Image::Xbm - Load, create, manipulate and save xbm image files.


use Image::Xbm ;

my $j = Image::Xbm->new( -file, 'balArrow.xbm' ) ;

my $i = Image::Xbm->new( -width => 10, -height => 16 ) ;

my $h = $i->new ; # Copy of $i

my $p = Image::Xbm->new_from_string( "###\n#-#\n###" ) ;

my $q = $p->new_from_string( "H##", "#-#", "###" ) ;

$i->xy( 5, 8, 1 ) ;           # Set a bit
print '1' if $i->xy( 9, 3 ) ; # Get a bit

$i->vec( 24, 0 ) ;            # Set a bit using a vector offset
print '1' if $i->vec( 24 ) ;  # Get a bit using a vector offset

print $i->get( -width ) ;     # Get and set object and class attributes
$i->set( -height, 15 ) ;

$i->load( 'test.xbm' ) ;
$i->save ;

print "equal\n" if $i->is_equal( $j ) ; 

print $j->as_string ;


print $j->as_binstring ;




my $i = Image::Xbm->new( -file => 'test.xbm' ) ;
my $j = Image::Xbm->new( -width => 12, -height => 18 ) ;
my $k = $i->new ;

We can create a new xbm image by reading in a file, or by creating an image from scratch (all the bits are unset by default), or by copying an image object that we created earlier.

If we set -file then all the other arguments are ignored (since they're taken from the file). If we don't specify a file, -width and -height are mandatory.

Note that if you are creating an image from scratch you should not set -file when you call new; you should either set it later or simply include the filename in any call to save which will set it for you.


The name of the file to read when creating the image. May contain a full path. This is also the default name used for loading and saveing, though it can be overridden when you load or save.


The width of the image; taken from the file or set when the object is created; read-only.


The height of the image; taken from the file or set when the object is created; read-only.


The x-coord of the image's hotspot; taken from the file or set when the object is created. Set to -1 if there is no hotspot.


The y-coord of the image's hotspot; taken from the file or set when the object is created. Set to -1 if there is no hotspot.


The bit vector that stores the image; read-only.


my $p = Image::Xbm->new_from_string( "###\n#-#\n###" ) ;
my $q = $p->new_from_string( "H##", "#-#", "###" ) ;
my $r = $p->new_from_string( $p->as_string ) ;

Create a new bitmap from a string or from an array or list of strings. If you want to use different characters you can:

Image::Xbm->set( -setch => 'X', -unsetch => ' ' ) ;
my $s = $p->new_from_string( "XXX", "X X", "XhX" ) ;

You can also specify a hotspot by making one of the characters a 'H' (set bit hotspot) or 'h' (unset bit hotspot) -- you can use different characters by setting -sethotch and -unsethotch respectively.


my $width = $i->get( -width ) ;

Get any of the object's attributes.

See xy and vec to get/set bits of the image itself.


$i->set( -hotx => 120, -hoty => 32 ) ;

Set any of the object's attributes. Multiple attributes may be set in one go. Except for -setch and -unsetch all attributes are object attributes; some attributes are read-only.

See xy and vec to get/set bits of the image itself.

class attributes

Image::Xbm->set( -setch => 'X' ) ;
$i->set( -setch => '@', -unsetch => '*' ) ;

The character to print set bits as when using as_string, default is '#'. This is a class attribute accessible from the class or an object via get and set.


The character to print set bits as when using as_string, default is '-'. This is a class attribute accessible from the class or an object via get and set.


The character to print set bits as when using as_string, default is 'H'. This is a class attribute accessible from the class or an object via get and set.


The character to print set bits as when using as_string, default is 'h'. This is a class attribute accessible from the class or an object via get and set.


$i->xy( 4, 11, 1 ) ;      # Set the bit at point 4,11
my $v = $i->xy( 9, 17 ) ; # Get the bit at point 9,17

Get/set bits using x, y coordinates; coordinates start at 0.


$i->vec( 43, 0 ) ;      # Unset the bit at offset 43
my $v = $i->vec( 87 ) ; # Get the bit at offset 87

Get/set bits using vector offsets; offsets start at 0.


$i->load ;
$i->load( 'test.xbm' ) ;

Load the image whose name is given, or if none is given load the image whose name is in the -file attribute.


$i->save ;
$i->save( 'test.xbm' ) ;

Save the image using the name given, or if none is given save the image using the name in the -file attribute. The image is saved in xbm format, e.g.

#define test_width 6
#define test_height 6
static unsigned char test_bits[] = {
 0x1f, 0x07, 0x07, 0x09, 0x11, 0x20 } ;


print "equal\n" if $i->is_equal( $j ) ;

Returns true (1) if the images are equal, false (0) otherwise. Note that hotspots and filenames are ignored, so we compare width, height and the actual bits only.


print $i->as_string ;

Returns the image as a string, e.g.


The characters used may be changed by setting the -setch and -unsetch characters. If you give as_string a parameter it will print out the hotspot if present using -sethotch or -unsethotch as appropriate, e.g.

print $n->as_string( 1 ) ;



print $i->as_binstring ;

Returns the image as a string of 0's and 1's, e.g.






Mark Summerfield. I can be contacted as <> - please include the word 'xbm' in the subject line.


Copyright (c) Mark Summerfield 2000. All Rights Reserved.

This module may be used/distributed/modified under the LGPL.