APR::Socket - Perl API for XXX


use APR::Socket ();

META: to be completed


META: to be completed


APR::Socket provides the following functions and/or methods:


META: Autogenerated - needs to be reviewed/completed

Bind the socket to its associated port

$ret = $sock->bind($sa);
arg1: $sock (APR::Socket)

The socket to bind

arg2: $sa (APR::SockAddr)

The socket address to bind to

ret: $ret (integer)

This may be where we will find out if there is any other process using the selected port.


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Close a socket.

$ret = $thesocket->close();
arg1: $thesocket (APR::Socket)

The socket to close

ret: $ret (integer)


META: Autogenerated - needs to be reviewed/completed

Issue a connection request to a socket either on the same machine or a different one.

$ret = $sock->connect($sa);
arg1: $sock (APR::Socket)

The socket we wish to use for our side of the connection

arg2: $sa (APR::SockAddr)

The address of the machine we wish to connect to. If NULL, APR assumes that the sockaddr_in in the apr_socket is completely filled out.

ret: $ret (integer)


META: Autogenerated - needs to be reviewed/completed

Listen to a bound socket for connections.

$ret = $sock->listen($backlog);
arg1: $sock (APR::Socket)

The socket to listen on

arg2: $backlog (integer)

The number of outstanding connections allowed in the sockets listen queue. If this value is less than zero, the listen queue size is set to zero.

ret: $ret (integer)


META: Autogenerated - needs to be reviewed/completed

Query socket options for the specified socket

$ret = $sock->opt_get($opt, $on);
arg1: $sock (APR::Socket)

The socket to query

arg2: $opt (integer)

The option we would like to query. One of:

APR::SO_DEBUG        -- turn on debugging information
APR::SO_KEEPALIVE    -- keep connections active
APR::SO_LINGER       -- lingers on close if data is present
APR::SO_NONBLOCK     -- Turns blocking on/off for socket
APR::SO_REUSEADDR    -- The rules used in validating addresses
                        supplied to bind should allow reuse
                        of local addresses.
APR::SO_SNDBUF       -- Set the SendBufferSize
APR::SO_RCVBUF       -- Set the ReceiveBufferSize
APR::SO_DISCONNECTED -- Query the disconnected state of the socket.
                        (Currently only used on Windows)
arg3: $on (integer)

Socket option returned on the call.

ret: $ret (integer)


META: Autogenerated - needs to be reviewed/completed

Setup socket options for the specified socket

$ret = $sock->opt_set($opt, $on);
arg1: $sock (APR::Socket)

The socket to set up.

arg2: $opt (integer)

The option we would like to configure. One of:

APR::SO_DEBUG     -- turn on debugging information
APR::SO_KEEPALIVE -- keep connections active
APR::SO_LINGER    -- lingers on close if data is present
APR::SO_NONBLOCK  -- Turns blocking on/off for socket
APR::SO_REUSEADDR -- The rules used in validating addresses
                     supplied to bind should allow reuse of local
APR::SO_SNDBUF    -- Set the SendBufferSize
APR::SO_RCVBUF    -- Set the ReceiveBufferSize
arg3: $on (integer)

Value for the option.

ret: $ret (integer)


META: Autogenerated - needs to be reviewed/completed

$ret = $from->recvfrom($sock, $flags, $buf, $len);
arg1: $from (APR::SockAddr)

The apr_sockaddr_t to fill in the recipient info

arg2: $sock (APR::SockAddr)

The socket to use

arg3: $flags (integer)

The flags to use

arg4: $buf (integer)

The buffer to use

arg5: $len (string)

The length of the available buffer

ret: $ret (integer)


META: Autogenerated - needs to be reviewed/completed

$ret = $sock->sendto($where, $flags, $buf, $len);
arg1: $sock (APR::Socket)

The socket to send from

arg2: $where (APR::Socket)

The apr_sockaddr_t describing where to send the data

arg3: $flags (integer)

The flags to use

arg4: $buf (scalar)

The data to send

arg5: $len (string)

The length of the data to send

ret: $ret (integer)


META: Autogenerated - needs to be reviewed/completed

Setup socket timeout for the specified socket

$ret = $sock->timeout_set($t);
arg1: $sock (APR::Socket)

The socket to set up.

arg2: $t (number)

Value for the timeout:

t > 0  -- read and write calls return APR::TIMEUP if specified time
          elapsess with no data read or written
t == 0 -- read and write calls never block
t < 0  -- read and write calls block
ret: $ret (integer)

See Also

mod_perl 2.0 documentation.


mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 1.1.


The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors.