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eBay::API::XML::Call::GetWantItNowSearchResults inherits from the eBay::API::XML::BaseCall class



Limits the result set to just those Want It Now posts listed in the specified category. Defaults to all categories if no category ID is specified. If the specified category ID does not match an existing category for the site, an invalid-category error message is returned. Controls the set of listings to return (not the details to return for each listing). You must specify a Query and/or a CategoryID in the request.

MaxLength: 10

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


Controls the pagination of the result set. Child elements specify the maximum number of item listings to return per call and which page of data to return.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:PaginationType'


Specifies a search string. The search string consists of one or more keywords to search for in the listing title. Note that the post description will also be searched if SearchInDescription is enabled. By default, requests return a list of Want It Now posts that include all of the keywords specified in the Query. All words used in the query, including "and," "or," and "the," will be treated as keywords. You can, however, use modifiers and wildcards (e.g., +, -, and *) in the Query field to create more complex searches. Be careful when using spaces before or after modifiers and wildcards (+, -, or *), as the spaces can affect the query logic. See the eBay Web Services Guide for a list of valid search keyword query operators and examples.

MaxLength: 350 (characters)

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


If true, include the description field of Want It Now posts in the keyword search. Want It Now posts returned are those where specified search keywords appear in either the description or the title. This is the default behavior if SearchInDescription is not specified. If false, only the title will be searched. SearchInDescription is an optional input.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:boolean'


If true, the search applies to all eBay sites. If false, the search is limited to the site specified in the URL query string when the call is made.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:boolean'


Indicates whether there are additional Want It Now posts that meet the search criteria.

Returned: Always
#    Returns: 'xs:boolean'


Indicates the maximum number of Want It Now posts that can be returned in a WantItNowPostArray for a request. This value can be specified in the request by EntriesPerPage in Pagination in the request.

Returned: Always
#    Returns: 'xs:int'


Indicates the page of data returned by the current call.

Returned: Always
#    Returns: 'xs:int'


Indicates the results of the pagination, including the total number of pages of data there are to be returned and the total number of posts there are to be returned.

Returned: Always
#    Returns: 'ns:PaginationResultType'


Contains the returned Want It Now posts, if any. The data for each post is returned in a WantItNowPostType object.

Returned: Always
#    Returns: 'ns:WantItNowPostArrayType'