Win32-ProcFarm - system for parallelization of code under Win32
How Win32::ProcFarm::Parent
Because the Win32::ProcFarm::Parent
concept is critical to the Win32::ProcFarm::Pool
, I will start with a demonstration of the "RPC" system first.
In this demonstration, the child process has one function: dir
. The function sleeps for five seconds before returning the results of executing dir
on the passed parameter. The parent will spin off one child, tell it to do a dir on C:\
, and return the results.
The child is fairly simple to implement. First we start off with some boilerplate code that imports Win32/ProcFarm/Child.pl
, initiates the communications with the parent, and the main loop implementation.
require 'Win32/ProcFarm/Child.pl';
while(1) {
We then implement our demonstration function, dir
, which sleeps for five seconds and then returns the result of a dir on the passed argument.
sub dir {
my($string) = @_;
return `dir $string`;
That's it for the child. Note that the child script can have multiple subroutines if desired.
The parent is a little more complicated. Again, much of the code is boilerplate. We start with the default includes:
use Win32::ProcFarm::Parent;
use Win32::ProcFarm::Port;
We then create a Win32::ProcFarm::Port
object and pass the port number we wish to use. If we want to use the process farm in multiple scripts that will be run simultaneously, we need to use different port numbers.
$port_obj = Win32::ProcFarm::Port->new(9000, 1);
We then instantiate a Win32::ProcFarm::Parent
object which will act as a stand-in for the child process. We use new_async
which starts the child process without connecting to it. We also pass it the name of the child script, and the desired working directory.
$interface = Win32::ProcFarm::Parent->new_async($port_obj, "DirChild.pl", Win32::GetCwd);
Once we have the process spun off, we call connect
on the stand-in to initiate communications with the child process.
Once we have initiated communications, we can start sending commands to the child process. The execute
method takes first the name of the command to execute as a string and then any parameters that need to be passed to it. The parameters will be packaged up using Data::Dumper for passing to the child process.
$interface->execute('dir', "C:\\");
We then wait for get_state
to return fin
, which indicates that the command has finished execution and the return values can be retrieved.
until($interface->get_state eq 'fin') {
print "Waiting for ReturnValue.\n";
print "GotReturnValue.\n";
Once we know that check
has been successful, we can use get_retval
to get the returned values
print $interface->get_retval;
As you may have noticed, for a single process system, Win32::ProcFarm::Parent
is overly complicated. The main reason for this is that it was designed to enable asynchronous operation so that the pool would work, and so we will turn to the pool.
Using Win32::ProcFarm::Pool
In this demonstration, a range pinger is implemented. The idea is that the user can specify the base 3 octets along with the start and end values for the last octet and the program will ping all IP addresses in that range and return the IP addresses that are in use.
This child is so simplistic I'm just pasting the code in here. Of note, $p
is a global variable so it only has to be created once.
use Net::Ping;
require 'Win32/ProcFarm/Child.pl';
while(1) { &main_loop };
sub ping {
my($host) = @_;
$p or $p = Net::Ping->new("icmp", 1);
return $p->ping($host);
This is where the real fun begins. First we start with the use
use Win32::ProcFarm::Pool;
We then check the passed parameters from the command line:
$ARGV[0] =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})-(\d{1,3})$/ or
die "Pass me the range to ping in the format start_address-end (i.e.\n";
($base, $start, $end) = ($1, $2, $3);
We then decide on a pool size based on the number of addresses we are planning to ping. In general, the optimal number of processes is proportional to the square root of the number of jobs. I also output some text to let the user know what is going on and set a timer (the timer code is in two subroutines at the end of the script).
$poolsize = int(sqrt(($end-$start+1)*2));
print "Creating pool with $poolsize threads . . .\n";
The pool is then created. This takes as parameters to new
the number of processes to create for the pool, the mutex string root, the port number to which to bind, the name of the child process, and the working directory in which to start those child processes.
$Pool = Win32::ProcFarm::Pool->new($poolsize, 9000, 'PingChild.pl',
Win32::GetCwd); print "Pool created in ".&get_timer." seconds.\n";
Once the pool is created we can now add jobs to the waiting queue. The add_waiting_job
method takes several parameters: First, a unique identifier for the thread that will be used by the pool as the hash key for the return values. Second, the name of the command to execute. Third, any parameters that need to be passed to that command.
foreach $i ($start..$end) {
$ip_addr = "$base.$i";
$Pool->add_waiting_job($ip_addr, 'ping', $ip_addr);
Finally, we tell the pool to execute all the commands. The parameter passed is the number of seconds to pause between checking the process pool for process that have finished execution.
After all the jobs have been executed, get_return_data
will return a hash containing the returned data. The keys to the hash were passed when the jobs were added to the waiting pool and the return values are stored in an anonymous array. Of note, if you wish to re-use the process farm later in the same code, the clear_return_data
method will clear the hash so that the data from multiple runs are not co-mingled.
%pingdata = $Pool->get_return_data;
Finally, the results can be printed out. Notice that the data has to be pulled out of the anonymous array (the ->[0]
$retval = 0;
foreach $i ($start..$end) {
$ip_addr = "$base.$i";
if ($pingdata{$ip_addr}->[0]) {
print "$ip_addr\n";
print "Total of $retval addresses responded in ".&get_timer." seconds.\n";
Finally, the set_timer
and get_timer
functions used to provide quick and dirty timing results.
sub set_timer {
$start_clock = Win32::GetTickCount();
sub get_timer {
return (Win32::GetTickCount()-$start_clock)/1000;