mod_perl and dbm files

Where and Why to use dbm files

Some of the earliest databases implemented on Unix were dbm files, and many are still in use today. As of this writing the Berkeley DB is the most powerful dbm implementation (

If you need a light database, with an easy API, using simple key-value pairs to store and manipulate a relatively small number of records, this is a solution that should be amongst the first you consider.

With dbm, it is rare to read the whole database into memory. Combine this feature with the use of smart storage techniques, and dbm files can be manipulated much faster than flat files. Flat file databases can be very slow on insert, update and delete operations, when the number of records starts to grow into the thousands. Sort algorithms on flat files can be very time-consuming.

The maximum practical size of a dbm database depends on many factors - your data, your hardware and the desired response times of course included - but as a rough guide consider 5,000 to 10,000 records to be reasonable.

Several different indexing algorithms can be used with dbm:

  • The HASH algorithm gives an 0(1) complexity of search and update, fast insert and delete, but a slow sort (which you have to implement yourself).

  • The BTREE algorithm allows arbitrary key/value pairs to be stored in a sorted, balanced binary tree. This allows us to get a sorted sequence of data pairs in 0(1), but at the expense of much slower insert, update, delete operations than is the case with HASH.

  • The RECNO algorithm is more complicated, and enables both fixed-length and variable-length flat text files to be manipulated using the same key/value pair interface as in HASH and BTREE. In this case the key will consist of a record (line) number.

Most often you will want to use the HASH method, but there are many considerations and your choice may be dictated by your application.

In recent years dbm databases have been extended to allow you to store more complex values, including data structures. The MLDBM module can store and restore the whole symbol table of your script, including arrays and hashes.

It is important to note that you cannot simply switch a dbm file from one storage algorithm to another. The only way to change the algorithm is to dump the data to a flat file and then restore it using the new storage method. You can use a script like this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# This script takes as its parameters a list of Berkeley DB
# file(s) which are stored with the DB_BTREE algorithm.  It
# will back them up using the .bak extension and create
# instead dbms with the same records but stored using the
# DB_HASH algorithm
# Usage: filename(s)

use strict;
use DB_File;
use Fcntl;

  # Do checks 
die "Usage: filename(s))\n" unless @ARGV;

foreach my $filename (@ARGV) {

  die "Can't find $filename: $!\n" 
    unless -e $filename and -r $filename;

    # First backup the file
  rename "$filename", "$filename.btree" 
    or die "can't rename $filename $filename.btree:$!\n";

  my %btree;
  my %hash;

    # tie both dbs (db_hash is a fresh one!)
  tie %btree , 'DB_File',"$filename.btree", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 
      0660, $DB_BTREE or die "Can't tie $filename.btree";
  tie %hash ,  'DB_File',"$filename" , O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 
      0660, $DB_HASH  or die "Can't tie $filename";

    # copy DB
  %hash = %btree;

    # untie
  untie %btree ;
  untie %hash ;

Note that some dbm implementations come with other conversion utilities as well.

mod_perl and dbm

Where does mod_perl fit into the picture?

If you are using a read only dbm file you can have it work faster if you keep it open (tied) all the time, so that when your CGI script wants to access the database it is already tied and ready to be used. This will work with dynamic (read/write) databases as well, but you need to use locking and data flushing to avoid data corruption.

Although mod_perl and dbm can give huge performance gains to CGI scripts which manipulate flat files, you should be very careful. In addition to the need for locking, you need to consider the consequences of die() and unexpected process deaths.

If your locking mechanism cannot handle dropped locks, a stale lock can deactivate your whole site. You can enter a deadlock situation if two processes simultaneously try to acquire locks on two separate databases. Each has locked only one of the databases, and cannot continue without locking the second. Yet this will never be freed because it is locked by the other process. If your processes all ask for their DB files in the same order, this situation cannot occur.

If you modify the DB you should be make very sure that you flush the data and synchronize it, especially when the process serving your CGI unexpectedly dies. In general your application should be tested very thoroughly before you put it into production to handle important data.

Locking dbm handlers

Let's make the lock status a global variable, so it will persist from request to request. Before we request a lock - READ (shared) or WRITE (exclusive) - we should first obtain the current lock status.

If we are making a READ lock request, it is granted as soon as the file becomes unlocked or if it is already READ locked. The lock status becomes READ on success.

If we make a WRITE lock request, it is granted as soon as the file becomes unlocked. The lock status becomes WRITE on success.

The treatment of the WRITE lock request is most important.

If the DB is READ locked, a process that makes a WRITE request will poll until there are no reading or writing processes left. Lots of processes can successfully read the file, since they do not block each other. This means that a process that wants to write to the file (so first it needs to obtain an exclusive lock) may never get a chance to squeeze in. The following diagram represents a possible scenario where everybody can read but no one can write:

[-p1-]                 [--p1--]
   [--p5--]   [----p5----]

The result is a starving process, which will timeout the request, and it will fail to update the DB. This is a good reason not to cache the dbm handle with dynamic dbm files. It will work perfectly with static DBM files without any need to lock files at all.

Ken Williams solved the above problem with his Tie::DB_Lock module, which I will discuss in one of the following sections.

There are several locking wrappers for DB_File in CPAN right now. Each one implements locking differently and has different goals in mind. It is therefore worth knowing the difference, so that you can pick the right one for your application.

Flawed Locking Methods Which Must Not Be Used

Caution: The suggested locking methods in the Camel book and DB_File man page (at least before version 1.72) are flawed. If you use them in an environment where more than one process can modify the dbm file, it can get corrupted!!! The following is an explanation of why this happens.

You may not use a tied file's filehandle for locking, since you get the filehandle after the file has been already tied. It's too late to lock. The problem is that the database file is locked after it is opened. When the database is opened, the first 4k (in Berkley dbm library) is read and then cached in memory. Therefore, a process can open the database file, cache the first 4k, and then block while another process writes to the file. If the second process modifies the first 4k of the file, when the original process gets the lock is now has an inconsistent view of the database. If it writes using this view it may easily corrupt the database on disk.

This problem can be difficult to trace because it does not cause corruption every time a process has to wait for a lock. One can do quite a bit of writing to a database file without actually changing the first 4k. But once you suspect this problem you can easily reproduce it by making your program modify the records in the first 4k of the DB.

Lock Wrappers Overview

There are five locking wrappers known to me:

  • Tie::DB_Lock -- DB_File wrapper which creates copies of the database file for read access, so that you have kind of a multiversioning concurrent read system. However, updates are still serial. Use this for databases where reads may be lengthy and consistency problems may occur. More information.

  • Tie::DB_LockFile -- DB_File wrapper that has the ability to lock and unlock the database while it is being used. Avoids the tie-before-flock problem by simply re-tie-ing the database when you get or drop a lock. Because of the flexibility in dropping and re-acquiring the lock in the middle of a session, this can be massaged into a system that will work with long updates and/or reads. There are the hints in the POD documentation. Refer to the Tie::DB_LockFile manpage for more information.

  • DB_File::Lock -- extremely lightweight DB_File wrapper that simply flocks a lockfile before tie-ing the database and drops the lock after the untie. Allows one to use the same lockfile for multiple databases to avoid deadlock problems, if desired. Use this for databases where updates and reads are quick and simple flock locking semantics are enough. Refer to DB_File::Lock manpage for more information.

  • DB_File::Lock2 -- does the same thing as DB_File::Lock, but has a slightly different implementation. I wrote it before David Harris released his DB_File::Lock and I didn't want to kill mine, so I'll keep it here for a while :).

  • On some Operating Systems (FreeBSD is one example) it is possible to lock on tie:

    tie my %t, 'DB_File', $TOK_FILE, O_RDWR | O_EXLOCK, 0664;

    and only release the lock by un-tie-ing the file. Check if the O_EXLOCK flag is available on your operating system before you try to use this method!


Tie::DB_Lock ties hashes to databases using shared and exclusive locks. This module, by Ken Williams, solves the problems raised in the previous section.

The main difference from what I have described above is that Tie::DB_Lock copies a dbm file on read. Reading processes do not have to keep the file locked while they read it, and writing processes can still access the file while others are reading. This works best when you have lots of long-duration reading, and a few short bursts of writing.

The drawback of this module is the heavy IO performed when every reader makes a fresh copy of the DB. With big dbm files this can be quite a disadvantage and can slow the server down considerably.

An alternative would be to have one copy of the dbm image shared by all the reading processes. This can cut the number of files that are copied, and puts the responsibility of copying the read-only file on the writer, not the reader. It would need some care to make sure it does not disturb readers when putting a new read-only copy into place.


This allows you to gain the lock before the file is tied. Note that it's not yet on CPAN and so is listed here in its entirety. Note also that this code still needs some testing, so be careful if you use it on a production machine.

You use it like this:

use DB_File::Lock2 ();

A simple tie, READ lock and untie

use DB_File::Lock2 ();
my $dbfile = "/tmp/test";
tie my %mydb, 'DB_File::Lock2', $dbfile, 'read';
print $mydb{foo} if exists $mydb{foo};
untie %mydb;

You can even skip the untie() call. When $mydb goes out of scope everything will be done automatically. However it is better to use the explicit call, to make sure the critical sections between lock and unlock are as short as possible. This is especially important when requesting an exclusive (write) lock.

The following example shows how it might be convenient to skip the explicit untie(). In this example, we don't need to save the intermediate result, we just return and the cleanup is done automatically.

use DB_File::Lock2 ();
my $dbfile = "/tmp/test";
print user_exists("stas") ? "Yes" : "No";
sub user_exists{
  my $username = shift || '';

  warn("No username passed\n"), return 0 unless $username;

  tie my %mydb, 'DB_File::Lock2', $dbfile, 'read';

  # if we match the username return 1, else 0
  return $mydb{$username} ? 1 : 0;

} # end of sub user_exists

Now let's write all the upper case characters and their respective ASCII values to a dbm file. Then read the file and print the contents of the DB, unsorted.

use DB_File::Lock2 ();
my $dbfile = "/tmp/test";

  # write 
tie my %mydb, 'DB_File::Lock2', $dbfile,'write';
for (0..26) {
  $mydb{chr 65+$_} = $_;
untie %mydb;

  # now, read them and printout (unsorted) 
  # notice that 'read' is a default lock mode
tie %mydb, 'DB_File::Lock2', $dbfile;
while (my($k,$v) = each %mydb) {
  print "$k => $v\n";
untie %mydb;

If your CGI script is interrupted, the DESTROY block will take care of unlocking the dbm file and flush any changes. So your DB will be safe against possible corruption because of unclean program termination.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 295:

Unknown directive: =code