String::Random - Perl module to generate random strings based on a pattern
use String::Random;
$foo = new String::Random;
print $foo->randregex('\d\d\d'); # Prints 3 random digits
print $foo->randpattern("..."); # Prints 3 random printable characters
use String::Random qw(random_string);
print random_string("..."); # Also prints 3 random characters
This module makes it trivial to generate random strings.
As an example, let's say you are writing a script that needs to generate a random password for a user. The relevant code might look something like this:
use String::Random;
$pass = new String::Random;
print "Your password is ", $pass->randpattern("CCcc!ccn"), "\n";
This would output something like this:
Your password is UDwp$tj5
The pre-defined patterns are as follows:
c Any lowercase character [A-Z]
C Any uppercase character [a-z]
n Any digit [0-9]
! A punctuation character [~`!@$%^&*()-_+={}[]|\:;"'.<>?/#,]
. Any of the above
s A "salt" character [A-Za-z0-9./]
These can be modified, but if you need a different pattern it is better to create another pattern, possibly using one of the pre-defined as a base. For example, if you wanted a pattern A
that contained all upper and lower case letters ([A-Za-z]
), the following would work:
$foo = new String::Random;
$foo->{'A'} = [ 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' ];
$foo = new String::Random;
$foo->{'A'} = [ @{$foo->{'C'}}, @{$foo->{'c'}} ];
The random_string function, described below, has an alternative interface for adding patterns.
- randpattern LIST
The randpattern method returns a random string based on the concatenation of all the pattern strings in the list.
Please note that in a future revision, it will return a list of random strings corresponding to the pattern strings when used in list context.
- randregex LIST
The randregex method returns a random string that will match the regular expression passed in the list argument.
Please note that the arguments to randregex are not real regular expressions. Only a small subset of regular expression syntax is actually supported. So far, the following regular expression elements are supported:
[] Character classes {} Repetition \w Alphanumeric + "_". \d Digits. \W Printable characters other than those in \w. \D Printable characters other than those in \d.
Regular expression support is still very experimental. Currently special characters inside [] are not supported (with the exception of "-" to denote ranges of characters). The parser doesn't care for spaces in the "regular expression" either.
- random_string PATTERN,LIST
- random_string PATTERN
When called with a single scalar argument, random_string returns a random string using that scalar as a pattern. Optionally, references to lists containing other patterns can be passed to the function. Those lists will be used for 0 through 9 in the pattern (meaning the maximum number of lists that can be passed is 10). For example, the following code:
print random_string("0101", ["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]), "\n";
would print something like this:
As noted above, randpattern doesn't do the right thing when called in a list context. Whether it does the right thing in a scalar context when passed a list is up for debate.
I don't even want to think about what kind of bugs might be in randregex at this point.
Steven Pritchard <>