Gantry::Engine::CGI - CGI plugin ( or mixin )
use strict;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use MyApp qw( -Engine=CGI -TemplateEngine=Default );
use Gantry::Engine::CGI;
my $cgi = Gantry::Engine::CGI->new( {
locations => {
'/' => 'MyApp',
'/music' => 'MyApp::Music',
config => {
img_rootp => '/malcolm/images',
css_rootp => '/malcolm/style',
app_rootp => '/cgi-bin/theworld.cgi',
} );
# optional: templating variables
$cgi->add_config( 'template_wrapper', '' );
$cgi->add_config( 'root', '/home/httpd/templates' );
# optional: database connection variables
$cgi->add_config( 'dbconn', 'dbi:Pg:dbname=mydatabase' );
$cgi->add_config( 'dbuser','apache' );
# optional: add another location
$cgi->add_location( '/music/artists', 'MyApp::Music::Artists' );
# Standard CGI
# Fast-CGI
use FCGI;
my $request = FCGI::Request();
while( $request->Accept() >= 0 ) {
Be sure add the nesscessary while loop around the cgi dispatch method call.
use FCGI;
my $request = FCGI::Request();
while( $request->Accept() >= 0 ) {
Fast-CGI and Apache
To enable Fast-CGI for Apache goto
Alias /cgi-bin/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"
<Location /cgi-bin>
Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler fastcgi-script cgi
This module is the binding between the Gantry framework and the CGI API. This particluar module contains the standard CGI specific bindings.
- new
cgi object that can be used to dispatch request to corresonding
- dispatch
This method dispatchs the current request to the corresponding module.
- add_config
Adds a configuration item to the cgi object
- add_location
Adds a location to the cgi object
- $self->parse_env
Used internally. Destroys posted form data.
Places all query string and form parameters into a hash, which it returns by reference.
- $self->apache_param_hash
Returns the hash reference of form and query string params.
- $self->apache_uf_param_hash
Returns the hash reference of form and query string params unfiltered.
- $self->apache_request
This method does nothing. It is here to conform the engine api. mod_perl engines return their apache request object in response to this method.
- $self->base_server
Returns the physical server this connection came in on (main server or vhost):
- $self->cast_custom_error
Delivers error output to the browser.
- $self->cgi_obj
Dual accessor for the CGI::Simple object.
- $self->config
Dual accessor for updating the config hash in the CGI engine object.
- $self->consume_post_body
This method is for plugins to use at the pre_init phase to catch XML requests and the like. It is imcompatible with normal form processing. For example Gantry::Plugins::SOAP::Doc uses it.
- $self->declined_response
Returns the proper numerical code for DECLINED response.
- $self->dispatch_location
The uri tail specific to this request. Returns:
$ENV{ PATH_INFO }, $self->config->location
Note that this a two element list.
- $self->engine
Returns the name for the engine
- engine_init
For use during site object init, by
- err_header_out
Does nothing, but meet the engine API.
- $self->fish_config
Pass this method the name of a conf parameter you need. Returns the value for the parameter.
- $self->fish_location
Returns the location for the current request.
- $self->fish_method
Returns the HTTP method of the current request.
- $self->fish_path_info
Returns the path info for the current request.
- $self->fish_uri
Returns the uri for the current request.
- $self->fish_user
Returns the currently logged-in user.
- $self->get_arg_hash
returns a hash of url arguments.
- $self->get_auth_dbh
Returns the auth db handle (if there is one).
- $self->get_cached_config
You should normally call get_config instead of this.
Used internally to store the config hash for a full page hit cycle.
- $self->get_config
If you are using Gantry::Conf, this will return the config hash reference for the current location.
- $self-> get_cached_conf/set_cached_conf
These cache the Gantry::Conf config hash in a lexical hash. Override them if you want more persistent caching. These are instance methods. get receives the invoking object, the name of the GantryConfInstance, and the current location (for ease of use, its also in the invocant). set receives those plus the conf hash it should cache.
- $self->get_dbh
Returns the db handle (if there is one).
- $self->get_post_body
Returns whatever
took from the post body. Use this if you also use a plugin that consumes the post body like Gantry::Plugins::SOAP::Doc does. - $self->header_in
Does nothing but meet the engine API. mod_perl engines use this.
- $self->header_out( $header_key, $header_value )
Deprecated, merely calls response_headers (defined in for you, which you should have done yourself.
Change the value of a response header, or create a new one.
- $self->hostname
Returns the current host name from the HTTP_SERVER or the HTTP_HOST environment variables. HTTP_SERVER takes precedence.
- $self->is_status_declined
Returns true if the current status is DECLINED, or false otherwise.
- $self->log_error
Prints text to STDERR so you can do the same thing under mod_perl without code changes.
- $self->locations
Dual accessor for the locations hash passed to the constructor or built up with add_location.
- $self->remote_ip
Returns the IP address for the remote user
- $self->port
Returns port number in which the request came in on.
- $self->print_output
Prints whatever you pass to it.
- $self->redirect_response
Prints a redirection to the current header_out location.
- $self->send_error_output
Prints an error header and passes the value of $@ to custom_error.
- $self->send_http_header
Prints the header for the current content_type.
- $self->server_root
Returns the value set by the top-level ServerRoot directive
- $self->set_cached_config
For internal use only. Stores the conf hash from Gantry::Conf so it doesn't have to be refetched during a single page hit.
- $self->set_content_type
You should use the dual accessor content_type supplied by
This method does nothing except meet the API. mod_perl engines use this to move the content type from the site object to the request object.
- $self->set_no_cache
You should use the dual accessor no_cache supplied by instead of this.
Transfers the no_cache flag from the site object to the cgi object.
- $self->set_req_params
Used by Gantry during site object init to transfer params from the cgi engine object to the site object.
- $self->status_const( 'OK | DECLINED | REDIRECT' )
Get or set the reply status for the client request. The Apache::Constants module provide mnemonic names for the status codes.
- $self->success_code
Does nothing but meet the engine API. mod_perl engines use it to report the numerical success code.
- $self->file_upload
Uploads a file from the client's disk.
Parameter: The name of the file input element on the html form.
Returns: A hash with these keys:
- unique_key
a unique identifier for this upload
- name
the base name of the file
- suffix
the extension (file type) of the file
- fullname
- size
bytes in file
- mime
mime type of file
- filehandle
a handle you can read the file from
Tim Keefer <>
Copyright (c) 2005-6, Tim Keefer.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.