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Games::Sequential - sequential games framework with OO interface
package Some::Game;
use base Games::Sequential::Position;
sub apply { ... }
package main;
my $pos = Some::Game->new;
my $game = Games::Sequential->new($pos);
Games::Sequential is a framework for producing sequential games. It provides an undo mechanism, as it keeps track of the history of moves, in addition to methods to clone a game state with or without history.
Users must pass an object representing the initial state of the game as the first argument to ->new(). This object *must* provide two methods: ->copy() and ->apply(). You can use Games::Sequential::Position as a base class, in which case the ->copy() method will be provided for you. The ->apply() method must take a move and apply it to the current position, producing the next position in the game.
Users must not modify the referred-to values of references returned by any of the below methods.
- new $initialpos [@list]
Create and return a new AlphaBeta object. The first argument must be an object representing the initial position of the game. The
option can also be set here. - _init [@list]
Internal method
Initialize an AlphaBeta object.
- debug [$value]
Return current debug level and, if invoked with an argument, set to new value.
- peek_pos
Return reference to current position. Use this for drawing the board etc.
- peek_move
Return reference to last applied move.
- move $move
Apply $move to the current position, keeping track of history. A reference to the new position is returned, or undef on failure.
- undo
Undo last move. A reference to the previous position is returned, or undef if there was no more moves to undo.
Implement missing methods: clone(), snapshot(), save() & resume().
The author's website, describing this and other projects: http://brautaset.org/projects/
Stig Brautaset, <stig@brautaset.org>
Copyright (C) 2004 by Stig Brautaset
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.