Gantry::Control::C::Groups - Group management for the Gantry library
use Gantry::Control::C::Groups;
This module handles all of the group manipulation for the authorization and authentication handlers. It's pretty mundane by itself.
Sample Apache configuration.
<Location /admin/groups >
SetHandler perl-script
PerlSetVar SiteTitle "Group Management: "
PerlSetVar dbconn "dbi:Pg:dbname=..."
PerlSetVar dbuser "<database_username>"
PerlSetVar dbpass "<database_password>
PerlSetVar DatabaseCommit off
PerlHandler Gantry::Control::C::Groups
These are the group authentication/authorization tables used by this module. They are also used by the authen and authz handlers this package contains.
create table "auth_users" (
see C<Gantry::Control::C::User>
create table "auth_groups" (
"id" int4 default nextval('auth_groups_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
"name" varchar,
"description" text
create table "auth_group_members" (
"id" int4 default nextval('auth_group_members_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
"user_id" int4,
"group_id" int4
The methods are all url mapped handlers called by Gantry::handler, except redirect_to_main which is a Gantry::Plugins::CRUD callback which decides where to go when a button driven action is complete.
- do_add
- do_ajax_edit
- do_delete
- do_edit
- do_main
- do_members
- redirect_to_main
There is also one method designed to be called by templates (especially wrappers).
- site_links
Returns nav links and their text.
Gantry::Control::C::Users(3), Gantry::Control(3), Gantry::Control::Users(3), Gantry(3)
The group name should be safe for use in the apache configuration files but I am not going to force this down peoples throat as any string can be made safe if escaped correctly.
Tim Keefer <>
Copyright (c) 2005-6, Tim Keefer.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.