Changes for version 0.00_06
- poikc : omitted the --state_name option and was able to appoint it. eg) function poikc ModuleName::functionName args... ClassName method poikc "ClassName->methodName" args... POE event poikc AliasName eventName args...
- POEIKCdaemon : Abolition event_respond .
- POEIKCdaemon : Abolition stop_respond .
- POEIKCdaemon::Utility : Added eval method .
- POEIKCdaemon::Utility : Added shutdown method .
- POEIKCdaemon::Utility : Added loop and stop method . eg) poikc -D -U loop 10l 2d Demo::Demo::loop_test Start_Loop aaa bbb poikc -D -U stop Demo::Demo::loop_test end_loop End_loop 1111 2222
Changes for version 0.00_05
- poikc : --Utility An option is added. POEIKCdaemon::Utility It is shortcut. This --get An option abolishes.
- poikc : --Display An option is added. can confirm the parameter given to post_respond.
Changes for version 0.00_04
- pikc name change was made from pikc at poikc.
- poikc : -I An option is added and it enabled it to operate INC. and then --inc_=delete, --inc_=reset
- poeikcd : -M An option is added and it enabled it to use a module at the time of compile.
- POEIKCdaemon : event_respond was prepared. Got possible to carry out an event of POE.
- POEIKCdaemon::Utility : publish_IKC method was prepared. Direct access by IKC is enabled.
Changes for version 0.00_03
- poeikcd --help # show help screen
- poeikcd restart # enabled to restart.
- pikc (POE IKC Client Script)
- Default port number It was made 47225.
- eval_respond was prepared.
Changes for version 0.00_02
- @INC It can change.
- enabled it to check the loaded module by 'Class::Inspector'.
Changes for version 0.00_01
- A functional-oriented interface can be used now.
- not do reload. A module name can be specified now.
Changes for version 0.00_00
- original version