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Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::TABULO - A Dist::Zilla plugin bundle à la TABULO


version 1.000014


In your dist.ini:



This is the dzil plug-in bundle that TABULO intends to use for his distributions.

It exists mostly because TABULO is very lazy, like many other folks out there.

But since TABULO is probably even lazier than most folks; instead of starting his bundle from scratch, he just shopped around to find a few bundles that had the most overlap with his taste or whatever; and then just slurped stuff, even including some documentation which is what you will eventually see here and in the related modules.:-)

Admittedly, the fact that TABULO was so late in migrating to dzil worked to his advantage for this particular task at least, since by that time the bold and the brave had already made delicious stuff!

As such, it is heavily inspired by (and in some places outright copied from) several others such as: @DAGOLDEN, @DBOOK, @DROLSKY, @ETHER, @KENTNL, @RJBS, @Starter, @Starter::Git, @YANICK.

(Thank you, folks!).


Please note that, although this module needs to be on CPAN for obvious reasons, it is really intended to be a collection of personal preferences, which are expected to be in great flux, at least for the time being.

Therefore, please do NOT base your own distributions on this one, since anything can change at any moment without prior notice, while I get accustomed to dzil myself and form those preferences in the first place...

Absolutely nothing in this distribution is guaranteed to remain constant or be maintained at this point. Who knows, I may even give up on dzil altogether...

You have been warned.

Also note that the early versions of this module had much more in common with that of @ETHER, and tried to keep a compatible interface. This is no longer the case. So some stuff will break, and hence the bump of major version. But you weren't really using this for your distros anyway, right?

And here comes the rest of the documentation -- some of which slurped from the several original sources cited above ... :-)


Using this plugin bundle (with its default options) is roughly equivalent to the following content in dist.ini.




exclude_filename = Build.PL
exclude_filename = CODE_OF_CONDUCT
exclude_filename = CONTRIBUTING
exclude_filename = INSTALL
exclude_filename = LICENCE
exclude_filename = LICENSE
exclude_filename = META.json
exclude_filename = Makefile.PL
exclude_filename = Meta.yml
exclude_filename = README
exclude_filename =
exclude_filename = README.mkdn
exclude_filename = README.pod
exclude_filename = TODO
exclude_filename = cpanfile
exclude_filename = inc/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/Dist/Zilla/
exclude_filename = ppport.h
include_dotfiles = 1

except = (?^u:"\.travis\.yml")
except = (?^u:"\.perltidyrc")
except = (?^u:".*/\.gitignore$")
except = (?^u:".*/\.(git)?keep$")

filename = README.pod



config_plugin = @Author::TABULO
post_code_replacer = replace_with_nothing
replacer = replace_with_comment




[ReadmeAnyFromPod / ReadmeAnyFromPod/MarkdownInBuild]
filename =
location = build
phase = build
type = markdown

fake_home = 1
xt_mode = 1

max_target_perl = 5.026







options = test_one_dot = 0





authority = cpan:TABULO
do_munging = 0

continuous_year = 1



skip = ^t::lib


directory = corpus
directory = demo
directory = eg
directory = examples
directory = fatlib
directory = inc
directory = local
directory = perl5
directory = share
directory = t
directory = xt
package = DB

meta_noindex = 1

issues = 1
remote = origin
remote = github










check_all_plugins = 1
modules = Dist::Zilla
modules = @Author::TABULO



allow_dirty = dist.ini
allow_dirty = Changes








default_jobs = 9




filename = INSTALL
filename = LICENSE
filename = Makefile.PL
filename = Meta.json
filename = Meta.yml
filename =
filename = cpanfile

plugin = @Author::TABULO/CopyFilesFromRelease

[Git::Commit / Git::Commit/sourcesAsReleased]
add_files_in = /
allow_dirty = Changes
allow_dirty = INSTALL
allow_dirty = LICENSE
allow_dirty = Makefile.PL
allow_dirty = Meta.json
allow_dirty = Meta.yml
allow_dirty =
allow_dirty = cpanfile
commit_msg = v%V%n%n%c

[Git::Tag / Git::Tag/sourcesAsReleased]
tag_format = release-%v

format = %-20{-TRIAL}V    %{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZZZZZ VVV}d %P
time_zone = UTC


[Git::Commit / Git::Commit/sourcesAfterBump]
allow_dirty = Changes
allow_dirty = ARRAY(0x7fd7767bf1e0)
allow_dirty_match = ^(lib|bin|script)
commit_msg = After release: bump $VERSION and timestamp Changes

[Git::CommitBuild / Git::CommitBuild/toBuildBranch]
branch = build/%b
multiple_inheritence = 1

[Git::CommitBuild / Git::CommitBuild/toReleaseBranch]
branch =
multiple_inheritence = 1
release_branch = release/cpan

[Git::Tag / Git::Tag/toReleaseBranch]
branch = release/cpan
tag_format = release-%v

push_to = origin
push_to = origin refs/heads/release/cpan:refs/heads/release/cpan
remotes_must_exist = 0

directory = releases



Reader: archive_dir

Type: Str

Additional documentation: Passed as the 'directory' option, to [ArchiveRelease] whose docs are quoted below:

* The 'directory' [name] may begin with ~ (or ~user) to mean your (or some other user's) home directory. * If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created during the BeforeRelease phase. * All files inside this directory will be pruned from the distribution. Default: 'releases'


Reader: authority

Type: Str

Additional documentation: Specifies the x_authority field for PAUSE. Default: 'cpan:TABULO'


Reader: auto_prereqs

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Indicates whether or not to use [AutoPrereqs]. Default: '1'


Reader: auto_version

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Indicates whether or not to use [AutoVersion] instead of our standard plugins for version management. Default: '0'


Reader: copy

Type: ArrayRef

Additional documentation: Additional files to copy (or regenerate) in addition to those that are already harvested by default. [May be repeated]. Note that the copying may be done from the build or the release, depending on the 'copy_mode' setting. See 'copy_mode'.


Reader: copy_mode

Type: Maybe[Str]

Additional documentation: Determines the 'copy-mode' and hence ultimately the set of plugins used for that purpose. Possible values are [Regenerate, Release, Build, Build::Filtered, None]. dzil 'regenerate' command will still work. Default: 'Release'


Reader: copy_not

Type: ArrayRef

Additional documentation: Do NOT copy given file(s). [May be repeated].


Reader: darkpan

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: For private code; uses [FakeRelease] and fills in dummy repo/bugtracker data. Default: '0'


Reader: dist_genre

Type: Str

Additional documentation: Specifies the 'genre' of the distro. Currently allowed values are: 'standard' (the default) and 'task'.

This may be used in the future to associate a set behaviours/settings to given genres.

Currently, the only distinction made is for the 'task' genre, which will result in [TaskWeaver] being used instead of [SurgicalPodWeaver]. Default: 'standard'


Reader: exclude_filenames

Type: ArrayRef

Additional documentation: Do NOT gather given file(s). [May be repeated].


Reader: exclude_match

Type: ArrayRef

Additional documentation: Do NOT gather file(s) that match the given pattern(s). [May be repeated].


Reader: exec_dir

Type: Maybe[Str]

Additional documentation: If defined, passed to [ExecDir] as its 'dir' option. Defaults to 'script' when the installer is [Module::Build::Tiny],undef otherwise, which means the [ExecDir] default will be in effect, and that is 'bin' as of this writing.,


Reader: fake_release

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Swaps [FakeRelease] for [UploadToCPAN]. Mostly useful for testing a dist.ini without risking a real release. Note that this can also be achieved by setting the FAKE_RELEASE environment variable (which will have precedence over this option). Default: '0'


Reader: git_remotes

Type: ArrayRef

Additional documentation: Where to push after release.


Reader: github_issues

Type: Str

Additional documentation: Whether or not to use github issue tracker. Default: '1'


Reader: has_xs

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Signifies that the distribution contains XS code.


Reader: hub

Type: Maybe[Str]

Additional documentation: The repository 'hub' provider. Currently, other than unsetting to undef, the only supported value, which is also the default, is 'github'. Other providers, such as 'gitlab' or 'bitbucket', may be supported in the future. Default: 'github'


Reader: installer

Additional documentation: The installer to employ. Currently, possible values are: [MakeMaker, MakeMaker::Awesome, ModuleBuild, ModuleBuildTiny, ModuleBuildTiny::Fallback]. Default: 'MakeMaker'


Reader: is_task

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: DEPRECATED. Prefer setting instead, like so:

[@Author::TABULO] dist_genre=task

Identifies this distro as a 'task'.

Currently, the only distinction is that, for a task, we use [TaskWeaver] instead of [SurgicalPodWeaver].


Reader: manage_versions

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Whether or not to manage versioning, which means: providing, rewriting, bumping, munging $VERSION in sources, .... Default: '1'


Reader: name

Type: Str

This attribute is required.


Reader: no_archive

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Omit the [ArchiveRelease] plugin. Default: '0'


Reader: no_copy

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Skip copying files from the build/release : ('Makefile.PL', 'cpanfile',' Meta.json', ...). Default: '0'


Reader: no_coverage

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Omit PodCoverage tests -- which are actually done using [Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable]. Default: '0'


Reader: no_critic

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Omit [Test::Perl::Critic] tests. Default: '0'


Reader: no_git

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Bypass all git-dependent plugins. Default: '0'


Reader: no_git_commit

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Omit [Git::Commit] and [Git::CommitBuild] and related [Git::Tag] operations. Default: '0'


Reader: no_git_commit_build

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Omit [Git::CommitBuild] and related [Git::Tag] operations. Default: '0'


Reader: no_git_impact

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Omit any [Git:*] plugins that may modify the vcs repository state, such as : [Git::Commit], [Git::CommitBuild], [Git::Tag], [Git::Push] and the like. Git plugins that are read-only, such as [Git::GatherDir] or [Git::Check] shouldn't be effected by this option. Default: '0'


Reader: no_git_push

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Omit [Git::Push]. Default: '0'


Reader: no_github

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Do not assume that the repository is backed by 'github', which currently means abstaining from using [GithubMeta] and feeding fake values to [MetaResources] and [Bugtracker] -- which you may separately override, by the way, thanks to our[@Config::Slicer] role.


Reader: no_minimum_perl

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Omit [Test::MinimumVersion] tests. Default: '0'


Reader: no_pod_coverage

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Skip [PodCoverage] tests -- Well, [Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable] tests, actually.


Reader: no_pod_spellcheck

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Skip [Test::PodSpelling] tests.


Reader: no_portability_check

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Skip [Test::Portability] tests. Default: '0'


Reader: no_sanitize_version

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: When set => We won't prefer [RewriteVersion::Sanitized] over [RewriteVersion], which we normally do. Default: '0'


Reader: no_spellcheck

Type: Bool

Additional documentation: Omit [Test::PodSpelling] tests. Default: '0'


Reader: payload

Type: HashRef

This attribute is required.


Reader: plugins

Type: ArrayRef


Reader: pod_coverage_also_private

Type: Maybe[ArrayRef]

Additional documentation: If defined, passed to [Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable] as its 'also_private' option.


Reader: pod_coverage_class

Type: Maybe[Str]

Additional documentation: If defined, passed to [Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable] as its 'class' option.


Reader: pod_coverage_skip

Type: Maybe[ArrayRef]

Additional documentation: If defined, passed to [Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable] as its 'skip' option.


Reader: pod_coverage_trustme

Type: Maybe[ArrayRef]

Additional documentation: If defined, passed to [Test::Pod::Coverage::Configurable] as its 'trustme' option.


Reader: stopwords

Type: ArrayRef

Additional documentation: Additional stopword(s) for Pod::Spell tests. [May be repeated]. See also: 'stopword_files' and 'wordlists' for alternative mechanisms of adding stopwords.


Reader: stopwords_files

Type: ArrayRef

Additional documentation: File(s) that describe additional stopword(s) for Pod::Spell tests. [May be repeated]. See also: 'stopwords' and 'wordlists' for alternative mechanisms of adding stopwords.


Reader: stopwords_providers

Type: ArrayRef

Additional documentation: Perl module(s) for contributing additional stopword(s) for spelling tests. [May be repeated]. Note that given module(s) would need to expose the same API as Pod::Wordlist. See also: 'stopwords' and 'stopword_files' for alternative mechanisms of adding stopwords.


Reader: tag_format

Type: Str

Additional documentation: The tag format passed to [Git::Tag] after committing sources. The default is 'repo-release-v%V%t', which may be prefixed by some other string. The idea was copied from @DAGOLDEN who chose something more robust than just the version number when parsing versions with a regex. Default: 'repo-release-v%V%t'


Reader: tag_format_dist

Type: Str

Additional documentation: The tag format passed to [Git::Tag] after committing the build. The default is 'dist-release-v%V%t', which may be prefixed by some other string. The idea was copied from @DAGOLDEN who chose something more robust than just the version number when parsing versions with a regex. Default: 'dist-release-v%V%t'


Reader: version_regexp

Type: Str

Additional documentation: The version regex that corresponds to the 'tag_format'. Default: '^(?:[-\w]+)?release-(.+)$'


Reader: weaver_config

Type: Str

Additional documentation: Specifies a Pod::Weaver bundle to be used. Default: '@Author::TABULO'


Tabulo[n] <>


Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at

Source Code

This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license.

git clone


Tabulo <>


This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Tabulo[n].

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.