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IO::EventMux - Multiplexer for sockets, pipes and any other types of filehandles that you can set O_NONBLOCK on and does buffering for the user.


use IO::EventMux;

my $mux = IO::EventMux->new();

$mux->add($my_fh, Listen => 1);

while (1) {
  my $event = $mux->mux();

  # ... do something with $event->{type} and $event->{fh}


This module provides multiplexing for any set of sockets, pipes, or whatever you can set O_NONBLOCK on. It can be useful for both server and client processes, but it works best when the application's main loop is centered around its mux() method.

The file handles it can work with are either perl's own typeglobs or IO::Handle objects (preferred).



Constructs an IO::EventMux object.

EventMux implements different types of priority queues that determined how events are returned or written.


The ReadPriorityType defines how reads should be return with the mux call and how "fair" it should be. There is currently only 2 ReadPriorityTypes types to select from and using the default is recommended.

The default is 'FairByEvent'.


File handles change turn generating events and gets the minimum of number of reads for generating one event, but if the data returned can be used to generate more events. All events will be pushed to the queue to be returned with the mux() call.

my $mux = IO::EventMux->new( ReadPriorityType => ['FairByEvent'] );


my $mux = IO::EventMux->new( ReadPriorityType => ['FairByEvent',
                                                  $reads_pr_turn] );

$reads_pr_turn is the number of reads the file handle gets to generate an event.

Default $reads_pr_turn is 10. -1 for unlimited.


Events are generated based on the order the file handles are read, this will allow file handles returning allot of events to monopolize the event loop. This also allow the other end of the file handle to fill the memory of the host as EventMux will continue reading so long there is data on the file handle.

my $mux = IO::EventMux->new( ReadPriorityType => ['None'] );

Use this ReadPriorityType with care and only on trusted sources as it's very easy to exploit.


This method will block until ether an event occurs on one of the file handles or the $timeout (floating point seconds) expires. If the $timeout argument is not present, it waits forever. If $timeout is 0, it returns immediately.

The return value is always a hash, which always has the key 'type', indicating what kind it is. It will also usually carry the 'fh' key, indicating what file handle the event happened on.

The 'type' key can have the following values:


Nothing happened and timeout occurred.


The select() system call failed. The event hash will have the key 'error', which is set to the value of $! at the time of the error. Use kill() on the file handle to make the error be handled like a normal "closed" event.


A new client connected to a listening socket and the connection was accepted by EventMux. The listening socket file handle is in the 'parent_fh' key.


A file handle is ready to be written to, this can be use full when working with nonblocking connects so you know when the remote connection accepted the connection.


A new client is trying to connect to a listening socket, but the user code must call accept manually. This only happens when the ManualAccept option is set.


A socket has incoming data. If the socket's Buffered option is set, this will be what the buffering rule define.

The data is contained in the 'data' key of the event hash. If recv() returned a sender address, it is contained in the 'sender' key and must be manually unpacked according to the socket domain, e.g. with Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in().


A socket last data before it was closed did not match the buffering rules, this can happen with the following buffering types: Size, FixedSize and Regexp. And is generally an indicator that you received data that you did not expect.

The Buffering types: "Split", "Disconnect" and "None" expects this and will return a read instead.

The default is not to return read_last, in the sense that "None" is the default buffering type.


A socket has sent all the data in it's queue with the send call. This however does not indicate that the data has reached the other end, normally only that the data has reached the local buffer of the kernel.


A file handle was detected to be have been closed by the other end or the file handle was set to be closed by the user. So EventMux stooped listening for events on this file handle. Event data like 'Meta' is still accessible.

The 'missing' key indicates the amount of data or packets left in the user space buffer when the file handle was closed. This does not indicate the amount of data received by the other end, only that the user space buffer left.


A socket/pipe was disconnected/closed, the file descriptor, all internal references, and data store with the file handle was removed.


The ManualWrite option is set for the file handle, and select() has indicated that the handle can be written to.


The ManualRead option is set for the file handle, and select() has indicated that the handle can be read from.

add($handle, [ %options ])

Add a socket to the internal list of handles being watched.

The optional parameters for the handle will be taken from the IO::EventMux object if not given here:


Defines if this is should be treated as a listening socket, the default is no.

The socket must be set up for listening, which is easily done with IO::Socket::INET:

my $listener = IO::Socket::INET->new(
  Listen    => 5,
  LocalPort => 7007,
  ReuseAddr => 1,

$mux->add($listener, Listen => 1);


Either "stream" or "dgram". Should be auto detected in most cases.

Defaults to "stream".


If a connection comes in on a listening socket, it will by default be accepted automatically, and mux() will return a 'connect' event. If ManualAccept is set an 'accept' event will be returned instead, and the user code must handle it itself.

$mux->add($my_fh, ManualAccept => 1);


By default EventMux handles nonblocking writing and you should use $mux->send($fh, $data) or $mux->sendto($fh, $addr, $data) to send your data, but if some reason you send data yourself you can tell EventMux not to do writing for you and generate a 'can_write' event for you instead.

$mux->add($my_fh, ManualWrite => 1);

In both cases you can use send() to write data to the file handle.

Note: If both ManualRead and ManualWrite is set, EventMux will not set the socket to nonblocking.


By default EventMux will handle nonblocking reading and generate a read event with the data, but if some reason you would like to do the reading yourself you can have EventMux generate a 'can_read' event for you instead.

$mux->add($my_fh, ManualRead => 1);

Never read or recv on the file handle. When the socket becomes readable, a can_read event is returned.

Note: If both ManualRead and ManualWrite is set, EventMux will not set the socket to nonblocking.


By default EventMux will try to read 65536 bytes from the file handle, setting this options to something smaller might help make it easier for EventMux to be fair about how it returns it's event, but will also give more overhead as more system calls will be required to empty a file handle.


Can be a number of different buffering types, common for all of them is that they define when a event should be generated based on when there is enough data for the buffering type to be satisfied. All buffering types also generate an event with the remaining data when there is a disconnect.

As a protection against a hostile remote end filling your memory a $max_read_size is defined for most of buffering types, this defines the maximum amount of data to read from a file handle before generating an event.

The default buffering type is 'None'


Buffering that reads the size from the data to determine when to generate an event. Only the data is returned not the bytes that hold the length information.

$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['Size', $template]);

$template is a pack TEMPLATE, an event is returned when length defined in the $template is reached.

$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['Size', $template, $offset]);

$offset is the numbers of bytes to add to the length that was unpacked with the $template.

$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['Size', $template, $offset, $max_read_size]);

$max_read_size is the maximum number of bytes to read from the file handle pr. event. The default is 1048576 bytes.

If the size read from the template is bigger than $max_read_size an error event will be generated and only $max_read_size will be read from the socket.


Buffering that uses a fixed size to determine when to generate an event.

$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['FixedSize', $size]);

$size is the number of bytes to buffer.


Buffering that uses a regular expressing to determine where to split data into events. Only the data is returned not the splitter pattern itself.

$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['Split', $regexp]);


$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['Split', $regexp, $max_read_size]);

$regexp is a regular expressing that tells where the split the data.

This also works as line buffering when qr/\n/ is used or for a C string with qr/\0/.

$max_read_size is the maximum number of bytes to read from the file handle pr. event. The default is 1048576 bytes.

If no match has been reach after matching $max_read_size of data from the buffer a error event will be generated and the $max_read_size of data will be returned in a data event.


Buffering that uses a regular expressing to determine when there is enough data for an event. Only the match defined in the () is returned not the complete regular expressing.

$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['Regexp', $regexp]);


$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['Regexp', $regexp, $max_read_size]);

$regexp is a regular expressing that tells what data to return.

An example would be qr/^(.+)\n/ that would work as line buffing.

$max_read_size is the maximum number of bytes to read from the file handle pr. event. The default is 1048576 bytes.

If no match has been reach after matching $max_read_size of data from the buffer a error event will be generated and the $max_read_size of data will be returned in a data event.


Buffering that waits for the file handle to be closed or disconnected to generate a 'read' event.

$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['Disconnect']);

$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['Disconnect', $max_read_size]);

$max_read_size is the maximum number of bytes to read from the file handle pr. event. The default is 1048576 bytes.

If more data than $max_read_size if received before the file handle is closed or disconnected, an error event will be generated and $max_read_size of data will be returned in a data event.


Disable Buffering and return data when it's received. This is the default state.

$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['None']);


$mux->add($my_fh, Buffered => ['None', $max_read_size]);

$max_read_size is the maximum number of bytes to read from the file handle pr. event. The default is 1048576 bytes.


An optional scalar piece of metadata for the file handle. Can be retrieved and manipulated later with meta()


Returns a list of file handles managed by this object.

meta($fh, [$newval])

Set or get a piece of metadata on the filehandle. This can be any scalar value.


Make EventMux forget about a file handle. The caller will then take over the responsibility of closing it.


Close a file handle. File handles managed by EventMux must be closed through this method to make sure all resources are freed.

IO::EventMux will delay closing the file handle until the out buffer is empty and at the same time stop listening on read event on that socket. This in turn will also generate a 'closing' and a 'closed' event.

Note: All meta data associated with the file handle will be kept until the final 'closed' event is returned.


Closes a file handle without giving time to finish any outstanding operations. Returns a 'closed' event, delete all buffers and does not keep 'Meta' data.

Note: Does not return the 'read_last' event.

timeout($fh, [ $set_timeout ])

Get or set the read timeout for this file handle in seconds. When no data has been received for this many seconds, a 'timeout' event will be returned for this file handle.

Set the undefined value for infinite timeout, which is the default.

The timeout is reset to infinity if any data is read from the file handle, so it should be set again before the next read if desired.


Queries the length of the output buffer for this file handle. This only applies if ManualWrite is turned off, which is the default. For Type="dgram" sockets, it returns the number of datagrams in the queue.

An application can use this method to see whether it should send more data or wait until the buffer queue is a bit shorter.

send($fh, @data)

Queues @data to be written to the file handle $fh. Can only be used when ManualWrite is off (default).

If the socket is of Type="stream" (default)

Returns true on success, undef on error. The data is sent when the socket becomes unblocked and a 'sent' event is posted when all data is sent and the buffer is empty. Therefore the socket should not be closed until "buflen($fh)" returns 0 or a sent request has been posted.

If the socket is of Type="dgram"

Each item in @data will be sent as a separate packet. Returns true on success and undef on error.

sendto($fh, $to, @data)

Like send(), but with the recepient $to as a packed sockaddr structure, such as the one returned by Socket::pack_sockaddr_in(). Only for Type="dgram" sockets.

$mux->sendto($my_fh, pack_sockaddr_in($port, inet_aton($ip)), $data);


Puts socket into nonblocking mode.


Jonas Jensen <>, Troels Liebe Bentsen <>


Copyright 2006-2007: Troels Liebe Bentsen, Jonas Jensen

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.