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Ufal::UDPipe - bindings to UDPipe library


use Ufal::UDPipe;

my $model_file = '...';
my $model = Ufal::UDPipe::Model::load($model_file) or die "Cannot load model from file '$model_file'\n";

my $tokenizer = $model->newTokenizer($Ufal::UDPipe::Model::DEFAULT);
my $conllu_output = Ufal::UDPipe::OutputFormat::newOutputFormat("conllu");
my $sentence = Ufal::UDPipe::Tree->new();

$tokenizer->setText(join('', <>));
while ($tokenizer->nextSentence($sentence)) {
  $model->tag($sentence, $Ufal::UDPipe::Model::DEFAULT);
  $model->parse($sentence, $Ufal::UDPipe::Model::DEFAULT);

  my $output = $conllu_output->writeSentence($sentence);
  print $output;


To compile the module, C++11 compiler is needed, either g++ 4.7 or newer, alternatively clang 3.2 or newer or Visual C++ 2015.


Ufal::UDPipe is a Perl binding to UDPipe library

The bindings is a straightforward conversion of the C++ bindings API. Vectors do not have native Perl interface, see Ufal::UDPipe::Words source for reference. Static methods and enumerations are available only through the module, not through object instance.

Wrapped C++ API

The C++ API being wrapped follows. For a API reference of the original C++ API, see L\<\>.

Helper Structures

  typedef vector<int> Children;

  typedef vector<string> Comments;

  class ProcessingError {
    bool occurred();
    string message;

  class Word {
    int id;         // 0 is root, >0 is sentence word, <0 is undefined
    string form;    // form
    string lemma;   // lemma
    string upostag; // universal part-of-speech tag
    string xpostag; // language-specific part-of-speech tag
    string feats;   // list of morphological features
    int head;       // head, 0 is root, <0 is undefined
    string deprel;  // dependency relation to the head
    string deps;    // secondary dependencies
    string misc;    // miscellaneous information

    Children children;

    Word(int id = -1, const string& form = string());
  typedef vector<Word> Words;

  class MultiwordToken {
    int idFirst, idLast;
    string form;
    string misc;

    MultiwordToken(int id_first = -1, int id_last = -1, const string& form = string(), const string& misc = string());
  typedef vector<MultiwordToken> MultiwordTokens;

  class Sentence {

    Words words;
    MultiwordTokens multiwordTokens;
    Comments comments
    static const string rootForm;

    bool empty();
    void clear();
    virtual Word& addWord(const char* form);
    void setHead(int id, int head, const string& deprel);
    void unlinkAllWords();
  typedef vector<Sentence> Sentences;

Main Classes

  class InputFormat {
    virtual void setText(const char* text);
    virtual bool nextSentence(Sentence& s, ProcessingError* error = nullptr);

    static InputFormat* newInputFormat(const string& name);
    static InputFormat* newConlluInputFormat();
    static InputFormat* newHorizontalInputFormat();
    static InputFormat* newVerticalInputFormat();

  class OutputFormat {
    virtual string writeSentence(const Sentence& s) const;

    static OutputFormat* newOutputFormat(const string& name);
    static OutputFormat* newConlluOutputFormat();
    static OutputFormat* newHorizontalOutputFormat();
    static OutputFormat* newVerticalOutputFormat();

  class Model {
    static Model* load(const char* fname);

    virtual InputFormat* newTokenizer(const string& options) const;
    virtual bool tag(Sentence& s, const string& options, ProcessingError* error = nullptr) const;
    virtual bool parse(Sentence& s, const string& options, ProcessingError* error) const;

    static const string DEFAULT;

  class Pipeline {
    Pipeline(const Model* m, const string& input, const string& tagger, const string& parser, const string& output);

    void setModel(const Model* m);
    void setInput(const string& input);
    void setTagger(const string& tagger);
    void setParser(const string& parser);
    void setOutput(const string& output);

    string process(const string& data, ProcessingError* error = nullptr) const;

    static const string DEFAULT;
    static const string NONE;

  class Trainer {

    static string train(const string& method, const Sentences& train, const Sentences& heldout,
                        const string& tokenizer, const string& tagger, const string& parser,
                        ProcessingError* error = nullptr);

    static const string DEFAULT;
    static const string NONE;

  class Evaluator {
    Evaluator(const Model* m, const string& tokenizer, const string& tagger, const string& parser);

    void setModel(const Model* m);
    void setTokenizer(const string& tokenizer);
    void setTagger(const string& tagger);
    void setParser(const string& parser);

    string evaluate(const string& data, ProcessingError* error = nullptr) const;

    static const string DEFAULT;
    static const string NONE;

  class Version {
    unsigned major;
    unsigned minor;
    unsigned patch;
    string prerelease;

    // Returns current version.
    static version current();



Simple pipeline loading data (tokenizing on request), tagging, parsing and writing to specified output format.

use strict;
use open qw(:std :utf8);

use Ufal::UDPipe;

@ARGV >= 3 or die "Usage: $0 input_format output_format model_file\n";
my $input = shift @ARGV;
my $output = shift @ARGV;
my $model_file = shift @ARGV;

print STDERR "Loading model: ";
my $model = Ufal::UDPipe::Model::load($model_file);
$model or die "Cannot load model from file '$model_file'\n";
print STDERR "done\n";

my $pipeline = Ufal::UDPipe::Pipeline->new($model, $input, $Ufal::UDPipe::Pipeline::DEFAULT, $Ufal::UDPipe::Pipeline::DEFAULT, $output);
my $error = Ufal::UDPipe::ProcessingError->new();

for (my $not_eof = 1; $not_eof; ) {
  my $text = '';

  # Read block
  while (1) {
    my $line = <>;
    last unless ($not_eof = defined $line);
    $text .= $line;
    last unless length $line;

  # Process data
  my $processed = $pipeline->process($text, $error);
  $error->occurred() and die "An error occurred in run_udpipe: " . $error->{message};
  print $processed;


Milan Straka <>


Copyright 2016 Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.

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