Extended Pod::Html


Extended POD format used in this build package:

I've taken the original Pod::Html made some fixes and extended its semantics. This package uses Guide::Pod2Html and Guide::Pod2HtmlPS for creating HTML and PS versions respectively. The two are almost identical but the generated html is different a little bit in Guide::Pod2HtmlPS as it's written to become a PS at the final point.

Pod::Html fixes

  • links handling



    will be rendered as

    <a href="http://foo/bar.html">http://foo/bar.html</a>.

    and not broken:

    <a href="http://foo/bar.html.">http://foo/bar.html.</a> 

    as before (notice the dot).

    The same goes for comma and other semantics

  • HTTP::Foo problem

    In the original Pod::Html a text such as

    this is HTTP::Foo module


    this is <a href="HTTP::Foo">HTTP::Foo</a> module

    this was fixed to correctly detect http:// constructs

  • linking

    Some pod structures didn't go thru the linking code so


    and alike links weren't highlighted. It's fixed now

POD extension

I needed additional functionality from the POD and I didn't want to break the nice to read pod format with HTML, so I've extended the POD semantics as follows

  • valid =head tags numbering

    Allow as many levels as wanted than just =head{1|2}

  • code examples

    New pod tag:

    =example 1.1 This is a title


    <p><i>Example 1.1: This is a title</i></p>
  • figures (images)

    New pod tag:

     =figure 1.1 This is a title
    <p><center><img src="fig1.1.gif"></center></p>
    <p><center><b>Figure 1.1: This is a title</b></center></p>
  • linking to code snippets instead of inlining

    New pod tag:

    =code filename This is a comment


    <p><a href="code/filename"><code>filename</code></a>This is a comment</p>


Stas Bekman <>