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eBay::API - Perl SDK for eBay Web services Interface


# 1. GeteBayOfficialTime use eBay::API::XML::Call::GeteBayOfficialTime;

my $pCall = eBay::API::XML::Call::GeteBayOfficialTime->new();
my $sOfficialTime = $pCall->getEBayOfficialTime();

# 2. GetUser use eBay::API::XML::Call::GetUser; use eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::DetailLevelCodeType;

my $pCall = eBay::API::XML::Call::GetUser->new();
$pCall->setDetailLevel( [eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::DetailLevelCodeType::ReturnAll] );

my $pUser = $pCall->getUser();
my $sStatusCode = $pUser->getStatus();
my $sSiteCode  = $pUser->getSite();

# 3. VerifyAddItem use eBay::API::XML::Call::VerifyAddItem; use eBay::API::XML::DataType::ItemType; use eBay::API::XML::DataType::CategoryType; use eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::CountryCodeType; use eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::CurrencyCodeType; use eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::ListingTypeCodeType; use eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType;

my $pItem = eBay::API::XML::DataType::ItemType->new();
$pItem->setDescription('item description.');
$pItem->setLocation('San Jose, CA');
$pItem->setTitle('item title');

my $pCat = eBay::API::XML::DataType::CategoryType->new();

my $pCall = eBay::API::XML::Call::VerifyAddItem->new();


$sItemId = $pCall->getItemID()->getValue();


This document describes the installation, configuration, and usage of eBay::API module.

The eBay::API library is based on the eBay API XML schema and it does not use SOAP to submit calls. Other than differences in the SOAP envelope and the way SOAP reports errors, the calls and data types defined in eBay API XML schema and eBay API wsdl are almost exactly the same.

You can retrieve the latest version of eBay API XML schema from: 

During installation that document is used to generate the library's call and data type classes.

You can find additional documentation about eBay API XML schema on the following URL:

Each call and data type described in the above document has its Perl module counterpart in this library. Also, each property defined for each call and data type has a setter/getter counterpart.

This library is rich in features. The consequence of this is some degree of complexity. It is hoped, the accompanying documentation will help to ease the task of familiarizing yourself with the library. Suggestions for improvements are always welcome.


You can install this package either by using a CPAN installer, or by downloading the package and manually installing it by the customary method of perl Makefile.PL, etc.

There are a number of prerequisite CPAN modules you may need to install. If you run perl Makefile.PL, it will tell you which modules you need to install. Please also reference the INSTALL document provided with this package.


eBay XML Web Service Interface

This library provides a complete library of classes and method to utilize every published XML API call, including getter and setter methods for all information delivered by the individual services.

Synchronous/Asynchronous Calls

By packaging multiple calls in the provided eBay::API::XML::Session class, it is possible to invoke multiple, different API services either in parallel (asynchronously) or sequentially.

See eBay::API::XML::Session for more details.

Optional Exception Framework

By using the eBay::Exception class, it is possible to incorporate robust exception handling into your client application, and enable all severe run-time exceptions to be logged with the library's logging framework.

See documentation for eBay::Exception for more details.

Optional Logging Framework

The package includes a framework supporting application logging. Some of the features of this logging include optional message headers, setting severity levels for logging, logging to files, and logging to message handlers, or subroutines.

The five supported log levels are:

use constant LOG_DEBUG => scalar 1;
use constant LOG_INFO  => scalar 2;
use constant LOG_WARN  => scalar 3;
use constant LOG_ERROR => scalar 4;
use constant LOG_FATAL => scalar 5;

See eBay::API::BaseApi documentation for details on the methods available for managing logging.

See EXAMPLES below for some ways to use the logging framework.

Run Time Parameter Checking

As an extra sanity check, the number and type of arguments used when calling many methods in the API package are checked for correctness. Exceptions will be logged and thown if the arguments are not correct.

Parameter checking is enabled by default. You may want to disable parameter checking in a production environment if you are worried about performance costs. However, the overhead should be minimal.

To disable parameter checking use the base API instance method:

enableParameterChecks(0)  # zero means disable

To enable parameter checking use:



The package includes tools to auto generate all classes needed to invoke any published eBay XML API web service, including accessing all data components accepted and delivered by the web services.


There is also a tool to generate indexed HTML documenation for every package included in this library, or generated by this library.


Auto Generation of Call & Data type Classes

When you first install the library, you need to be connected to the internet (unless you disable the autogeneration at module installation time). Part of the make process involves retrieving the latest eBay XML API schema from the published xsd file, and using that file to generate the supporting classes for the eBay web services.

The auto generation process also produces POD documentation for the generated classes.

It is important to realize that you can regenerate these classes at any time.

eBay is constantly releasing new features that are made available to the API. The code generation toolset gives you the power to transparently keep up with these enhancements and make them directly available to your API-enabled applications as new versions of the eBay API become available.

Consult the README file in lib/eBay/API/XML/tools/codegen/xsd for instructions on how to update your generated eBay XML API web services class library.

You Must Read/Reference The eBay XML API Schema Docs

It is VERY important that all developers using this SDK read and understand the eBay datatypes and calls as described in the API documentation itself. The autogenerated classes here cannot be a substitute, as there exists limitations and assumptions in this SDK that are necessary for this SDK to be able to provide the autogeneration tools. That being said, developers using this SDK cannot rely on just the eBay API documentation alone either. Due to the same limitations and assumptions, there may not be a 1-to-1 correlation between the Perl SDK interface and what is described in the API documentation; I cannot stress these points enough.

Generating HTML-style Documentation

CPAN offers the POD documentation accompanying the base classes in HTML format. But, since the majority of the classes in this library are generated when the modules are installed, the documentation for the generated classes only exists in POD format.

Using the tool (mentioned above in the Tools section), you can create a library of indexed HTML documentation. Consult the README file in lib/eBay/API/XML/tools/doc for details on how to compile and access HTML manual pages for the generated classes from a web browser.

Error Stub Capability

An important part of any application is thoughtful error handling. The eBay web services take up much of the burden by thoroughly validating most of the imputs you provide with your web service requests. The error stub capability allows you to simulate various API error codes likely to be return by a given web service response so you can test the error handling logic of your applications.

See the section on the base forceError() method inherited by each web service call class below for more details on the error stub capability.


Provided Classes


This is a very generic module, that really only exists for the following reasons:

a)  To support the namespace of this package
b)  To contain the overall $VERSION of this package
c)  To contain the general documentation for this package


This module provides a framework to users of the eBay::API packages to throw, catch and handle severe runtime exceptions gracefully.

The eBay::API exceptions inherit the functionality of CPAN modules Exceptions::Class and Error, including such informational fields as message, error, time, package, etc.

See the documentation for eBay/ for details on how to enable exception handling.


This class is the base class for all classes in the API hierarchy, especially the generated classes supporting the various eBay API calls and data types. The class contains the base class constructor, and supporting frameworks for logging, internal exception handling and management of ebay certification (AuthNAuth) information. All classes in the eBay::API::XML class path extend from the BaseAPI.

In the future, any new extension to this package for supporting different API protocols (such as SOAP) should "extend" itself from this class.


BaseXML class extends BaseAPI class and at this moment it contains just one property: ApiUrl. This property is used to set URL to be used for calls against the XML version of the eBay web services API.


BaseCallGen class extends BaseXML class and it is a parent class for BaseCall class. It contains request and response properties that are common for all calls.

This class is generated when the libary is installed and built on your computer, or when the generated classes are rebuilt.


BaseCall class extends BaseCallGen class and it is being extended by all API calls. BaseCall class is responsible for submitting an API request as well as processing the received response. It really contains major logic for handling all API calls.


This class is the most parent class of the DataType class hierachy. All DataType classes extend this class. It contains methods that serialize a DataType object into an XML document as well as methods that deserialize an XML document into a DataType object. Its internals should not be a concern for a user of this library.


This class is used internally by the the Session and BaseCall classes to implement repeated calls to a web service in case of failure due to timeouts, etc.

There are some shared methods available to calls and sessions that allow you to tune the retry logic of your application:

setTimeout() allows you specify how many seconds your application 
             should wait for a response.

setCallRetry() allows you to specify how many times your application 
             should retry in case of a timeout before giving up.

For example, an application may want to wait a bit longer when seeking results on a search query then it would to add a new auction item.

See the eBay::API::BaseApi for more information on these and other general directives you can adjust.


This class collects multiple requests to the eBay XML API and submits them sequentially or in parallel. When used in sequential mode it offers some support for transactional integrity, minus the concept of a rollback. For more details, including code examples see the documentation for eBay/API/XML/

Generated Classes

The generated classes are placed in the following directory structure:

lib/eBay/API/XML/Call                     Call base classes
ib/eBay/API/XML/Call/AddItem (etc)        Call request and response classes
lib/eBay/API/XML/DataType                 Complex data types (Item, User, etc.)
lib/eBay/API/XML/DataType/Enum            Enumerated codes, types, etc.

See discussion below for more details on the generated classes and how to use them.


There are a set of arguments that have to be set for each call. Those arguments are:

a) eBay API application credentials:  Dev ID, App ID, Cert ID
b) API Transport - URL against calls are being executed.
c) API Version and API compatibility level
d) User credentials
   1. User Token
   2. UserName and UserPassword
   It is enough to set either user token or username and user password. If you set 
   both "User Token" and UserName/UserPassword than "User Token" is used.

There are two ways to set these arguments:

a) using ENV variables
b) using provided setters

Via ENV variables

The following ENV variables can be set so that you do not have to specify 
credentials, proxy url, site id with each call:

# eBay API application credentials

# eBay User credentials

   Be aware that eBay User Credentials ENV variables are used for each call
   unless they are explicitly overwritten by appropriate call setters. So these
   credentials should be used only for anonymous calls while for non-anonymous 
   calls you should use credentials of a specific user on whose behalf you are
   submitting the call.

   Also, be aware that most API calls require the use of an auth token vice
   that of a userid/password.  Check the latest API documentation for further

# eBay API URL
# getApiUrl and setApiUrl
  $ENV{'EBAY_API_URI'} = 'urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents'

# site id
# additional call parameters

Via provided setters

# 1. Instantiate the API call object.
  my $pCall = eBay::API::XML::Call::GetUser->new();

# 2.  set credentials, api URL, version (parameters common for all calls)

# 2.1 set transport
  (For example, see official eBay API documentation for proper transport.)

# 2.2 set application credentials

# 2.3 set user credentials
#   or

# 2.4 set siteId
# You can find more about siteIDs in 
# eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::SiteCodeType
  $pCall->setSiteID(0);  # US

# 2.4 additional common arguments

# 3. set arguments specific to current call and execute the call
  $pCall->setDetailLevel( [eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::DetailLevelCodeType::ReturnAll] );

# 4. Execute the API call.



See above.

Specific Web Service Requests

See synopsis above.

Application logging

The follow example shows how to use the logging framework in your applications to log application events either to a file or to a message handler.

use eBay::API::XML::Call::GeteBayOfficialTime;
use strict;

# Construct a call class

my $pCall = eBay::API::XML::Call::GeteBayOfficialTime->new();

# Initialize the logging facility.
# These settings are package level and shared by all other subsequently
# constructed classes that inherit from eBay::API.

open (LOGGER, ">/tmp/ebay.log");         # Log to a file (or pipe, etc.)
$pCall->setLogLevel($pCall->LOG_DEBUG);  # set the log level
$pCall->setLogHeader(1);                 # Add time, log level to messages

# Get the official time.

# Log some information

$pCall->logDebug($pCall->getEBayOfficialTime() . "\n");  # log data
$pCall->dumpObject();  # Log Dumper of entire call; good for debugging
$pCall->logXml($pCall->LOG_DEBUG, $pCall->getResponseRawXml());

# You can also log to a subroutine / message handler
# rather than a file.

$pCall->logInfo("Just log to standard out.");

sub myLogHandler () {
  my $msg = shift;
  # just print to STDOUT
  print $msg . "\n";

Exception Handling

See eBay::Exception documentation for examples of how to enable exception handling with try/catch statements.

Session Management

See eBay::API::XML::Session documentation for examples of how to create and submit a bundle of web service requests either in parallel or sequentially.



Object constructor for all classes extending eBay::API::XML::BaseCall (basically for all API calls).




  • A hash reference containing the following possible arguments:

    • site_id => Scalar representing the eBay site id of the XML API calls. Setting the site id at the session level will provide a default site id for all API calls bundled into a session. The site id for individual calls may still be overridden when the respective request objects are instantiated, via the setSiteID() method.

      If this value is not provided, it will attempt to use the value in the environment variable EBAY_API_SITE_ID;

    • dev_id => Scalar representing the Developer ID provided to the user by eBay. The developer ID is unique to each licensed developer (or company). By default this will be taken from the environment variable EBAY_API_DEV_ID, but it can be overridden here or via the setDevID() instance method.

    • app_id => Scalar representing the Application ID provided to the user by eBay. The application ID is unique to each application created by the developer. By default this will be taken from the environment variable EBAY_API_APP_ID, but it can be overridden here or via the setAppID() instance method.

    • cert_id => Scalar representing the Certification ID provided to the user by eBay. The certificate ID is unique to each application created by the developer. By default this will be taken from the environment variable EBAY_API_CERT_ID, but it can be overridden here or via the setCertID() instance method.

    • user_name => Scalar representing the application level user name for this session. This can be set via the environment variable EBAY_API_USER_NAME, or may be overridden for each bundled call in the session via the setUserName() instance method.

    • user_password => Scalar reprsenting the application level user password for this session. This can be set via the environment variable EBAY_API_USER_PASSWORD, or may be overridden for each bundled call in the session via the setUserPassword() instance method.

    • user_auth_token => Scalar representing the auth token for the application level user for this session. This may be set via the environment variable EBAY_API_USER_AUTH_TOKEN, or overridden for each bundled call via the setAuthToken() instance method.

    • api_ver => Scalar representing the eBay webservices API version the user wishes to utilize. If this is not set here, it is taken from the environment variable EBAY_API_VERSION, which can be overridden via the instance method setVersion().

    • proxy => Scalar representing the eBay transport URL needed to send the request to. If this is not set here, it must be set via the environment variable EBAY_API_XML_TRANSPORT, or the setApiUrl() instance method.

    • detail_level => Value for the default detail level of the eBay XML API requests invoked. If not set here, it can be set with the instance getter/setter methods getDetailLevel() and setDetailLevel(). When bundling requests, this is the default detail level for all requests. The detail level may be overridden for a specific request when it is constructed.

    • compatibility_level => This value is defined as a default in each release of the API schema, and is taken by default via the autogenerated class constant eBay::API::XML::Release::RELEASE_NUMBER. But, if you need to override the default value, you can do this either when you instatiate your session object, or by using the instance setter method setCompatibilityLevel(), or globally via the environment variable EBAY_API_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL.

    • sequential => Boolean value to indicate if the requests should be issued sequentially if true, and in parallel if false (default). This may also be set with the instance setter method setExecutionSequential().

    • timeout => Scalar numerical value indicating the number of seconds to wait on an http request before timing out. Setting this to 0 will cause the requests to block. Otherwise the default is that of LWP::UserAgent. This may also be set with the instance setter method setTimeout();


  • success Object reference to an API call.

  • failure undefined


Even though the constructor has a lot of arguments, in general you probably don't need to use them. If you set ENV variables you really do not have to provide any arguments to a constructor.



Executes the call. Serialiaze XML request, sends request, receives response and deserializes received XML response. This method does not return any values. In order to access retrieved values use call's getter properties.


Info properties


Returns eBay official time at time of call execution


Returns call's name

Request header properties

The following properties are used to get/set request header properties

$pCall->setDevID( $dev_id )

Get/set the dev id for api certification. This variable is set to default to the value of $ENV{EBAY_API_DEV_ID}. You can override this either when constructing a call object or by using this method after the construction of the call.

$pCall->setAppID( $app_id )

Get/set the app id for the call. This overrides any default in $ENV{EBAY_API_APP_ID}. You can override this either when constructing a call object or by using this method after the construction of the call.

$pCall->setCertID( $cert_id )

Get/set the cert id for the call. This overrides any default in $ENV{EBAY_API_CERT_ID}. You can override this either when constructing a call object or by using this method after the construction of the call.

$pCall->setSiteID( $site_id )

Get/set the siteId for the call. This overrides any default in $ENV{EBAY_API_SITE_ID}. You can override this either when constructing a call object or by using this method after the construction of the call. For site id mapping please see eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::SiteCodeType.

$pCall->setCompatibilityLevel( $compatibilityLevel )

Get/set the compatibility level of the request payload schema for the call. This overrides any default in $ENV{EBAY_API_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL}. You can override this either when constructing a call object or by using this method after the construction of the call.

$pCall->setVersion( $version )

This property is not used since the library is based on XML API, but it is included in case we create a libary based on SOAP.

If you are using the SOAP API, this field is required in the body of the request. Specify the version of the schema your application is using.

If you are using the XML API, this field has no effect. Instead, specify the version in the CompatibilityLevel HTTP header. (eBay only uses the value in this HTTP header when processing XML API requests. If you specify Version in the body of an XML API request and it is different from the value in the HTTP header, eBay returns an informational warning that the value in the HTTP header was used instead.)

The version you specify for a call has two effects:

    1) It directly indicates the version of the code lists and other 
	data that eBay should use to process your request.

    2) It indirectly indicates the API compatibility level of the data and 
	functionality you are using.

See the eBay Web Services guide for information about schema versions, code lists, and compatibility levels.

User credential properties

$pCall->setUserName( $username )

Get/set the username for the call. This overrides any default in $ENV{EBAY_API_USER_NAME}. You can override this either when constructing a call object or by using this method after the construction of the call.

$pCall->setUserPassword( $userPassword )

Get/set the user password for the call. This overrides any default in $ENV{EBAY_API_USER_PASSWORD}. You can override this either when constructing a call object or by using this method after the construction of the call.

$pCall->setAuthToken( $userAuthToken )

Get/set the user authentication token for the call. This overrides any default in $ENV{EBAY_API_USER_AUTH_TOKEN}. You can override this either when constructing a call object or by using this method after the construction of the call. You should use either authentication token or username, password. If both, token and username/password are set then token is used and username/password are ignored by the SDK.

SDK's properties


Returns eBay's API XML Schema version on which the SDK is based

Helper properties

$pCall->setCompression( $isCompression )

Enables/disables compression in the HTTP header. This tells the API server whether the client application can accept gzipped content or not. If this property is set then the API server returns compressed XML response. Do not set this unless you have CPAN module Compress::Zlib. This is potentially useful for possibly large API responses such as GetCategories, etc.


This method returns a textual representation of the request (request type, url, query string, header and content). If argument isXmlPrettyPrint is set to 1 then the request's XML is pretty printed


This method returns a textual representation of the response (header info as well as response body. If argument isXmlPrettyPrint is set to 1 then the response's XML is pretty printed. NOTE: It is recommended not to use this feature in production, only during development and/or testing. The CPAN module used to help with the pretty-ness of the XML is VERY sloooooooooooooow.


This method returns a textual representation of the requests' body


This method returns a textual representation of the response's body


Tells to a programmer whether a request has been submitted or not. This method is mainly used in Session in sequential mode.


The library internally uses XML::Simple for XML parsing. This method returns XML::Simple data structure for a given path. Path is defined as a reference to an array of node names, starting with the top level node and ending with lowest level node.

Path IS NOT an XPATH string!!!!

Path examples for VerifyAddItem call:

@path = ( 'Fees','Fee' );   # Returns fees as an XML::Simple data structure
@path = ( 'Errors' );       # Returns Response errors as an XML::Simple data structure
@path = ( 'Errors-xxxx' );  # Returns nothing because 'Errors-xxxx' node does not exist.

Notice that root node is not being specified. The reason for that is that XML::Simple is configured not to put root node into its data structure (that is a default behaviour for XML::Simple).

If path is not submitted return the whole XML::Simple data structure.


This method is used to force a given error when a call is being executed. If the forced error is set, then that error is being returned by the call without executing the call (sending request to the API Server and receiving the response).

This method is used for test purposes when a programmer wants to test how the application handles an API error.

Arguments: This method uses named argument calling style that looks like this:

$pCall->forceError ( sErrorCode => '1025', sShortMsg => 'Test API error', ... );

Required arguments

   1 - sErrorCode - API error code
   2 - sShortMsg  - short error message
   3 - sLongMsg   - long error message

Optional arguments

   4 - sSeverityCode - severity code
         default severity code:
   5 - sErrorClassificationCode - error classification code
         default error classification code


  $pCall->forceError (
                'sErrorCode' => '1025'
                ,'sShortMsg' => 'Test error short message'
                ,'sLongMsg' => 'Test error long message'

Common request (input) properties


Each call has a call specific RequestDataType property which defines set of request properties specific for that call. This method gives you access to those properties. The request properties listed below are basically shortcuts for the following syntax:

$pCall->getDetailLevel() <=> $pCall->getRequestDataType()->getDetailLevel();

To get list of properties available for a specific call, please read POD documentation for that call.

$pCall->setDetailLevel( @aDetailLevels )
@aDetailLevels = $pCall->getDetailLevel()

Detail levels are instructions that define standard subsets of data to return for particular data components (e.g., each Item, Transaction, or User) within the response payload. For example, a particular detail level might cause the response to include buyer-related data in every result (e.g., for every Item), but no seller-related data. Specifying a detail level is like using a predefined attribute list in the SELECT clause of an SQL query. Use the DetailLevel element to specify the required detail level that the client application needs pertaining to the data components that are applicable for the request. The DetailLevelCodeType defines the global list of available detail levels for all request types. Most request types support certain detail levels or none at all. If you pass a detail level that exists in the schema but that isn't valid for a particular request, eBay will ignore it and your request will still be processed (currently). For each request type, see the eBay Web Services guide to determine which detail levels are applicable and which elements are returned for each applicable detail level.

Notice that you can set multiple DetailLevels for a given call. In cases when you have to submit multiple detail levels you have to provide either an array or a reference to an array with a list of valid detail levels. getDetailLevel always returns either an array or a reference to an array (depending on calling context) even if you have used a scalar value to set detail level.

DetailLevel code must be one of eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::DetailLevelCodeType enum values.

$pCall->setErrorHandling( $ErrorHandlingCodeType )
$pCall->getErrorHandling( )

Error tolerance level for the call. For calls that support Item Specifics, this is a preference that controls how eBay handles listing requests when invalid attribute data is passed in. See Attribute Error Handling in the eBay Web Services guide for details about this field in listing requests.

ErrorHandling code must be one of eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::ErrorHandlingCodeType enum values.


Use ErrorLanguage to return error strings for the call in a different language from the language commonly associated with the site that the requesting user is registered with. Specify the standard RFC 3066 language identification tag (e.g., en_US).


ID    country
----- -----
de_AT Austria
de_CH Switzerland
de_DE Germany 
en_AU Australia
en_CA Canada
en_GB United Kingdom
en_US United States
es_ES Spain
fr_BE Belgium (French)
fr_FR France
it_IT Italy
nl_BE Belgium (Dutch)
nl_NL Netherlands
zh_TW Taiwan
zh_CN China
en_IN India
en_IE Ireland
zh_HK Hong Kong

A unique identifer for a particular call. If the same InvocationID is passed in after it has been passed in once on a call that succeeded for a particular application and user, then an error will be returned. The identifier can only contain digits from 0-9 and letters from A-F. The identifier must be 32 characters long. For example, 1FB02B2-9D27-3acb-ABA2-9D539C374228.

This is one of DataTypes explained in "IDIOSYNCRASIES".

You can also set a value using the following snippet:

my $pUUIDType = eBay::API::XML::UUIDType->new();
$pUUIDType->setValue( $invokation_id );
$pCall->setInvocationID ($pUUIDType )

This is possible because the argument that setInvocationID expects is an object of eBay::API::XML::UUIDType even though that class at this moment has only one property ('value').

$pCall->setMessageID( $message )

In most cases, all calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response.

If you pass a message ID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. You can use this for tracking that a response is returned for every request and to match particular responses to particular requests.

If you do not pass MessageID in the request, CorrelationID is not returned. Note that some calls are designed to retrieve large sets of meta-data that only change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). In these cases, the correlation ID is not applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount data returned, you can use MessageID and CorrelationID for these meta-data calls.

These are the meta-data calls that can return cached responses:

and GetProductSearchPage
$pCall->setWarningLevel( $WarningLevelCodeType )

Controls whether or not to return warnings when the application passes unrecognized elements in a request. (This does not control warnings related to unrecognized values within elements.)

WarningLevelCodeType is one of eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::WarningLevelCodeType enum values.

Common response (output) properties


Each call has a specific ResponseDataType property which defines set of response properties specific for that call. This method gives you access to those properties. The response properties listed below are basically shortcuts for the following syntax:

$pCall->getAck() <=> $pCall->getResponseDataType()->getAck();

To get list of properties available for a specific call, please read POD documentation for that call.

The following properties are used to get response properties common for all calls


A token representing the application-level acknowledgement code that indicates the response status (e.g., success). The AckCodeType list specifies the possible values for Ack.

AckCodeType is one of eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::AckCodeType enum values.


This refers to the specific software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. This includes the version number plus additional information. eBay Developer Support may request the build information when helping you resolve technical issues.


In most cases, all calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response.

If you pass a message ID in a request, the API service will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. You can use this for tracking that a response is returned for every request and to match particular responses to particular requests.

If you do not pass MessageID in the request, CorrelationID is not returned. Note that some calls are designed to retrieve large sets of meta-data that only change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). In these cases, the correlation ID is not applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount data returned, you can use MessageID and CorrelationID for these meta-data calls.

These are the calls that can return cached responses:


Information that explains a failure due to a duplicate InvocationID being passed in.


Unique Identifier of Recipient user ID of the notification. Only returned by Platform Notifications (not for regular API call responses).


Expiration date of the user's authentication token. Only returned within the 7-day period prior to a token's expiration.

To ensure that user authentication tokens are secure and to help avoid a user's token being compromised, tokens have a limited life span. A token is only valid for a period of time (set by eBay). After this amount of time has passed, the token expires and must be replaced with a new token.


Supplemental information from eBay, if applicable. May elaborate on errors or provide useful hints for the seller.

This data can accompany the call's normal data result set or a result set that contains only errors.

The string can return HTML, including TABLE, IMG, and HREF elements. In this case, an HTML-based application should be able to include the HTML as-is in the HTML page that displays the results.

A non-HTML application would need to parse the HTML and convert the table elements and image references into UI elements particular to the programming language used. Because this data is returned as a string, the HTML markup elements are escaped with character entity references


See the appendices in the eBay Web Services guide for general information about string data types.


Event name of the notification. Only returned by Platform Notifications.


A Base64-encoded MD5 hash that allows the recepient of a Platform Notification to verify this is a valid Platform Notification sent by eBay.


Recipient user ID of the notification. Only returned by Platform Notifications.


Returns true (1) if an API call returns errors (API, HTTP connection or XML parsing errors). (ErrorSeverityCode = eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::SeverityCodeType::Error) In this case the application should stop normal processing and return a "system error" message to an application user. The only things that it makes sense to read from ResponseDataType objects are: errors and rawResponse (which in this case might not even be a valid XML document).


Returns true (1) if an API call returns warnings (ErrorSeverityCode = eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum::SeverityCodeType::Warning) Usually warnings can be ignored.


Returns a list of errors. Depending on context it can return either a reference to an array or an array of errors. Type of elements in the array is eBay::API::XML::DataType::ErrorType.


Returns a list of warnings. Depending on context it can return either a reference to an array or an array of errors. Type of elements in the array is eBay::API::XML::DataType::ErrorType.


Returns a list of both errors and warnings. Depending on context it can return either a reference to an array or an array of errors. Type of elements in the array is eBay::API::XML::DataType::ErrorType.

$pCall->hasError( $sErrorCode )

Returns true (1) if API call returned an error with the given errorCode


Each data type defined in API Schema document has a corresponding DataType perl module. These modules can be found in eBay::API::XML::DataType namespace. Here are a few examples of such DataType modules:


eBay's API often uses list of codes for various calls. Examples of such lists are: CountryCodeType and CurrencyCodeType. Such code lists are defined in appropriate Perl modules. These code list (ENUM) modules can be found in eBay::API::XML::DataType::Enum namespace. Here are a few examples of such code lists (ENUMS):


None by default.


ENUM constants in Perl

Since Perl does not support an ENUM datatype the way C, C++, Java, etc. does,
the autogenerated ENUM datatypes have all of their ENUM constants defined as
Perl constants.

   i.e.  use constant foo => 'BAR';

Some of the eBay ENUM datatypes may have the actual ENUM constant as a number,
or a string that begins with a number.  Because of that, we cannot allow the
following for obvious reasons:

   use constant 1 => '1';

So, we have added logic to the autogeneration process that will automatically
append a 'N' to the beginning of any ENUM constant that begins with a number.
The above example will now look like the following:

   use constant N1 => '1';

Again, it is up to the developer to make sure they have read the eBay API
schema documentation thoroughly, for all datatypes used.  It is the only way
that you will be aware that you will have to refer to the ENUM constant
as N1 vice 1, etc.

Request (input) and response (output) properties - setters and getters

There are two sets of request and response properties:

     1. properties common for all calls
     2. properties specific for a given call

1. Properties common for all calls (found in class)
    1.1. Request properties
         Request properties have both: getters and setters
                     $value = $pCall->getErrorLanguage();
                     $pCall->setErrorLanguage( $value );
    1.2. Response propertise
         Response properties have only getters
                     $value = $pCall->getAck();

2. Properties specific for a given call
    2.1. Request properties - only setters are directly available
           This means that the following syntax must be used to retrieve request property
             my $value = $pCall->getRequestDataType()->getProperty() 
           At the same time, the same property is set using the following syntax:
    2.2. Response propertise - only getters are directly available
           To retrieve a response property use the follwing syntax:
             my $value = $pCall->getProperty() 

Classes with only one or two properties

Example of such classes are:

UserIDType, ItemIDType - one property: 'value' 
AmountType - two properties: 'value', 'currencyID'

Most likely the way properties for these classes are being set and retrieved is unusual.

get value: use

               my $username = $pGetItem->getUser()->getUserID()->getValue();

           instead of

               my $pUserID  = $pGetItem->getUser()->getUserID(); 

           because getUserID() returns an object.

set value: use


           instead of


           because setUserID() expects an object of type UserIDType rather
           then a scalar value (username).

This approach is probably clearer for AmountType class because AmountType has two properties: value and currencyID.


Possibly support SOAP and REST interfaces.

The current version only supports the eBay API XML interface.  However, the 
structure of the package was defined to accommodate future support for any
interface/protocol as well.

Support auto-generation of classes for XML schema interface using WSDL vice XSD.

At the moment all the classes supporting specific API calls are generated from the
most recently published xsd schema file at eBay.  Generating the classes from the
most recently published wsdl schema has been deferred until support for the eBay
SOAP interface is provided.



in alphabetical order:

  • Robert Bradley

  • Mike Evans

  • Milenko Milanovic

  • Jeff Nokes



Reference information in README file, provided with this module distribution.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1497:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 1521:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'