Apache::Status - Embedded interpreter status information


<Location /perl-status>
    SetHandler modperl
    PerlResponseHandler Apache::Status


The Apache::Status module provides some information about the status of the Perl interpreter embedded in the server.

Configure like so:

<Location /perl-status>
     SetHandler modperl
     PerlResponseHandler Apache::Status

Notice that under the "modperl" core handler the Environment menu option will show only the environment under that handler. To see the environment seen by handlers running under the "perl-script" core handler, configure Apache::Status as:

<Location /perl-status>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlResponseHandler Apache::Status

Other modules can "plugin" a menu item like so:

   'DBI' => "DBI connections", #item for Apache::DBI module
   sub {
       my($r,$q) = @_; #request and CGI objects
       push @strings,  "blobs of html";
       return \@strings;     #return an array ref
) if Apache->module("Apache::Status"); #only if Apache::Status is loaded

WARNING: Apache::Status must be loaded before these modules via the PerlModule or PerlRequire directives.



This single directive will enable all of the options described below.

PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On

When browsing symbol tables, the values of arrays, hashes and scalars can be viewed via Data::Dumper if this configuration variable is set to On:

PerlSetVar StatusDumper On

With this option On and the Apache::Peek module installed, functions and variables can be viewed ala Devel::Peek style:

PerlSetVar StatusPeek On

With this option On and the B::LexInfo module installed, subroutine lexical variable information can be viewed.

PerlSetVar StatusLexInfo On

With this option On and B::Deparse version 0.59 or higher (included in Perl 5.005_59+), subroutines can be "deparsed".

PerlSetVar StatusDeparse On

Options can be passed to B::Deparse::new like so:

PerlSetVar StatusDeparseOptions "-p -sC"

See the B::Deparse manpage for details.


With this option On, text-based op tree graphs of subroutines can be displayed, thanks to B::Terse.

PerlSetVar StatusTerse On

With this option On and the B::TerseSize module installed, text-based op tree graphs of subroutines and their size can be displayed. See the B::TerseSize docs for more info.

PerlSetVar StatusTerseSize On

With this option On and the B::TerseSize module installed, a "Memory Usage" will be added to the Apache::Status main menu. This option is disabled by default, as it can be rather cpu intensive to summarize memory usage for the entire server. It is strongly suggested that this option only be used with a development server running in -X mode, as the results will be cached.

PerlSetVar StatusTerseSizeMainSummary On

When StatusDumper is enabled, another link "OP Tree Graph" will be present with the dump if this configuration variable is set to On:

PerlSetVar StatusGraph

This requires the B module (part of the Perl compiler kit) and B::Graph (version 0.03 or higher) module to be installed along with the dot program.

Dot is part of the graph visualization toolkit from AT&T:

WARNING: Some graphs may produce very large images, some graphs may produce no image if B::Graph's output is incorrect.


Location of the dot program for StatusGraph, if other than /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin


Directory where StatusGraph should write it's temporary image files. Default is $ServerRoot/logs/b_graphs


The Devel::Symdump module, version 2.00 or higher.


mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 1.1.

See Also

perl(1), Apache(3), Devel::Symdump(3), Data::Dumper(3), B(3), B::Graph(3), mod_perl 2.0 documentation.


Doug MacEachern with contributions from Stas Bekman