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NAME - compile-time type usage static analysis


package main;
use typesafety; # 'summary', 'debug';

my FooBar $foo;        # establish type-checked variables
my FooBar $bar;        # FooBar is the base class of references $bar will hold
my BazQux $baz;

$foo = new FooBar;     # this is okey, because $foo holds FooBars
$bar = $foo;           # this is okey, because $bar also holds FooBars
# $foo = 10;           # this would throw an error - 10 is not a FooBar
# $baz = $foo;         # not allowed - FooBar isn't a BazQux
$foo = $baz;           # is allowed -  BazQux is a FooBar because of inheritance
$bar = $foo->foo();    # this is okey, as FooBar::foo() returns FooBars also

typesafety::check();   # perform type check static analysis


package FooBar;
use typesafety;

# unneeded - new() defaults to prototype to return same type as package
# proto 'new', returns => 'FooBar'; 

proto 'foo', returns => 'FooBar'; 

# proto 'methodname', returns => 'FooBar', takes => 'Type', 'Type', 'Type';

sub new {
  bless [], $_[0]; # or bless whatever, __PACKAGE__ or bless whatever, 'FooBar'

sub foo { my $me = shift; return $me->new(); } 


package BazQux;
use typesafety;
@ISA = 'FooBar';


This is a SNAPSHOT release of ALPHA software. This is the third snapshot.
The first was ugly, ugly, ugly and contained horrific bugs and the implementation
was lacking. The second continued to lack numerous critical features.
Much remains to be done and much is in progress. The interface is
in flux. See BUGS, below.

Hueristics similiar to "" track dataflow.

Failure to keep track what kind of data is in a given variable or returned from a given method is an epic source of confusion and frustration during debugging.

Given a ->get_pet() method, you might try to bathe the output. If it always a dog during testing, everything is fine, but sooner or later, you're going to get a cat, and that can be rather bloody.

Welcome to Type Safety. Type Safety means knowing what kind of data you have (atleast in general - it may be a subclass of the type you know you have). Because you always know what kind of data it is, you see in advance when you try to use something too generic (like a pet) where you want something more specific (like a dog, or atleast a pet that implements the "washable" interface).

Think of Type Safety as a new kind of variable scoping - instead of scoping where the variables can be seen from, you're scoping what kind of data they might contain.

"Before hand" means when the program is parsed, not while it is running. This prevents bugs from "hiding". I'm sure you're familiar with evil bugs, lurking in the dark, il-used corners of the program, like so many a grue. Like Perl's use strict and use warnings and use diagnostics, potential problems are brought to your attention before they are proven to be a problem by tripping on them while the program happens on that nasty part of code. You might get too much information, but you'll never have to test every aspect of the program to try to uncover these sorts of warnings. Now you understand the difference between "run time diagnostics" and "compile time warnings".

Asserts in the code, checking return values manually, are an example of run-time type checking:

# we die unexpectedly, but atleast bad values don't creep around!
# too bad our program is so ugly, full of checks and possible bad
# cases to check for...

my $foo = PetStore->get_pet();
$foo->isa('Dog') or die; 

Run-time type checking misses errors unless a certain path of execution is taken, leaving little time bombs to go off, showing up later. More importantly, it clutters up the code with endless "debugging" checks, known as "asserts", from the C language macro of the same name.

Type Safety is a cornerstone of Object Oriented programming. It works with Polymorphism and Inheritance (including Interface Inheritance).

Use while developing. Comment out the typesafety::check() statement when placing the code into production. This emulates what is done with compiled languages - types are checked only after the last time changes are made to the code. The type checking is costly in terms of CPU, and as long as the code stays the same, the results won't change. If everything was type safe the last time you tested, and you haven't changed anything, then it still is.

A few specific things are inspected in the program when typesafety::check() is called:

$a = $b;

Variable assignment. Rules are only applied to variables that are "type safe" - a type safe variable was declared using one of the two constructs shown in the SYNOPSIS. If it isn't type safe, none of these rules apply. Otherwise, $b must be the same type as $a, or a subclass of $a's type. In other words, the types must "match".


Method call. If $a is type safe, then the method meth() must exist in whichever package $a was prototyped to hold a reference to. Note that type safety can't keep you from trying to use a null reference (uninitialized variable), only from trying to call methods that haven't been proven to be part of the module they're prototyped to hold a reference to. If the method hasn't been prototyped in that module, then a ->can() test is done at compile time. Inheritance is handled this way.

$a = new Foo;

Package constructors are always assumed to return an object of the same type as their package. In this case, $a->isa('Foo') is expected to be true after this assignment. This may be overridden with a prototype for your abstract factory constructors (which really belong in another method anyway, but I'm feeling generous). The return type of Foo->new() must match the type of $a, as a seperate matter. To match, it must match exactly or else be a subclass of $a expects. This is just like the simple case of "variable assignment", above. If new() has arguments prototyped for it, the arguments types must also match. This is just like "Method call", above.

$a = $foo->new();

Same as above. If $foo is type checked and $a is not, then arguments to the new() method are still checked against any prototype. If $a is type checked, then the return value of new() must match. If no prototype exists for new() in whatever package $foo belongs to, then, as above, the return value is assumed to be the same as the package $foo belongs to. In other words, in normal circumstances, you don't have to prototype methods.

$b = $a->bar();

As above: the return type of bar() must be the same as, or a subclass of, $b's, if $b is type safe. If $a is type safe and there is a prototype on bar(), then argument types are inforced.

$b = $a->bar($a->baz(), $z->qux());

The above rules apply recursively: if a method call is made to compute an argument, and the arguments of the bar() method are prototyped, then the return values of method calls made to compute the arguments must match the prototype. Any of the arguments in the prototype may be undef, in which case no particular type is enforced. Only object types are enforced - if you want to pass an array reference, then bless that array reference into a package and make it an object.

bless something, $_[0];
bless something, __PACKAGE__;
bless something, 'FooBar';

This is considered to return an object of the type of the hard-coded value or of the present package. This value may "fall through" and be the default return value of the function.

return $whatever;

Return values in methods must match the return type prototyped for that method.

push @a, $type;
unshift @a, $type;
$type = pop @a;
$type = shift @a;
$type = $a[5];

When typed variables and typed expressions are used in conjunction with arrays, the array takes on the types of all of the input values. Arrays only take on types when assigned from another array, a value is pushed onto it, or a value is unshifted onto it. Whenever the array is used to generate a value with an index, via pop, or via unshift, the expected type is compared to each of the types the array holds values from. Should a value be assigned to the array that is incompatiable with the types expected of the array, the program dies with a diagnostic message. This feature is extremely experimental. In theory, this type of automatic type inference could be applied to method arguments, scalars, and so forth, such that types can be specified by the programmer when desired, but never need to be, and the program is still fully type checked. O'Caml reported does this, but with a concept of records like datastructures, where different elements of an array are typed seperately if the array isn't used as a queue. We only support one type for the whole array, as if it were a queue of sorts.


This must be done after setting things up to perform actual type checking, or it can be commented out for production. The module will still need to be used to provide the proto(), and add the interface handlers.

Giving the 'summary' argument to the use typesafety line generates a report of defined types when typesafety::check() is run: status report:
variable $baz, type BazQux, defined in package main, file, line 36
variable $bar, type FooBar, defined in package main, file, line 34
variable $foo, type FooBar, defined in package main, file, line 33

I don't know what this is good for except warm fuzzy feelings.

You can also specify a 'debug' flag, but I don't expect it will be very helpful to you.


Class::Contract by Damian Conway. Let me know if you notice any others. Class::Contract only examines type safety on arguments to and from method calls. It doesn't delve into the inner workings of a method to make sure that types are handled correctly in there. This module covers the same turf, but with less syntax and less bells and whistles. This module is more natural to use, in my opinion.

To the best of my knowledge, no other module attempts to do what this modules, er, attempts to do.

Object::PerlDesignPatterns by myself. Documentation. Deals with many concepts surrounding Object Oriented theory, good design, and hotrodding Perl. The current working version is always at


unsafe assignment:  in package main, file, line 42 - variable $baz, 
type BazQux, defined in package main, file, line 36 cannot hold method 
foo, type FooBar, defined in package FooBar, file, line 6 at line 303.

There are actually a lot of different diagnostic messages, but they are all somewhat similar. Either something was being assigned to something it shouldn't have been, or else something is being passed in place of something it shouldn't be. The location of the relavent definitions as well the actual error are included, along with the line in, which is only useful to me.


My favorite section!

Yes, every module I write mentions Damian Conway =)

Blesses are only recognized as returning a given type when not used with a variable, or when used with $_[0]. E.g., all of these are recognized: bless {}, 'FooBar', bless {}, $_[0], and bless {}, __PACKAGE__. (__PACKAGE__ is a litteral as far as perl is concerned). Doing bless {}, $type and other constructs will throw a diagnostic about an unrecognized construct - loses track of the significance of $_[0] when it is assigned to another variable. To get this going, I'd have to track data as it is unshifted from arguments into other things, and I'd have to recognize the result of ref or the first argument to new as a special thing that produces a predictable type when feed to new as the second argument. Meaty.

undef isn't accepted in place of an object. Most OO langauges permit this - however, it is a well known duality that leads to checking each return value. This is a nasty case of explicit type case analysis syndrome. Rather than each return value be checked for nullness (or undefness, in the case of Perl) and the error handling logic be repeated each place where a return value is expected, use the introduce null object pattern: return values should always be the indicated type - however, a special subclass of that type can throw an error when any of its methods are accessed. Should a method call be performed to a method that promises it will always return a given type, and this return value isn't really needed, and failure is acceptable, the return can be compared to the special null object of that class. The normal situation, where a success return is expected, is handled correctly without having to introduce any ugly return checking code or diagnostics. The error reporting code is refactored into the special null object, rather than be littered around the program, in other words.

Incoming data is checked against the prototype, but it doesn't take on the given type inside of the method. A FooBar isn't usable as a FooBar when it is an argument. This sucks pretty bad. I almost have this working - the infastructure is there. I just need to add some more heuristics to look for these cases. This is the primary thing preventing this module from being usable.

We're intimately tied to the bytecode tree, the structure of which could easily change in future versions of Perl. This works on my 5.9.0 pre-alpha. It might not work at all on what you have.

Only operations on lexical my variables are supported. Attempting to assign a global to a typed variable will be ignored - type errors won't be reported. Global variables themselves cannot yet be type checked. All doable, just ran out of steam.

Only operations on methods using the $ob->method(args) syntax is supported - function calls are not prototyped nor recognized. Stick to method calls for now. New - function prototypes might work, but I haven't tested this, nor written a test case.

Types should be considered to match if the last part matches - Foo::Bar->isa('Bar') would be true. This might take some doing. Workaround to :: not being allowed in attribute-prototypes. Presently, programs with nested classes, like Foo::Bar, cannot have these types assigned to variables. No longer true - the declare() syntax is a work-around to this.

Many valid, safe expressions will stump this thing. It doesn't yet understand all operations - only a small chunk of them. map { }, when the last thing in the block is type safe, grep { }, slice operations on arrays, and dozens of other things could be treated as safe. When encounters something it doesn't understand, it barfs.

We use B::Generate just for the ->sv() method. Nothing else. I promise! We're not modifying the byte code tree, just reporting on it. I do have some ideas for using B::Generate, but don't go off thinking that this module does radical run time self modifying code stuff.

The root (code not in functions) of main:: is checked, but not the roots of other modules. I don't know how to get a handle on them. Sorry. Methods and functions in main:: and other namespaces that use typesafety; get checked, of course.

Having to call a "check" function is kind of a kludge. I think this could be done in a CHECK { } block, but right now, the typesafety::check() call may be commented out, and the code should start up very quickly, only having to compile the few thousand lines of code in, and not having to actually recurse through the bytecode. Modules we use have a chance to run at the root level, which lets the proto() functions all run, if we are used after they are, but the main package has no such benefit. Running at CHECK time doesn't let anything run.

The B tree matching, navigation, and type solving logic should be presented as a reusable API, and a module specific to this task should use that module. After I learn what the pattern is and fascilities are really needed, I'll consider this.

Tests aren't run automatically - I really need to fix this. I keep running them by hand. It is one big file where each commented-out line gets uncommented one by one. This makes normal testing procedures awkward. I'll have to rig something up.

Some things just plain might not work as described. Let me know.


types, by Arthur Bergman - C style type checking on strings, integers, and floats. - look for updated documentation on this module here - this included documentation is sparse - only usage information, bugs, and such are included. The TypeSafety page on, on the other hand, is an introduction and tutorial to the ideas. - an extreme case of the utility of strong types.

Class::Contract, by Damian Conway

Attribute::Types, by Damian Conway

Sub::Parameters, by Richard Clamp

Object::PerlDesignPatterns, by myself.

The file that comes with this distribution demonstrates exhaustively everything that is allowed and everything that is not.

The source code. At the top of the .pm file is a list of outstanding issues, things that I want to do in the future, and things that have been knocked down. At the bottom of the .pm file is a whole bunch of comments, documentation, and such. - works by examining the bytecode tree of the compiled program. This bytecode is known as "B", for whatever reason. I'm learning it as I write this, and as I write this, I'm documenting it (talk about multitasking!) The PerlAssembly page has links to other resources I've found around the net, too.


Scott Walters -


Distribute under the same terms as Perl itself. Copyright 2003 Scott Walters. Some rights reserved.