HTTP::OAI::Record - Encapsulates OAI record XML data


use HTTP::OAI::Record;

# Create a new HTTP::OAI Record
my $r = new HTTP::OAI::Record();


$r->metadata(new HTTP::OAI::Metadata(dom=>$md));
$r->about(new HTTP::OAI::About(dom=>$ab));


$r = new HTTP::OAI::Record([header=>$header],[metadata=>$metadata],[about=>[$about]])

This constructor method returns a new HTTP::OAI::Record object. Optionally set the header, metadata, and add an about.

$h = $r->header([HTTP::OAI::Header])

Returns and optionally sets the record header (an HTTP::OAI::Header object).

$md = $r->metadata([HTTP::OAI::Metadata])

Returns and optionally sets the record metadata (an HTTP::OAI::Metadata object).

@about = $r->about([HTTP::OAI::About])

Optionally adds a new About record (an HTTP::OAI::About object) and returns a list of about returns.


As an experimental feature HTTP::OAI::Record will accept a string for the header, metadata, and about fields (avoiding building an XML::DOM). When strings are used HTTP::OAI::Record does not support the toDOM functionality (you'll get errors).

The purpose behind this is to optimise repositories where headers/metadata/about may be stored as static XML, e.g.

$res = new HTTP::OAI::ListRecords();

$r = new HTTP::OAI::Record();



my $dom = $res->toDOM(); # This will fail