genopt - GENerate access layer for OPTional software
[-c] - create the target installation subtree
[-f] - force override of foreign conflicting links
[-r] - remove all links to target in selected subdirs
[-p <path>] - the prefix of the installation hierarchy
[-s <path>] - the software package installation subtree
[-d <dirlist] - comma separated list of subdirs to act on
<target> - the software package's directory to act on
genopt [-h] - print help screen and exit
genopt -v - print version information and exit
Did you ever hate the common software installation practice where all the binaries get installed into the same place (such as "/usr/local/bin", for instance), trampling over one another, and other files getting copied all over your file system, thus making the de-installation of a package extremely difficult (which files belong to this package and which don't, and where are they?!)?
Did you ever want to maintain a clean and well-organized installation directory structure instead, in which every software package is installed in a separate directory subtree of its own, allowing the (dynamic) grouping of related software packages into categories (i.e., common subdirectories) and the easy de-installation without any residues?
"genopt" is a tool for administrating the installation of a great number of software packages on Unix systems in a very transparent way with minimal effort. The de-installation of software packages is also enormously simplified.
The files belonging to any given application (such as binaries, manual pages, libraries and so on) are all stored together in a distinct directory subtree.
There are pivotal directories for binaries, manual pages etc. that you need to include in your search path in order to access the applications administrated with "genopt".
The central idea of "genopt" is that these pivotal directories contain symbolic links which point to the various application's files.
"genopt" administrates these symbolic links.
A definition of "genopt" (by its original author Ralf S. Engelschall) says:
`` _Gen_eration of a compact central access layer
for a large pool of locally installed
_opt_ional Unix software,
distributed with complete sources ''
There are many methods to deal with the problem of software installation. They all have various advantages and shortcomings. Some of the most common practices will be presented here shortly as an introduction into the matter:
copy & stay forever
This is the common practice on PC's under DOS/Windows. New software packages are copied to the machine in question and dispersed all over the file system in such a way that after some time hardly anybody knows which files (or lines in an "*.ini" file) belong to which application.
As a consequence, almost never a software package is de-installed completely.
In the meantime tools have emerged to handle this problem ("un-installer"), but even these tools cannot always prevent problems which may arise when de-installing the various components of an application, especially such as the libraries shared between many applications (DLL's).
This method of installation is completely unacceptable on Unix systems where the number and complexity of the installed software packages is typically much higher, especially on application servers for many users at the same time, which usually show a large fluctuation of the installed software packages due to changes in user demand, upgrades and the testing of new products.
installation : simple de-installation : almost impossible!!
package installation (e.g. Solaris etc.)
On some systems some (proprietary) mechanisms have been especially implemented to address the issue of software installation and de-installation (for instance on System V-derivatives). However, they all require a number of special files for each and every software package that is to be installed and/or de-installed in this way, files which usually do not accompany the software packages as they are commonly found (on the Internet, for instance), except for software packages provided by the operating system vendor himself, maybe. Creating these files yourself can easily cost up to a week of work, if you can succeed at all despite the frequently insufficient documentation of these installation mechanisms.
installation : sometimes very simple de-installation : sometimes very simple
"/usr/local/dist"-solution (e.g. Technical University of Munich, Germany)
With this method each application is stored in a separate directory subtree of its own. The directory "/usr/local/dist" thereby contains a large number of symbolic links, each pointing to one of the installed applications. However, these links have to be created manually because there is no tool available for automating this task. In practice this leads to a situation in which some of the applications are installed in this way, others not, thus seriously corrupting transparency. Thus the installation using this method is hard, because it is labour-intensive, and the de-installation is also hard, because one needs to know exactly which links need to be removed.
installation : hard de-installation : hard
An installation with "genopt" resembles the "/usr/local/dist"-method: software packages are stored in separate directory subtrees, and some central directories contain symbolic links to the various applications.
However, the symbolic links are administrated automatically by "genopt", and need not to be created and removed manually. Moreover, "genopt" also creates the necessary directory structures when needed.
In a way this is like the "package installation" method mentioned above, but without the need for special per-package installation- and de-installation scripts.
A necessary prerequisite is that the application in question is configurable and does not contain any hard-coded paths. In the most favourable circumstances, the application will be available in source code form which can be adapted as needed.
installation : easy de-installation : easy
1. GenOpt
1.1 What does it look like what GenOpt creates?
1.2 How to install software with GenOpt
1.2.1 Preparing the installation
1.2.2 Unpacking the software
1.2.3 Necessary adjustments to the software
1.2.4 Linking the package with GenOpt
1.2.5 How to relocate a software package
1.2.6 How to de-install a software package
1.3 General usage instructions
2. Summary by original author Ralf S. Engelschall
3. Tips & Tricks
1. GenOpt
"genopt" consists of a Bourne shell script with a length of roughly 40 KB.
Besides the built-in Bourne shell commands, only standard Unix tools such as cat, ls, sed, awk etc. are used throughout this script, because "genopt" is intended to be useable already when installing a Unix machine for the first time (bootstrapping!).
1.1 What does it look like what GenOpt creates?
"genopt" creates an access layer or "access interface" at a freely chosen point in your file system to give you access to the installed software packages. Usually this point is "/opt", but any other directory will do.
"genopt" can be configured (configuration constant "DEFAULT_LOGICAL_ROOT" at the beginning of the script) or instructed via command line options to use any prefix you wish.
One of the reasons for the necessity of this access layer is that you can't possibly include all the different directories from your various applications containing executables into your search path (i.e., the environment variable "$PATH").
This access layer (e.g. "/opt") is organized as follows:
Access via... link in access layer... giving access to...
---------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------
/opt/pkg/foo-591 foo-591 is a directory link
giving access to all files of
example application foo-591
$PATH /opt/bin/foo executables of application
$MANPATH /opt/man/man1/foo.1 application's manual pages
.../man8/bar.8 (nroff-format)
$INFOPATH /opt/info/ application's documentation
.../ (GNU texinfo-format)
/opt/lib/foo-591 directory link to the "lib"-
subdirectory of the applica-
tion, destined to all files
the application needs inter-
nally, e.g. foo.cfg, foo.hlp,
local binaries etc. The app-
lication has been configured
before the installation to
seek these files here.
cc -I /opt/include/foo.h C header files
cc -L, ldconfig /opt/shlib/libfoo.a static und runtime (dynamic)
.../ shared-libraries
$XAPPLRESDIR /opt/xad/Foo X11 application defaults
The files in "/opt/shlib" are accessed at runtime by the kernel, the files in "/opt/xad" are accessed by X11 applications via the "libX11" library, and so on.
An illustration should make this structure clearer:
| | | | | | | | | | |
packages pkg bin etc include info lib man shlib texmf xad
| | | | | | | | | | |
... : ... | | | symbolic link access layer | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
foo-591 <----+ v v v v v v v v v
| dist arc bin etc include info lib man shlib texmf xad
| | | | | | | | | | | |
software package's individual physical installation subtree
The software packages can thereby be contained in the (global) physical installation subtree (usually "/opt/packages") either in a flat way, as follows:
+----+-----+------+----+-----+-----+------+------+----+-----+-- ...
| | | | | | | | | | |
perl elm sendmail vim rdist baybox gzip sattrack tin shutil cvs ...
Or they can be grouped together into categories and subcategories of your own free choice, as in the following example:
+----------------+------+-------+----------------+-- ...
| | | |
network utility develop hamradio
| | | |
+------+-----+ +---+---+ +----+----+ +----+----+
| | | | | | | | | |
Mail News rdist shutil gzip perl cvs vim sattrack baybox
| |
| tin
| |
elm sendmail
Note that this structure should not be altered manually (exceptions to this rule see further below) if you don't want to risk loosing the access to your applications.
Regard it as something internal not to be tampered with just like the data files of a database system.
(Some operations, like creating new categories and relocating already installed software packages, are permitted under certain conditions.)
Additionally, "genopt" creates some files in the access layer's root directory ("/opt") for its own internal housekeeping. These files are named ".genopt.L.*" and may not be touched, just like the index files of a database system.
Finally, "genopt" also writes a log file into that same directory named ".genopt.errors", which you actually may need to trim (manually) from time to time.
1.2 How to install software with GenOpt
Software packages are best installed each in a completely separate directory subtree of their own, which are located in a dedicated software package installation hierarchy, grouped together in categories and subcategories (i.e., subdirectories and subsubdirectories) according to their function.
This installation hierarchy must be a subdirectory of the root directory of the symbolic link access layer ("/opt"), the name (or path) of which is freely configurable, as long as it does not conflict with any of the reserved subdirectory names already used by "genopt".
This subdirectory is usually called "packages" (or "PKG", on some machines), which is the current default.
You can choose a different directory name or path by either changing the corresponding configuration constant "DEFAULT_PHYSICAL_ROOT" at the beginning of "genopt", or by specifying a different value via the "-s
" command line option.
The following discussion assumes an application named "foo-591" being installed into the directory "/opt/packages/misc/foo-591".
1.2.1 Preparing the installation
First of all the subdirectory tree for accommodating the new software package has to be created.
This is best and most easily done using "genopt" itself:
% genopt -c /opt/packages/misc/foo-591
Alternatively, you could also use (provided that the directory "/opt/packages/misc" already exists):
% cd /opt/packages/misc
% genopt -c foo-591
(The option "-c
" means "create".)
This call of "genopt" creates the following directories:
/opt (only if still non-existent)
/opt/packages (only if still non-existent)
/opt/packages/misc (only if still non-existent)
Note that you can specify in detail which of these subdirectories in the "foo-591" directory should actually be created by using the command line option "-d
" (for more on this, see further below).
Additionally, "genopt" already creates the first symbolic links, the most important of which is:
/opt/pkg/foo-591 -> /opt/packages/misc/foo-591
(More on this link see below.)
Here's a more detailed explanation of the most important of these subdirectories (the minimal configuration):
This directory will contain ALL the files belonging to the new application, thus ensuring that the application can be de-installed easily, by simply deleting this directory (and removing any symbolic links pointing to it).
This subdirectory is indispensable, because "genopt" will only create the most important link (the one from "/opt/pkg/foo-591" pointing to "/opt/packages/misc/foo-591") if this subdirectory exists.
(This is also a protective measure in order to prevent you from accidentally creating links to a directory which is not an application's installation directory.)
This directory is intended for archiving (hence its name) the original source distribution file of the software package in question for possible later reference.
Moreover, it has proven to be good practice to safeguard any configuration files here for later re-use which you may have altered to suit your system.
This subdirectory will contain all the executables which belong to the new application (stored here by "make install").
1.2.2 Unpacking the software
First, change directory to the application's installation directory which has been created in the previous step (see subsection above):
% cd /opt/packages/misc/foo-591
Put the application's source distribution file into the "arc" subdirectory and then unpack it, as follows:
% gunzip -c arc/foo-591.tar.gz | tar xf -
If this pipe doesn't work on your system for some reason, proceed as follows:
% cp arc/foo-591.tar.gz .
% gunzip foo-591.tar.gz
% tar xf foo-591.tar
% rm -f foo-591.tar
Beware that some misbehaving packages do not create a new subdirectory "foo-591" when unpacked in this way; they sometimes simply spill their contents into whatever the current working directory is.
If in doubt, first test the distribution file with "tar tf". If all filenames shown begin with "foo-591/..." then proceed as described above.
Otherwise create a new subdirectory named "dist" (or whatever you like, as long as the name doesn't conflict with the subdirectory names reserved by "genopt"), change directory to it and unpack the distribution there.
It may be a good idea to use such a directory in all cases, just to be sure and to avoid the need for the extra check.
1.2.3 Necessary adjustments to the software
This step is manual work, but substantially less hassle than creating the special files needed for "package installation" mechanisms (as described in the preface at the top of this document), for instance.
The symbolic link
/opt/pkg/foo-591 -> /opt/packages/misc/foo-591
is of utmost importance here, because it allows to hide the physical path to the installation directory of the application from the application itself.
This is absolutely essential in order to be able to relocate this application later, which may be desirable to do if you want to re-organize your categories into which you have grouped your software packages, for instance if a category grows too large and needs further refinement.
An application with the path "/opt/packages/misc/foo-591" hard-coded into it would simply not work anymore after such a relocation.
Therefore it is important that the application does not know about its own physical location, and that it accesses all of its own files via the symbolic link "/opt/pkg/foo-591".
Thus, before being able to proceed with the compilation of your application, you need to configure it appropriately.
Many software packages provide some configuration utility for this purpose.
Please refer to the installation instructions of your package to find out how to change the installation prefix.
Usually, you just need to say:
% ./configure --prefix=/opt/pkg/foo-591
and you're done.
For some packages (like Perl, for instance) you have to use
% ./Configure -Dprefix=/opt/pkg/foo-591
If such an automatic configuration tool is not available in your package, you may have to edit the application's "Makefile" or its sources in order to configure it properly.
Be sure to configure it as follows, so that all hard-coded paths will take a route via some symbolic link:
/opt/pkg/foo-591 general base for all other paths
/opt/pkg/foo-591/bin for all user-executable binaries
/opt/pkg/foo-591/lib (or more elegantly)
/opt/lib/foo-591 for all libraries and binaries used
exclusively by the application itself
/opt/pkg/foo-591/man/man1 for all manual pages
/opt/pkg/foo-591/etc for "rc" ("run-configure") files
/opt/pkg/foo-591/include for C header files ("*.h")
/opt/pkg/foo-591/info for GNU info files (documentation)
/opt/pkg/foo-591/shlib for all shared libraries
/opt/pkg/foo-591/texmf for all TeX resources
/opt/pkg/foo-591/xad for all X resources
Make sure that the directory "/opt/pkg/foo-591/bin" will only contain those executables which are meant to be called by the user of the application.
All binaries which the application needs for internal purposes only should go into the directory "/opt/pkg/foo-591/lib".
(Note that "/opt/lib/foo-591" is just a convenient shorthand for "/opt/pkg/foo-591/lib", but via a different symbolic link.)
Finally, build your application (usually by saying "make" or "make all" - refer to the installation instructions of your package for more details).
1.2.4 Linking the package with GenOpt
After successfully compiling the new application, install it into its destination subdirectories (usually with "make install", but refer to the installation instructions of your package to be sure).
If the application has been configured correctly in the previous step, this will automatically install the necessary files into the appropriate subdirectories, i.e., "/opt/pkg/foo-591/bin", "/opt/lib/foo-591", "/opt/pkg/foo-591/man", and so on.
Note that with some (especially very small) applications you may need to manually copy or move these files to their final destinations.
After that the application still needs to be made accessible by creating the corresponding symbolic links.
This is accomplished with the following simple commands:
% cd /opt/packages/misc/foo-591
% genopt .
Or alternatively:
% genopt /opt/packages/misc/foo-591
Or also:
% genopt /opt/pkg/foo-591
Note that you can use this same command when you install more files later, for example when you install Perl modules later you should run the command
% genopt -d man /opt/pkg/perl5.005_02
(or whatever the name of the directory of your Perl installation is) afterwards in order to create the necessary links to the manual pages belonging to the new module(s).
(The option "-d man
" thereby restricts the action of "genopt" to the "man" subdirectory tree, i.e., "man/man1", "man/man3" and so on.)
These commands cause "genopt" to scan the subdirectories of the application's installation directory (i.e., the subdirectories of "/opt/packages/misc/foo-591") and to create a symbolic link in the corresponding subdirectory of the access layer root directory ("/opt") for each eligible file it finds during this scan, for example:
/opt/bin/bar -> ../packages/misc/foo-591/bin/bar
("Eligible" means that the files must be readable and non-empty. Additionally, binaries are required to have the "executable" bit set.)
This is true for all subdirectories except "lib" and "texmf", where no links to individual files are created but rather a directory link pointing to the subdirectory itself, i.e.,
/opt/lib/foo-591 -> ../packages/misc/foo-591/lib
/opt/texmf/foo-591 -> ../packages/misc/foo-591/texmf
Remember that the symbolic link in "/opt/pkg" is also a directory link:
/opt/pkg/foo-591 -> ../packages/misc/foo-591
Note also that "genopt" actually creates RELATIVE links (as shown here above), and not ABSOLUTE links (as was shown in the examples further above for better clarity), i.e., it always creates links pointing to "../packages/misc/foo-591/..." and not "/opt/packages/misc/foo-591/...".
This makes it possible to relocate the ENTIRE "genopt" installation hierarchy later to a different place in your file system, as in the following example, with all links intact and working:
% cd /
% mv opt /usr/local/
Instead of accessing your binary "bar" with "/opt/bin/bar", you now would say "/usr/local/opt/bin/bar".
In order not to break existing shell scripts (for instance) which use the absolute path "/opt/bin/bar", it is advisable however to additionally create a symbolic link for backwards compatibility, as follows:
% cd /
% ln -s /usr/local/opt opt
Finally, remember to include the following directories in the following environment variables, if you haven't done so already:
% PATH="/opt/bin:$PATH"; export PATH
% MANPATH="/opt/man:$MANPATH"; export MANPATH
% INFOPATH="/opt/info:$INFOPATH"; export INFOPATH
You should also put these statements into the profile of your preferred shell (e.g. "$HOME/.bashrc") or into the global profile for all users on your system (usually in "/etc/profile").
Moreover, configure "ldconfig" to include the directory "/opt/shlib" in its path (see ldconfig(8) for details).
1.2.5 How to relocate a software package
Relocating a software package (for example when a category has grown too large and you want to subdivide it) implies the following three steps:
In the first step, you need to "cut" all connections (i.e., links) to the application in question:
% cd /opt/packages/misc/foo-591
% genopt -r .
(The option "-r
" means "remove".)
In the second step, the application is moved as desired, for example:
% cd /opt/packages
% mkdir tools
% mkdir tools/filter
% mv misc/foo-591 /opt/packages/tools/filter/
In the third and last step, the application is "linked" anew:
% cd tools/filter/foo-591
% genopt .
Note that these three steps are also required if you just want to rename the installation directory of an application ("foo-591" in this example).
The need for renaming an installation directory may arise for example when you first installed some software package into an installation directory whose name does not include any version number, and later you want to install a newer version of that same package, but without removing the older version (as a fallback measure, for instance, in case the newer version proves to be defective, or to be able to access both applications during a transition period).
In such a case you should rename the installation directory of the older version in such a way as to include its version number in the name (for example, "mv perl perl5.004_04") and then install the new version (either (again) into a (new) installation directory named "perl" or (better) into a directory whose name also includes the version number (say, "perl5.005_02").
1.2.6 How to de-install a software package
The de-installation of a software package is extremely simple:
% cd /opt/packages/tools/filter/foo-591
% genopt -r .
% cd ..
% rm -rf foo-591
That's all!
Alternatively you can also use:
% cd /opt/packages/tools/filter/foo-591
% rm -rf *
% genopt .
% cd ..
% rmdir foo-591
(Note that in this latter case you don't need to specify the "-r
" option. However it causes no harm if you do.)
This method has one advantage and two disadvantages compared with the first method above:
First of all, this latter method needs one step more than the first method above.
Second, this method is a little faster, but it does not always find all the links it should remove (in cases when there are inconsistencies between the index files of "genopt" and the links that actually exist in the file system).
Therefore it is safer (but a little slower) to use "genopt" with the "-r
" option on an intact installation directory.
1.3 General usage instructions
- -
If you call "genopt" without parameters or with the parameter "
" (for "help"), "genopt" prints a help screen and exits (with return code "1").Note that the "
" option overrides all others which may or may not be present on the same command line.This help screen is a quick reference guide which lists the available options and briefly describes their function.
- -
If you call "genopt" with the option "
" (for "version" - not "verbose"), "genopt" prints a line with its current version information and exits (with return code "1").(See further below for how to influence the verbosity of this script.)
Note that the "
" option overrides all others options, including the "-h
" option. - -
If you accidentally or frivolously changed some of the links or index files administrated by "genopt", it usually suffices to run "genopt" again for the affected application(s) in order to restitute the link(s) and/or to resolve any inconsistencies in the index files of "genopt".
In some cases you might have to use the "
" ("force") option, though (see below).Moreover, if you delete links manually, dead weight will accumulate in the index files, which will eventually slow down "genopt".
Note that the automatic restitution works only partially if you enable the "fast mode" (see also below).
- -
Should the automatic restitution not work as desired, you may also delete (or move to a save place, as a backup measure) all the subdirectories and files in the "/opt" directory EXCEPT the subdirectory "packages".
Then use the tool "mgenopt" ("multi-genopt") from the "misc" subdirectory in this distribution for a recursive descent into your "/opt/packages" tree, thereby automatically calling "genopt" for each application found.
Note that you need to change the configuration in "mgenopt" if your hierarchy is not located in "/opt" or if your physical installation area is not in the subdirectory "packages".
Any parameters given to "mgenopt" are simply passed through transparently to "genopt" (this may be useful for using the "
" ("force") option, for instance). - -
Sometimes two applications have files with the same name, especially if you have two different versions of the same application installed in parallel.
This may give rise to conflicts in the symbolic link access layer, since both applications will want to create a link to their own file.
"genopt" will usually report a warning message ("
") in such cases but will leave any conflicting links untouched.This will prevent "genopt" from creating or removing a link as requested.
However, if you want to explicitly give preference to one of the conflicting applications, you can do so by running "genopt" for that application again, but this time with the "
" ("force") option.This will cause all conflicting links from the other application (or version) to be overridden, i.e., to be removed, allowing "genopt" to subsequently create the requested links.
For better visual control, "genopt" always displays the conflicting link on the terminal, not the link which should have been created or the one "genopt" was expecting to remove.
In the log file written by "genopt" (see also further below), however, this logic is slightly different: There the link which should have been created or the link which would have been removed is displayed, and the reason why this could not be done is given in parentheses behind that.
- -
Please note that the automatic detection of conflicts and the automatic restitution of links (along with the automatic repair of the associated index files) only works partially when the "fast mode" is enabled (see also the configuration constant "fast_mode" and its explanation in the "configuration constants" section of the script).
In order to be absolutely sure that all inconsistencies or conflicts have been found, one should first remove all the links to the application in question using the option "
" ("remove"), and then re-create all links by calling "genopt" again (no special option required this time).However, this would cost you more than the speed gained through the "fast mode" in the first place.
So either do not use the "fast mode", or make sure that nobody can mess around with the links and index files maintained by "genopt".
(Or disable the "fast mode" temporarily to perform any repairs.)
Note also that the "fast mode" only speeds up the verification of symbolic links, the creation and removal of links remains completely unaffected.
(In "fast mode", "genopt" blindly "trusts" its own index files and does not verify the file system, as in the standard mode.)
- -
Note that you can use the parameter "
" ("d" for "directory") to restrict the actions of "genopt" to certain of its predefined subdirectories.The default is to act on ALL predefined subdirectories (call "genopt" without parameters or with the option "
" to get a complete list).These subdirectories must be given as a comma separated list without any intervening whitespace (whitespace between the option letter and its argument is optional, however).
That way you can create (when using the option "
") only those subdirectories your application really needs, thus preventing "genopt" from creating unneeded subdirectories which you have to delete manually afterwards (unless these empty directories do not bother you).That way you can also add more links later more easily and speedily when you install more parts (e.g. modules or plug-ins) of your application later, for example by restricting "genopt" to the "bin" subdirectory.
This can also be a safety measure whenever you are using the "
" ("force") option, or to remove the links of just one particular subdirectory.Note that the option "
" (create the directory subtree for a new application) presents the following special cases in combination with the "-d
" option:- The subdirectories "arc" and "bin" constitute the minimal configuration. They are ALWAYS created, regardless wether they were explicitly specified or not. - The links in subdirectories which contain directory links instead of individual file links are already created at this time (if these subdirectories have been specified). (Currently these directories are "pkg", "lib" and "texmf".) - The link from "pkg" to the application's base directory is always created, regardless wether this subdirectory was specified or not.
(See the section "Tips & Tricks" below if you don't want any links to be created yet at this time.)
Note also that you can have multiple occurrences of this option on the same command line, all arguments of these options will simply be accumulated internally to form the internal list of subdirectories to be processed.
Therefore the following commands are all equivalent:
% genopt -d bin -d include -d lib -d man . % genopt -d bin,man -d lib -dinclude . % genopt -d bin,include,lib,man .
- -
Note that whitespace is optional between option letters (of options which take an argument) and their argument (these options are currently "
", "-s
" and "-d
"). - -
The condensation of several option letters into a single option string is NOT possible (i.e., an option string such as "
" is illegal and will cause an error message with program abortion). - -
The use of the link "/opt/lib/foo-591" instead of "/opt/pkg/foo-591/lib" is a matter of taste.
Sometimes it is very hard to persuade a given application to use the former (for example in packages using GNU "configure" scripts).
The link "/opt/lib/foo-591" can be considered more elegant (at least it is shorter than "/opt/pkg/foo-591/lib"), but both work equally well.
Conclusion: If it is easy to achieve, use "/opt/lib/foo-591", if not, use "/opt/pkg/foo-591/lib" instead (for example by saying "./configure --prefix=/opt/pkg/foo-591").
- -
It should not be concealed that although "genopt" is a very powerful, elegant and flexible tool for software installations under Unix, it does not cover all possible situations.
This mainly concerns heterogeneous clusters of workstations who share their software installations via NFS (Network File System).
"genopt" does not provide any support for multi-platform or multi-architecture installations within the same "genopt" installation hierarchy.
(But you can of course create distinct hierarchies on the same central server if you want.)
- -
Moreover, it is not possible to have different entries in the same directories for different (but otherwise compatible) machines, as in the following example:
The "genopt" hierarchy is physically located on the machine "sunfi1".
Among others, it contains the package "/opt/pkg/sendmail", the universal Unix program for sending and receiving mail.
This package uses configuration files which are located in "/opt/lib/sendmail".
The machine "sunfi2", which is binary compatible with machine "sunfi1", mounts and uses this same "genopt" hierarchy via NFS.
The problem in this situation is that this machine may not be allowed to send and receive mail, although it can execute the program "/opt/bin/sendmail", because the configuration files (which specify the hostname, for instance) are only valid for machine "sunfi1".
In order to solve this problem, "genopt" would need to generate TWO "/opt" hierarchies, departing from two different directories, "/opt/pkg/sendmail/lib.sunfi1" and "/opt/pkg/sendmail/lib.sunfi2" (from a common installation area "/opt/packages"): One for machine "sunfi1" (which would get the directory "/opt/pkg/sendmail/lib.sunfi1" as "/opt/lib/sendmail") and another for machine "sunfi2" (which would get the directory "/opt/pkg/sendmail/lib.sunfi2" also as "/opt/lib/sendmail").
However, this is not possible with the current or any previous version of "genopt".
- -
The subdirectories which "genopt" knows about and processes are configured at a single, easily accessible location in the script.
Therefore, it is very easy to add more subdirectories should the need arise.
Simply add them to the list in the configuration constant "COMMON_SUBDIRS".
Moreover, if you want these subdirectories to contain directory links (just like "pkg", "lib" and "texmf", currently) instead of individual file links (which is the default), additionally add them to the list in the configuration constant "BRIDGE_SUBDIRS".
- -
The subdirectories in "/opt/man" (such as "/opt/man/man1" and so on) are created automatically on demand.
However they are not removed automatically when they become empty.
- -
"genopt" writes a log file called ".genopt.errors" located in directory "/opt".
Since "genopt" always appends to this file, you may need to trim it from time to time (note that the "build" command trims this file every time it is called).
If you want more detailed information in this log file, set the configuration constant "details" in the script accordingly.
- -
If you want to switch off the output sent to STDOUT by "genopt", set the configuration constant "verbose" in the script to an empty string.
- -
This document describes "genopt" version 2.1.0, which differs considerably from previous versions since it is a complete rewrite, written by Steffen Beyer.
2. Summary by original author Ralf S. Engelschall
"genopt" has been used intensively for about six years now, especially at sd&m (software design & management GmbH & Co. KG, with head office in Munich, Germany), since the very first hours of its existence.
"genopt" has ever since been used to administrate this company's Unix servers, and has also been used at the Technical University of Munich, and lately has begun to be used at the company "Zeppelin" (yes, the famous one! This company still exists but nowadays specializes in building machines).
In all these places "genopt" has proven to be an extremely useful tool for the installation of optional Unix software, because:
- -
"genopt" makes it possible to maintain the control and overview over a large pool of applications, while the administration itself is taken care of automatically by this tool,
- -
because the de-installation of an application has become a trivial task:
% cd /opt/packages/misc/foo-591 % genopt -r . % cd .. % rm -rf foo-591
- -
and because the installation with "genopt" is fun; as an administrator one does not need to worry so much about the technicalities of installing and de-installing the software anymore, one can concentrate on creating a hierarchy of categories which gives a maximum of clarity and overview.
Summing up I have to say that six years of using "genopt" for the installation of Unix software has yielded excellent results.
Only "genopt" made it possible at all to administrate such a huge number of applications (almost a thousand binaries!) successfully as in my case.
3. Tips & Tricks
If you use the options "
" (for "create") and "-r
" (for "remove") simultaneously, only the requested subdirectories will be created, but no symbolic links whatsoever.There is a shortcut for relocating a software package, as demonstrated in the example below (based on the example in the section "How to relocate a software package" above):
% cd /opt/packages % mkdir tools % mkdir tools/filter % mv misc/foo-591 /opt/packages/tools/filter/ % cd tools/filter/foo-591 % genopt -f .
In this way you don't need to "unlink" the application first before moving it around.
BEWARE however that this shortcut does NOT work properly if you RENAME the installation directory of the application in question ("foo-591" in this example)!
(The obsolete directory links referring to the old name of the installation directory will not be removed in such a case.)
BEWARE also that you should use this shortcut ONLY if you are absolutely SURE that there are no other software packages with conflicting links you want to preserve, since the call "
genopt -f .
" above will overwrite any such links.
build(1), BnP(3).
This man page documents "genopt" version 2.1.0.
Ralf S. Engelschall - original idea and first private versions
Steffen Beyer - complete rewrite and documentation
(first public version)
Copyright (c) 1992 - 1998 by Ralf S. Engelschall.
All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1998 by Steffen Beyer.
All rights reserved.
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl, i.e., under the terms of either the "Artistic License" or the "GNU General Public License".
Please refer to the files "Artistic.txt" and "GNU_GPL.txt" in this distribution for details!
This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the "GNU General Public License" for more details.