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XS::Framework::Manual::recipe06 - XS::Framework advanced topic

Extension via payload

Let's assume that underlying geometry library offers the following interface:

struct Point {
    double x;
    double y;

struct ShapeA {
    size_t point_count() const { return points.size(); }
    Point& get_point(size_t idx) { return; }
    void add_point(const Point& pt) { points.push_back(pt); }
    std::vector<Point> points;

The typemap are trivial; the typemap for ShapeA was made extensible for future derived classes.

template <>
struct Typemap<Point*> : TypemapObject<Point*, Point*, ObjectTypePtr, ObjectStorageMG> {
    static std::string package () { return "MyTest::Cookbook::Point"; }

template <typename D>
struct Typemap<ShapeA*, D> : TypemapObject<ShapeA*, D, ObjectTypePtr, ObjectStorageMG> {
    static std::string package () { return "MyTest::Cookbook::ShapeA"; }

The xs-adapter for Point class is also easy to write:

MODULE = MyTest                PACKAGE = MyTest::Cookbook::Point

double Point::x(SV* new_val = nullptr) : ALIAS(y = 1) {
    double* val = nullptr;
    switch(ix) {
        case 1: val = &THIS->y; break;
        default: val = &THIS->x; break;
    if (new_val) {
        *val = SvNV(new_val);
    RETVAL = *val;

Point* Point::new(double x = 0, double y = 0) {
    RETVAL = new Point{x, y};

Let's assume that Perl-developers find it is a bit unconvenient to use those classes as is, and they like to have possibility to add arbitrary metainformation for any point of a shape. Let's extend xs-adapter for ShapeA to store that association in payload (aka SV* magic). Before doing that we have to define application-unique marker for payload:

static xs::Sv::payload_marker_t payload_marker_09{};    // (1)

It's common practice just to have static variable like in (1), sinse the variable itself isn't used, but only it's address.

MODULE = MyTest                PACKAGE = MyTest::Cookbook::ShapeA

size_t ShapeA::point_count()

Sv ShapeA::new() {      // (1)
    auto shape = new ShapeA();
    Object obj = xs::out<>(shape, CLASS);   // (2)
    auto payload = Array::create();         // (3)
    obj.payload_attach(payload, &payload_marker_09);   // (4)
    RETVAL = obj.ref();     // (5)

Usually the constructor is created for us by Parse::XS, but as we need to extend the output Perl SV* with payload, it should be manually written (1). After C++ object instance creation, the Perl SV* container for it created at (2). As we know that points in a shaper are stored in zero-based vector we can use Array (3) from XS::Framework, which offers just C++ interface for Perl's AV* array. Then, the array is attached to the object payload (4); after that operation the resulting object stores pointer to C++ ShapeA class and perl array.

Since we cannot return raw object in Perl, it must be a reference to object (5).

No need of special destructor for xs-adapter of ShapeA. Sinse the attached payload is Perl SV* (AV* in tha context), it will be destroyed when the object wrapper SV* will be destroyed. If arbitrary C++ objects are attached as payload and need special clean-up it have to be written, then (see the following recipes).

void ShapeA::add_point(Point* pt, SV* maybe_label = nullptr) {
    Object self{ST(0)};     // (6)
    Array payload(self.payload(&payload_marker_09).obj);    // (7)
    Sv label = maybe_label ? Sv{maybe_label} : Sv::undef;
    Sv ref = Ref::create(maybe_label);  // (8)
    payload.push(ref);  // (9)

The add_point should be intercepted in xs-adapter. After proxying call to the C++ object itself, the possible label for the point should be handled. We have to get the SV* wrapper for C++ object via (6); here ST(0) is the first scalar on the Perl stack and it is always wrapper for THIS. Then it gets the payload via address of payload_marker_09 and converts the SV* to the array (7); the conversion is performed by XS::Framework. Then it takes reference either to the supplied label or to undef (8) and records in the payload array (9).

The get_point implementation below uses list-context Perl feature: if the the method is called in list context, then the point metadata will be returned as 2nd result value.

void ShapeA::get_point(size_t idx) {
    Object self{ST(0)};
    Array payload(self.payload(&payload_marker_09).obj);

    auto& pt = THIS->get_point(idx);        // (10)
    auto pt_copy = new Point{pt.x, pt.y};   // (11)
    auto wrapped_pt = xs::out<>(pt_copy);
    mXPUSHs(wrapped_pt.detach());           // (12)

    if (GIMME_V == G_ARRAY) {               // (13)
        auto ref =;
        Sv value = SvRV(ref);               // (14)
        mXPUSHs(value.detach());            // (15)

Since the C++ interface of ShapeA returns reference Point (10) without transferring ownership on it (it is always true for reference, and sometimes true for pointers), we make an detached clone(11) of it to have an exclusive ownership of a point in Perl. Without thats ownership transfer there would be a problem: assume that the returned Point is has longer lifetime then it's Shape container, i.e.

my $point; { my $shape = ... ; $point = $shape->get_point(0); }
$point->x;  # Most likely SEGFAULT

because shape deletes the points it owns, leaving so called dangling pointer in perl. With the object cloning this issue is avoided.

The clone is pushed on Perl stack (12); detach is needed here to keep refcount of a point-clone to 1 when the object in transferred to Perl. On line (13) it is checked whether the get_point was invoked in list context. Since, in payload array the references to original metadata is stored (8), then it must be derefenced (14) before returning it to Perl at (15).

The test below checks correctness of the implementation:

my $shape = MyTest::Cookbook::ShapeA->new;
$shape->add_point(MyTest::Cookbook::Point->new(10, 5), { direction => 'NORTH', power => 5 });
$shape->add_point(MyTest::Cookbook::Point->new(-10, 7), 'hello');
$shape->add_point(MyTest::Cookbook::Point->new(100, 1));

my $pt1 = $shape->get_point(0);
is $pt1->x, 10;
is $pt1->y, 5;

my ($pt11, $label1) = $shape->get_point(0);
is $pt11->x, 10;
is $pt11->y, 5;
is_deeply $label1, { direction => 'NORTH', power => 5 };

my ($pt2, $label2) = $shape->get_point(1);
is $pt2->x, -10;
is $pt2->y, 7;
is $label2, 'hello';

my $pt3 = $shape->get_point(2);
is $pt3->x, 100;
is $pt3->y, 1;

Extension via inheritance

There is a bit more convenient way to solve the original issue via inheritance. To do that the special class XSShapeA should be created from original ShapeA to store references to metadata. Since this class uses C++ API of XS::Framework it is convenient to prefix it with XS.

struct XSShapeA : public ShapeA {
    void add_label(SV* maybe_label = nullptr) {
        Sv label = maybe_label ? Sv{maybe_label} : Sv::undef;
    Ref& get_ref(size_t idx) { return; }
    std::vector<Ref> labels;    // (16)

Basically methods from xs-adapter of ShapeA; and instead of xs::Array the std::vector (16) is used as container for references of points metadata.

Let's show how typemap for XSShapeA looks like:

template <>
struct Typemap<XSShapeA*> : Typemap<ShapeA*, XSShapeA*> {
    static std::string package () { return "MyTest::Cookbook::ShapeB"; }

MODULE = MyTest                PACKAGE = MyTest::Cookbook::ShapeB

XSShapeA* XSShapeA::new()

void XSShapeA::add_point(Point* pt, SV* maybe_label = nullptr) {

void XSShapeA::get_point(size_t idx) {
    auto& pt = THIS->get_point(idx);
    auto pt_copy = new Point{pt.x, pt.y};
    auto wrapped_pt = xs::out<>(pt_copy);
    if (GIMME_V == G_ARRAY) {
        Sv value = SvRV(THIS->get_ref(idx));

    auto stash = Stash(__PACKAGE__, GV_ADD);

Basically, it is similar to xs-adapter of ShapeA.

Summary: in this recipe the inherirance solution looks a bit more convenient; however, the extension via inheritance is not always possible/desirable, so the extension via payload comes into play.