Net::IRR - Perl interface to the Internet Route Registry Daemon
use Net::IRR qw/ :route /;
my $host = '';
my $i = Net::IRR->connect( host => $host )
or die "can't connect to $host\n";
print "IRRd Version: " . $i->get_irrd_version() . "\n";
print "Routes by Origin AS5650\n";
my @routes = $i->get_routes_by_origin("AS5650");
print "found $#routes routes\n";
print "AS-SET for AS5650\n";
if (my @ases = $i->get_as_set("AS-ELI")) {
print "found $#ases AS's\n";
print "@ases\n";
else {
print "none found\n";
my $aut-num = $i->match("aut-num","as5650");
or warn("Can't find object: " . $i->error . "\n");
print $i->route_search("", EXACT_MATCH)
. " originates\n";
print "Syncronization Information\n";
print $i->get_sync_info(), "\n";
This module provides an object oriented perl interface to the Internet Route Registry. The interface uses the RIPE/RPSL Tool Query Language as defined in Appendix B of the IRRd User Guide. The guide can be found at, however an understanding of the query language is not required to use this module. Net::IRR supports IRRd's multiple-command mode. Multiple-command mode is good for intensive queries since only one TCP connection needs to be made for multiple queries. The interface also allows for additional queries that aren't supported by standard UNIX whois utitilies. Hopefully this module will stimulate development of new Route Registry tools written in Perl. An example of Route Registry tools can be found by googling for RAToolset which is now known as the IRRToolset. The RAToolset was originally developed by ISI,, and is now maintained by RIPE,
- connect - connect to a Route Registry server
my $o = Net::IRR->connect(host=>$host, port=>$port) or die "can't connect to $host\n";
This is the constructor used to create Net::IRR objects. The constructor returns an Net::IRR object upon a successful connection to the IRR server and undef upon failure.
- disconnect - closes the connection to the Route Registry server
- quit - same as disconnect().
- get_routes_by_origin - get routes with a specified origin AS
my @routes = $o->get_routes_by_origin('AS5650');
This method takes an autonomous system number and returns the set of routes it originates. Upon success this method returns a list of routes in list context or a string of space seperated routes. undef is returned upon failure.
- get_routes_by_community - get routes with a specified community
This method is for RIPE-181 only. It is not supported by RPSL. This method takes a community object name and returns the set of routes it originates. Upon success this method returns a list of routes in list context or a string of space seperated routes. undef is returned upon failure.
- get_sync_info - view the mirror status of a database
print $o->get_sync_info;
This method provides database syncronization information. This makes it possible to view the mirror status of a database. This method optionally takes the name of a database such as RADB or ELI. If no argument is given the method will return information about all databases originating from and mirrored by the registry server. If the optional argument is given the database specified will be checked and it's status returned. This method returns undef if no database exists or if access is denied.
- get_as_set - get ASNs for a registered AS-SET object
my @as = $o->get_as_set("AS-ELI", 1);
This method takes an AS-SET object name and returns the ASNs found. The method takes and optional second argument which enables AS-SET key expasion since an AS-SET can contain both ASNs and AS-SET keys. undef is returned upon failure.
- match - get RPSL objects registered in the database
print $o->match('aut-num', 'as5650');
The example above will retrieve the aut-num object with the key as5650. This method will return after the first match. undef is returned upon failure.
- get_irrd_version - get the IRRd version number
print $o->get_irrd_version;
This methods takes no arguments and returns the version of the IRRd server that was specified as the hostname to the connect() method.
- route_search - perform route searches
$o->route_search("", EXACT_MATCH);
This method takes two arguments, a route and an optional flag. The flag can be one of four values: EXACT_MATCH, LEVEL_ONE, LESS_SPECIFIC, MORE_SPECIFIC. These constants can be imported into your namespace by using the :all or :route export tag when importing the Net::IRR module.
use Net::IRR qw( :route ); print "EXACT_MATCH = " . EXACT_MATCH . "\n";
- sources - get or set the databases and the database search order used for queries.
The default database is all and the default search order is the order they where defined in IRRd's configuration file. The sources() method accepts a list databases in the order you would like them searched in future queries. If no arguments are given the method will return a list of all the databases in the RR.
- update - add or delete a database object in the remote database
This method takes three arguments. The first argument is the database to update. The second arguemnt is the action which can be either "ADD" or "DEL". The third and final required arguement is a route object in RPSL format.
- error - access error messages warn $o->error, "\n" if $o->error;
Most Net::IRR methods set an error message when errors occur. These errors can only be accessed by using the error() method.
Todd Caine <>
Main IRRd Site
RIPE/RPSL Tool Query Language, Appendix B
Copyright 2002 by Todd Caine. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.