Object::KVC - Simple Key Value Coding
use Object::KVC;
my $object1 = Object::KVC::Hash->new();
my $object2 = Object::KVC::Hash->new();
$object1->set( "id", Object::KVC::String->new("id1234") );
$object2->set( "id", Object::KVC::String->new("id1234") );
print $object1->get( "id" )->as_string();
$object1->equals( $object2 ) ? print "Yes, the objects are equal";
my $object_1 = Object::KVC::Hash->new();
$object_1->set( "id", Object::KVC::String->new("id1234") );
$object_1->set( "last_name", Object::KVC::String->new("Hofstadter") );
my $object_n = Object::KVC::Hash->new();
$object_n->set( "id", Object::KVC::String->new("id9999") );
my $container = Object::KVC::List->new();
$container->add( $object_1 );
$container->add( $object_n );
my $search = Object::KVC::Hash->new();
$search->set( "id", Object::KVC::String->new("id1234") );
my $search_result = Object::KVC::List->new();
$container->matches( $search, $search_result );
foreach my $object ( $search_result->iter() ) {
print $object->get("last_name")->as_string() if ( $object->has_defined("last_name") );
print "\n";
Key Value Coding uses a hash key instead of an accessor method to access the values of an object.
Values must be wrapped in an object supporting the "equals," "contains," and "intersects" methods in order to allow two Object::KVC::Hash objects to be compared.
The "equals," "contains," and "intersects" methods allow searching of Object::KVC::Hash objects within an Object::KVC::List.
Object::KVC Copyright (C) 2012 Trystan Johnson
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.