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Protocol::PostgreSQL::Statement - prepared statement handling


version 0.008


 use Protocol::PostgreSQL;
 my %cache;
 # Helper method to apply the returned values
 my $set_cache = sub {
	my ($sth, $row) = @_;
	my ($k, $v) = map { $row->[$_]{data} } 0..1;
	warn "Set $k to $v\n";
	$cache{$k} = $v;
 # Prepared statement to insert a new value, called when no existing value was found
 my $add_sth = Protocol::PostgreSQL::Statement->new(
 	dbh => $dbh,
	sql => 'insert into sometable (name) values $1 returning id, name',
	on_data_row	=> $set_cache,
	on_no_data	=> sub {
		die "Had no response when trying to add value";
 # Find existing value from table
 my $find_sth = Protocol::PostgreSQL::Statement->new(
 	dbh => $dbh,
	sql => 'select id, name from sometable where id = ?',
	on_data_row	=> $set_cache,
	on_no_data	=> sub {
		my ($sth) = shift;
		warn "No data found, inserting\n";
 $find_sth->execute(471, "some data");
 print "Value for 471 was " . $cache{471};


Provides prepared-statement support for Protocol::PostgreSQL.

Sequence of events for a prepared statement:

  • Parse - check the supplied SQL, generate a prepared statement

  • Bind - binds values to a statement to generate a portal ('' is the empty portal)

  • Execute - execute a given portal

  • Sync - inform the server we're done and that we want to go back to "ReadyForQuery" in Protocol::PostgreSQL state.

Once an execute is running, we avoid sending anything else to the server until we get a ReadyForQuery response.

On instantiation, the statement will be parsed immediately. When this is complete, we are able to bind then execute. Any requests to bind or execute before the statement is ready will be queued.



Instantiate a new object, takes the following named parameters:

  • dbh - Protocol::PostgreSQL-compatible object for the parent database handle

  • sql - actual SQL query to run, with placeholders specified as ?

  • statement - name to assign to this statement

Will send the parse request immediately.


Callback when parsing is complete.


Bind variables to the current statement.


Returns the bind values from the currently-executing query, suitable for passing to "execute".


Callback when we have a data row.

Maintains a running count of how many rows we've seen, and passes the data on to the data_row callback if defined.


Callback for end of statement. We'll hit this if we completed without error and there's no more data available to read.

Will call the no_data callback if we had no rows, and the command_complete callback in either case.


Called when the bind is complete. Since our bind+execute handling is currently combined, this doesn't do anything at the moment.


Execute this query.


Describe this query. Causes PostgreSQL to send RowDescription response indicating what we expect to get back from the server. Beats trying to parse the query for ourselves although it incurs an extra send/receive for each statement.


Accessor to return or update the internal row description information.


Called when we've finished parsing and describing this query.


Finish the current statement.

Should issue a Sync to trigger a ReadyForQuery response, but that's now handled elsewhere.


Accessor for the database handle (Protocol::PostgreSQL object).


Generate a callback with weakened copy of $self.


Tom Molesworth <>


Copyright Tom Molesworth 2010-2011. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.