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XS::Framework::Manual::SVAPI::Sub - XS::Framework Sub C++ class reference



Sub is C++ wrapper around callable Perl subroutine. It inherits all methods from Sv and disables a few ones, which have no sense for the class, e.g. construction of Sub object from array AV* or coercion to AV*.

As the Sv it might hold the underlying Perl SV* or may not.


static Sub noinc (SV* val)
static Sub noinc (CV* val)

Sub (std::nullptr_t = nullptr) {}
Sub (SV* sv, bool policy = INCREMENT)
Sub (CV* sv, bool policy = INCREMENT)

The Sub object can be constructed either from Perl CV* or from SV*, which is perl subroutine pointer. If the supplied SV*/SV* points to NULL or undef, then the object will held NULL. Otherwise, on all other invalid SV* an exception will be thrown. The valid SV* should be either CV* or reference to CV* or undef.

explicit Sub (panda::string_view subname, I32 flags = 0)

The Perl subroutine reference can be get via string literal, please refer get_cvn_flags in perlapi. In other words, if the named Perl subroutine subname is found, than non-empty Sub object will be created, e.g.

Sub sub("MyPackage::my_fun");

Copy and move-constructors are also available:

Sub (const Sub& oth)
Sub (Sub&& oth)
Sub (const Sv& oth)
Sub (Sv&& oth)

assignment operators

Sub& operator= (SV* val)
Sub& operator= (CV* val)
Sub& operator= (const Sub& oth)
Sub& operator= (Sub&& oth)
Sub& operator= (const Sv& oth)
Sub& operator= (Sv&& oth)

The assignment operators are complementaty to the constructors above. They inherit behaviour from Sv, including NULL-safety. The previously held SV* will be dec-remented.

void set (SV* val)

The set method directly assigns the value to the underlying SV*, bypassing all checks. Use the method with caution.


Theere are zero-cost NULL-safe getters:

CV* operator-> () const
template <typename T = SV> one_of_t<T,SV,CV>* get () const

This are NULL-safe methods.


Stash stash () const

Returns stash object, i.e. package / symbol table, where underlying subroutine belongs to. This is NULL-unsafe method.


Glob  glob  () const;

Returns glob object. This is NULL-unsafe method.


panda::string_view name () const;

Returns subroutine name. This is NULL-unsafe method.

bool named()

bool named () const

Returns true if the underlying subroutine points to named subrouitene, and false for anonymous one. This is NULL-unsafe method.


SUPER_strict ()

Sub SUPER () const
Sub SUPER_strict () const

This methods return Sub object, which represends the same subroutine but for base class of the current one. They differ in behaviour, when the SUPER subroutine cannot be found. The SUPER() method just returns empty Sub, while SUPER_strict() throwns exception.

The method resolution is performed via DFS algorithm (see mro).

This are NULL-unsafe methods.



template <class...Ctx, class...Args>
*depends* call (Args&&...args) const

template <class...Ctx, class...Args>
*depends* operator() (Args&&...args) const

This methods calls perl subroutine. Here are a few examples:

Sub sub = ...;
// invoked in scalar context
Scalar p1 =;
Scalar p2 =;

Simple arg1(1), arg2(2), arg3(3);
// scalar context, array ref expected
Array p3 = sub(arg1, arg2, arg3);

// invoked in void context<void>(Simple(2), Scalar(Simple(3)), Sv(Simple(4)));

//invoked in list context
List list =<List>(arg1, arg2);

Supported argument types

Variadic number of any type that is convertible to SV* (any svapi type, pure SV*, etc)

If any of arguments represents non-scalar value (pure array, pure hash, etc), an exception will be thrown


Only explicitly specified, as template argument deduction can't decude initializer list constructor type<Scalar>{ arg1, arg2 }); // well-formed
std::initializer_list<Scalar> l{ arg1, arg2 };;                                           // well-formed{ arg1, arg2 });                              // ill-formed
SV* arg0, std::initializer_list<Scalar> list

arg0 is prepended before list. Useful for proxy-method that adds one arguments in the beginning

SV*const* list, size_t items

Useful when proxying calls from XS functions

void some_xs_func () {
    ..., items);
SV* arg0, SV*const* list, size_t items

Same as previous, but adds arg0 before list. Useful when proxying calls from XS functions

void some_xs_func () {
    ..., &ST(0), items);
const Scalar* list, size_t items
SV* arg0, const Scalar* list, size_t items

same as previous ones

Return type / call context

Return type of the call is specified as one or more template parameters for call() function. Sub will be called in corresponding context.<void>();<Scalar>(); // same as<List>();
// ... etc

List of supported context template parameters in format "template params, return type, perl sub call context":

<void>, void, G_VOID

Anything that sub returns is discarded

<> or <Scalar>, Scalar, G_SCALAR

Any scalar expected

<Sv>, Sv, G_SCALAR

Any scalar expected

<Simple>, Simple, G_SCALAR

Sub is expected to return perl primitive (number or string). If returned value is not a primitive, exception is thrown. The same applies for svapi types listed below.

<Ref>, Ref, G_SCALAR

Any reference expected

<Array>, Array, G_SCALAR

Array ref expected

<Hash>, Hash, G_SCALAR

Hash ref expected

<Stash>, Stash, G_SCALAR

Stash(class) ref expected

<Object>, Object, G_SCALAR

Object (blessed reference of any kind) expected

<Sub>, Sub, G_SCALAR

Subroutine reference expected

<Glob>, Glob, G_SCALAR

Glob or reference to glob expected

<List>, List, G_ARRAY

Any number of any types expected. List contains all the returned values.

auto list =<List>();
for (auto& val : list) { ... }
<std::array<T,N>>, std::array<T,N>, G_ARRAY

T may be any type of svapi. Expected N return values of type T. If sub returns more than N values, extra values are discarded. If sub returns less than N values, then remaining are returned as undefs.

auto arr =<std::array<Simple, 3>>(args);
for (auto elem : arr) cout << (int)elem << endl;
<T1, T2, ...> or <std::tuple<T1, T2, ...>, std::tuple<T1, T2, ...>, G_ARRAY

Tx may be any type of svapi. Expected N = count of Tx return values of various Tx(T1, T2, ...) types. If sub returns more than N values, extra values are discarded. If sub returns less than N values, then remaining are returned as undefs.

auto ret =<Simple, Array, Hash>(args);
auto simple = std::get<0>(ret);
auto arr    = std::get<1>(ret);
auto hash   = std::get<2>(ret);
<panda::string>, panda::string, G_SCALAR

Primitive expected

auto str =<string>();
<any numeric type>, that type, G_SCALAR

Primitive expected

auto num =<long>();



