SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator - Beacon files as source for SeeAlso::Server
use CGI;
use SeeAlso::Identifier::ISSN;
use SeeAlso::Server;
use SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator;
my $srcdescription = {
"ShortName" => "TestService", # 16 Characters
"LongName" => "Sample SeeAlso Beacon Aggregator", # 48 characters
# "Description" => "The following services are contained: ...", # 1024 Characters
"DateModfied" => "...",
_dont_advertise => 1,
my $CGI = CGI->new(); binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
my $source = SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator->new(
'file' => "/path/to/existing/database",
'identifierClass' => SeeAlso::Identifier::ISSN->new(),
'verbose' => 1,
'description' => $srcdescription,
my $server = SeeAlso::Server->new (
'cgi' => $CGI,
xslt => "/client/showservice.xsl", # => <?xml-stylesheet?> + <?seealso-query-base?>
clientbase => "/client/", # => <?seealso-client-base?>
expires => "+2d",
my $rawid = $CGI->param('id') || "";
my $identifier = $rawid ? SeeAlso::Identifier::ISSN->new($rawid) : "";
my $result = $server->query($source, $identifier ? $identifier->value() : undef);
print $result;
This Module allows a collection of BEACON files (cf. to be used as SeeAlso::Source (probably in the context of an SeeAlso::Server application). Therefore it implements the four methods documented in SeeAlso::Source
The BEACON files (lists of non-local identifiers of a certain type documenting the coverage of a given online database plus means for access) are imported by the methods provided by, usually by employing the script as command line client.
Serving other formats than SeeAlso or providing a BEACON file with respect to this SeeAlso service is achieved by using SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator::Publisher.
Class methods
beaconfields ( [ $what ] )
(Class method) Called without parameter returns an array of all valid field names for meta headers
@meta_supported = SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator->beaconfields();
With given parameter $what in scalar context returns the column name of the database for the abstract field name. In array context additionally the column type and optional flag designating a mandatory entry are returned.
$internal_col = SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator->beaconfields('FORMAT');
($internal_col, $specs, $mandatory)
= SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator->beaconfields('FORMAT');
Fields are:
# mandatory
# as of BEACON spec
# from the experimental BEACON spec
# later additions
# current practise
# experimental extension "Konkordanzformat"
osdKeys ( [ $what ] )
(Class method) Called without parameter returns an array of all valid element names for the OpenSearchDescription:
@meta_names = SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator->osdKeys();
With given parameter $what returns the value for the given OpenSearchDescription element:
$osd_value = SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator->beaconfields('LongName');
OSD elements are
ShortName, Description
Contact, Tags, LongName, Developer, Attribution, SyndicationRight, AdultContent
Language, InputEncoding, OutputEncoding
# special for SeeAlso::Family
Example, Examples, BaseURL, DateModified, Source
SeeAlso::Source methods
new( %accessor [, %options ] )
Creates the SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator object and connects to an existing database previously created with the methods from SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator::Maintenance (currently SQLlite)
Accessor options:
- dbh
handle of a database already connected to
- dbroot
optional path to prepend to dsn or file
- dsn
directory name (directory contains the database file "<dsn>-db"
- file
full path of the database
Other options:
- identifierClass
contains an already instantiated object of that class
- verbose (0|1)
- description
Hashref with options to be piped through to SeeAlso::Source
- aliasfilter
Hashref with aliases to be filtered out from query results
- cluster
dsn of a beacon source of identical identifier type giving a mapping (hash / altid) e.g. invalidated identifiers -> current identifiers.
When the identifier supplied for query() is mentioned in this table, the query will be executed against the associated current identifier and all invalidated ones (backward translation of forward translation).
When not (the mapping might not necessarily include the identiy mapping), the query behaves as if no "cluster" was given.
For translation between different identifier schemes before querying, use an appropriate SeeAlso::Identifier class.
Returns undef if unable to DBI->connect() to the database.
description ()
Inherited from SeeAlso::Source.
about ()
Inherited from SeeAlso::Source.
set_aliasfilter ( @aliaslist )
Init the hash with
query( [ $identifier] )
Returns a SeeAlso::Response listing all matches to the given string or SeeAlso::Identifier $identifier.
Auxiliary Methods
Sequence numbers (Seqnos) are primary keys to the database table where each row contains the meta fields of one BEACON file
Seqnos ( $colname , $query )
Return Seqnos from querying the table with all beacon headers in column (field name) $colname for a $query (which may contain SQL placeholders '%').
RepoCols ( [ $colname [, $seqno_or_alias ]] )
Return a hashref indexed by seqence number of all values of column (header field) $colname [alias] optionally constrained by a SeqNo or Alias.
Default for $colname is '_alias'.
OSDValues ( [ $key ] )
Returns a hashref containing the OpenSearchDescription keywords and their respective values.
admhash ( )
Returns a hashref with the contents of the admin table (readonly, not tied).
autoIdentifier ()
Initializes a missing identifierClass
from the IDENTIFIER_CLASS entry in the admin table.
findExample ( $goal, $offset, [ $sth ])
Returns a hashref
{ id => identier,
response => Number of beacon files matching "/" Sum of individual hit counts
for the $offset
'th identifier occuring in at least $goal
beacon instances.
$sth will be initialized by a statement handle to pass to subsequent calls if defined but false.
Send mail to the author
Thomas Berger <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.