Logfile::EPrints::Hit::Combined - Parse combined logs like those generated from Apache
use Logfile::EPrints::Hit;
my $hit = Logfile::EPrints::Hit::Combined->new($line);
printf("%s requested %s\n",
- address()
IP address (or hostname if IP address could not be found).
- hostname()
Hostname (undef if the address is an IP without a reverse DNS entry).
- date()
Apache formatted date/time.
- datetime()
Date/time formatted as yyyymmddHHMMSS.
- userid_identd()
- identd()
- request()
Request string.
- code()
HTTP server code.
- size()
HTTP server response size.
- referrer()
User agent referrer.
- agent()
User agent string.
- method()
Request method (GET, HEAD etc.).
- page()
Requested page - probably won't include the virtual host!
- version()
HTTP version requested (HTTP/1.1 etc).
- country()
Country that the IP is probably in (according to GeoIP).
- homepage()
Home page of the requesting user's service provider, i.e. www.<hostname>. Performs an on-demand HTTP request.
- institution()
Title of the user's home page. Performs an on-demand HTTP request, with the result cached by the class.
Tim Brody - <>