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Games::AlphaBeta - game-tree search with object oriented interface
package Games::AlphaBeta::TTT;
use base Games::AlphaBeta;
# Methods required by Games::AlphaBeta
sub apply { ... }
sub endpos { ... }
sub evaluate { ... }
sub findmoves { ... }
# Print a position in the game
sub draw { ... }
my $game = Games::AlphaBeta::TTT->new or die "No game for you!";
while ($game->abmove) {
print draw($game->peek_pos);
Games::AlphaBeta provides a generic implementation of the AlphaBeta game-tree search algorithm (also known as MiniMax search with alpha beta pruning). This algorithm can be used to find the best move at a particular position in any two-player, zero-sum game with perfect information. Examples of such games include Chess, Othello, Connect4, Go, Tic-Tac-Toe and many, many other boardgames.
Users must inherit from this module and implement four methods particular to the game in question. These are:
- apply($position, $move)
Create $newpos as copy of $position and apply $move to it. Return $newpos.
- endpos($position)
Returns true if $position is an end position (a win for one of the players or a draw) and false otherwise.
- findmoves($position)
Returns a list of all legal moves the current player can perform at the current $position. Note that if a pass move is legal in the game (i.e. as it is in Othello) you must allow for this function to produce a null move. A null move does nothing but pass the turn to the next player.
- evaluate($position)
Returns the calculated fitness value of the current position for the current player. The value must be in the range -99_999 - 99_999 (see BUGS).
Most of this module's methods are inherited from Games::Sequential; be sure to check its documentation.
Users must not modify the referred-to values of references returned by any of the below methods, except, of course, indirectly using the supplied callbacks.
Games::AlphaBeta provides these new methods:
- _init [@list]
Internal method.
Initialize an AlphaBeta object.
- ply [$value]
Return current default search depth and, if invoked with an argument, set to new value.
- abmove [$ply]
Perform the best move found after an AlphaBeta game-tree search to depth $ply. If $ply is not specified, the default depth is used (see ply()). The best move found is performed and a reference to the resulting position is returned. undef is returned on failure.
Note that this function can take a long time if $ply is high, particularly if the game in question has many possible moves at each position.
If debug() is set, some basic debugging is printed as the search progresses.
- _alphabeta $pos $alpha $beta $ply
Internal method.
The valid range of values evaluate
can return is hardcoded to -99_999 - +99_999 at the moment. Probably should provide methods to get/set these.
Implement the missing iterative deepening alphabeta routine.
The author's website for this module: http://brautaset.org/projects/#games::alphabeta
Stig Brautaset, <stig@brautaset.org>
Copyright (C) 2004 by Stig Brautaset
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.