Monitoring::Spooler::Cmd::Command::email - enqueue a new notification from an email


This class implements a command to add a new message to the queue.

This command is usually invoked by your Monitoring (as a media transport) or some other noficiation script. All the boilerplate work is done by MooseX::App::Cmd.


Monitoring::Spooler::Cmd::Command::Email - Command to create new messages from email


In order for negating triggers to work you need to use a certain message template for the message body. The header is ignored.

name:{TRIGGER.NAME} id:{TRIGGER.ID} status:{TRIGGER.STATUS} hostname:{HOSTNAME} ip:{IPADDRESS} value:{TRIGGER.VALUE} event_id:{EVENT.ID} severity:{TRIGGER.SEVERITY} group_id:<GROUP_ID> type:{text,phone}

This script can be used to translate mails from external zabbix servers to Monitoring::Spooler actions (e.g. text messages or phone calls).

Set it up in Postfix like this:


# Monitoring::Spooler Endpoint monspooler unix - n n - - pipe flags=DRhu user=www-data:www-data argv=/usr/bin/ email


Dominik Schulz <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Dominik Schulz.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.