Changes for version 1.15

  • Use Geo::IP::PurePerl or Geo::IP
  • Added class method to explicitly open the GeoIP database
  • Don't require HTTP::OAI - to use Parser::OAI you will need to use() it
  • If a fulltext request is preceeded by an abstract request in the same session and for the same object (based on $hit->identifier) add the abstract request to $hit->{abstract_referrer}


Process Web log files for institutional repositories
base class for filters
Simple session class
Parse combined logs like those generated from Apache
filter to remove existing hits
Discover the 'institution' that a user comes from
map URLs to repository behaviour
Map DSpace logs to requests
Parse Apache logs from GNU EPrints
Parse Apache logs from an arXiv mirror
Parse Web server logs that are formatted as one hit per line (e.g. Apache)
Parse hits from an OAI-PMH interface
Catch fulltext events and check for repeated requests
Filter Web log hits using a database of robot's IPs


in lib/Logfile/EPrints/
in lib/Logfile/EPrints/Filter/
in lib/Logfile/EPrints/Filter/
in lib/Logfile/EPrints/
in lib/Logfile/EPrints/
in lib/Logfile/EPrints/Parser/
in lib/Logfile/EPrints/
in lib/Logfile/EPrints/