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XS::Framework::Manual::recipe02 - XS::Framework basics


This recipe expains difference between ObjectStorageIV and ObjectStorageMG storage policies. The C++ classes, typemaps and XS-adapters are almost the same as in recipe01, i.e.

struct DateRecipe02a {
    DateRecipe02a()  { update() ; }
    void update()    { epoch = std::time(nullptr); }

    int get_epoch() const { return epoch; }
    std::time_t epoch;

namespace xs {
    template <>
    struct Typemap<DateRecipe02a*> : TypemapObject<DateRecipe02a*, DateRecipe02a*, ObjectTypePtr, ObjectStorageIV, StaticCast> {
        static std::string package () { return "MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02a"; }

struct DateRecipe02b {
    DateRecipe02b()  { update() ; }
    void update()    { epoch = std::time(nullptr); }

    int get_epoch() const { return epoch; }
    std::time_t epoch;

namespace xs {
    template <>
    struct Typemap<DateRecipe02b*> : TypemapObject<DateRecipe02b*, DateRecipe02b*, ObjectTypePtr, ObjectStorageMG, StaticCast> {
        static std::string package () { return "MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02b"; }

MODULE = MyTest                PACKAGE = MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02a

DateRecipe02a* DateRecipe02a::new() { RETVAL = new DateRecipe02a(); }

void DateRecipe02a::update()

std::time_t DateRecipe02a::get_epoch()

    Stash(__PACKAGE__, GV_ADD).mark_as_loaded(__MODULE__);
    // (1)

void DateRecipe02a::DESTROY() {

MODULE = MyTest                PACKAGE = MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02b

DateRecipe02b* DateRecipe02a::new() { RETVAL = new DateRecipe02b(); }

void DateRecipe02b::update()

std::time_t DateRecipe02b::get_epoch()

    Stash(__PACKAGE__, GV_ADD).mark_as_loaded(__MODULE__);
    // (2)

The only difference is added BOOT sections (1), and (2). This BOOT sections are added into module BOOT section, i.e. the code will be executed upon xs-module (.so or .dll) being loaded. XS::Framework parser injects special keywords __PACKAGE__ and __MODULE__, which are substituted to string literals of the most recently parsed package and module declarations, i.e. to "MyTest" and "MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02a" of (1).

The need of use XS::Framework::Manual::SVAPI::Stash method mark_as_loaded is the following: to let Perl think that corresponding perl modules are already loaded, i.e. do not die on use parent qw/MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02b/ below.

Let's create actual instances and see what do they point

my $date_a = MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02a->new();
my $date_b = MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02b->new();

  DB<1> x $date_a
0  MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02a=SCALAR(0x25b93a0)
   -> 13317136
  DB<2> x $date_b
0  MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02b=SCALAR(0xcb7ca0)
   -> undef

The $date_a object uses ObjectStorageIV, i.e. the pointer to C++ DateRecipe02a object is stored in integer field of Perl SV*. So, the number 13317136 is actually pointer to C++ somewhere on a heap.

The $date_b object uses ObjectStorageMG, i.e. pointer to C++ DateRecipe02a object is stored in magic; the Perl SV* itself remains free/undef and it is possible to upgrade it in future.

Let's extend class behaviour in Perl, i.e. let's created child class with additional method to_string, which will print human-readable date. That's possible to do for both DateRecipe02a and DateRecipe02b, but we'll do that only for former.

package MyPerlDateA {
    use MyTest;
    use parent qw/MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02a/;

    sub to_string {
        return scalar(localtime(shift->get_epoch));

my $date_A = MyPerlDateA->new;
my $s_date_A = $date_A->to_string;
note "date a = ", $s_date_A, ", ref = ", ref($date_A);
# date a = Thu Dec 20 18:45:17 2018, ref = MyPerlDateA

That's works perfectly fine. Let's try something different: let's assume that our date objects are immutable, and create string description in intercepted constructor, then cache that property and always return in to_string method. So, we need to store the cached property somewhere in object.

Now we have a problem with ObjectStorageIV: in Perl SV* there is no space left to store hash or any other data. The storage policy ObjectStorageMG does not suffers that constraint:

package MyPerlDateB {
    use MyTest;
    use parent qw/MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe02b/;

    sub new {
        my $class = shift;
        my $obj = $class->SUPER::new();  # (3)
        XS::Framework::obj2hv($obj);     # (4)
        $obj->{_date} = localtime($obj->get_epoch);
        return $obj;

    sub to_string {
        return shift->{_date}

my $date_B = MyPerlDateB->new;
my $s_date_B = $date_B->to_string;
note "date b = ", $s_date_B, ", ref = ", ref($date_B);
# date b = Thu Dec 20 18:45:17 2018, ref = MyPerlDateB

To do that, we should override new method, create the Perl wrapper for parent class via (3), and then upgrade the Perl SV* wrapper to hash reference. Once we have blessed hash reference, we have enough space to store additional data in object. So, the issue is solved.

Take away: use ObjectStorageMG storage policy by default, as it allows users of your XS-classes to extend them with additional data they need. ObjectStorageIV does not allow you to do that.