Changes for version 1.00

  • Integrated XML::RSS::Parser package into RAI.
  • Refactored XML::RSS::Parser to use XML::Elemental package and true tree structure.
  • Introduced XML::RSS::Parser::Characters class
  • Exposed internal methods for use with Class::XPath in Element
  • Added more graceful handling of unrecognized namespace URIs
  • Deprecated value and append_value. BREAKAGE: Regretfully value method will not work the same as version 2x of the RSS Parser in some cases. This is due to the adoption of a tree model and how text is handled.
  • Added as_xml method for reimplementing the version 2x pass-thru functionality under the tree structure.


RSS Abstraction Interface. An object-oriented layer that maps overlapping and alternate tags in RSS to one common simplified interface.
An interface to the channel elements of a RSS feed.
An interface to the image elements of a RSS feed.
An interface to the item elements of a RSS feed.
base class for RAI element objects.
A liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds.
an object representing a character data in an RSS parse tree.
a node in the XML::RSS::Parser parse tree.
the root element of a parsed RSS feed.