the HTML::Miner Object. 
The function get_links does this for all URLs found on a webpage. 


This function, given an URL, returns the Domain, Protocol, URI and the input URL in its 'standard' form.

It is called on the HTML::Miner Object as follows:

my ( $clear_url, $protocol, $domain, $uri ) = $break_url();

NOTE: This will return the details of the 'CURRENT_URL'

It is called directly as follows:

my ( $clear_url, $protocol, $domain, $uri ) = $break_url( '' );

Example returned Values:


      clean_url -->
      protocol  --> http
      domain    -->
      uri       --> help/faq/


This function takes as argument a URL that is potentially redirected to another and another and ... URL and returns the FINAL destination URL.

This function REQUIRES to access the web each time its called.

This function CAN NOT be called on the HTML::Miner Object.


my $destination_url = HTML::Miner::get_redirect_destination( 
   '' , 

$destination_url will contain:



This function extracts all images from a web page.


  When called on an HTML::Miner Object :

         $retun_element = $html_miner->get_images();

  When called directly                 :

         $retun_element = get_images( $url, $optionally_html_of_url );

  The direct call is intended to be a simplified version of OO call 
      and so does not allow for customization of the useragent and so on!


This function ( regardless of how its called ) returns a pointer to an Array of Hashes who's structure is as follows:

       "IMG_LOC"         => "extracted_image"                        ,
       "ALT"             => "alt_text_of_this_image"                 ,
       "ABS_EXISTS"      => "0_if_abs_url_extraction_failed"         , 
       "ABS_LOC"         => "absolute_location_of_extracted_image"   ,
       "IMG_DOMAIN"      => "domain_of_this_image"                   ,
       "DOMAIN_IS_BASE"  => "1_if_this_domain_same_as_base_domain    ,

) So, to access the alt text of the second image found you would use (yes the order is maintained):

@{ $retun_element }[1]->{ TITLE }


If ABS_EXISTS is 0 then IMG_DOMAIN and DOMAIN_IS_BASE will be undefined

What if I want to extract images from a HTML snippet and don't care about the URL of that page?

Well simply pass some garbage as the URL and ignore everything except absolute locations and of course domains.


This function retrieves the following meta elements for a given URL (or HTML snippet)

Page Title
Meta Description
Meta Keywords
Page RSS Feeds

It is called through the HTML::Miner Object as follows:

$return_hash = $html_miner->get_meta_elements( );

It is called directly as follows:

$return_hash = $html_miner->get_meta_elements( 
                                URL   => "url_of_page"  ,
                                HTML  => "html_of_page

Note: The above function requires either the html of the url. If the 
      HTML is provided then the URL is used to retrieve the HTML.
      If both are not provided this function will croak.

      Again this function does not allow for customization of User Agent
      and timeout when called directly. 

In either case the returned hash is of the following structure:

$return_hash = ( 
           TITLE     =>   'title_of_page'         ,
           DESC      =>   'description_of_page'   ,
           KEYWORDS  =>   
                'pointer to array of words'       ,
           RSS       => 
                'pointer to Array of Hashes of RSS links' as below

$return_hash->{ RSS } = (
           TYPE      => 'eg: application/atom+xml',
           TITLE     => 'Title of this RSS Feed'  ,
           URL       => 'URL of this RSS Feed'


This is an internal function and is not to be used externally.


This is an internal function and is not to be used externally.


Harish T Madabushi, <harish.tmh at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-html-miner at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc HTML::Miner

You can also look for information at:


The Guys over at PerlMonks ( ) were very helpful. Special thanks to bart, Marshall, ELISHEVA, and james2vegas.


Copyright (C) 2009 4am Design and Technology Labs Pvt. Ltd. (, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.