Changes for version 1.4_01 - 2016-01-14
- Find PEM anywhere
- Support repeated attributes
- Various crashes, internal optimizations
- More OIDs
- Access methods: subject, subjectAltName, extensions
- Generate access methods for unknown OIDs in DNs at runtime
- Add extractCSR method to get CSR in binary or PEM
- subjectPublicKey option to extract in PEM format
- Convert IP addresses to strings
- Convert basicConstraints to string
- Add registerOID to allow extraction of simple custom OIDs
- More tests
- Improve documentation
- Add setAPIversion, regularize OID names in V1
- For API V1, attributes method returns names or values of attributes (except extensions)
- Improve build: Use Dist::Zilla, autogenerate README,LICENE,META,Makefile.PL
- Generate & ship Commitlog from git
parse PKCS #10 certificate requests