Server Configuration

The next step after building and installing your new mod_perl enabled Apache server, is to configure the server. The configuration process consists of two parts: Apache and mod_perl specific directives configuration.

Prior to version 1.3.4, the default Apache install used three configuration files -- httpd.conf, srm.conf, and access.conf. The 1.3.4 version began distributing the configuration directives in a single file -- httpd.conf. The Guide uses the httpd.conf in its examples.

So as you have already understood, the only file that you should edit is httpd.conf that by default is put into a conf directory under the document root. The document root is the directory that you choose for Apache installation or the default one, which is /usr/local/apache/ on many UNIX platforms.

Apache Configuration

To minimize the number of things that can go wrong, it can be a good idea to configure the Apache itself first (like there is no mod_perl at all) and make sure that it works.

Apache distibution comes with an extensive configuration manual and in addition each section of the configuration file includes helpful comments explaining how every directive should be configured and what are the defaults values.

Configuration Directives

If you didn't move Apache directories around, the installation program already has configured everything for you. Just start the server and test it working. To start the server use the apachectl utility which comes bundled with Apache distribution and resides in the same directory with httpd (the Apache server itself). Execute:

/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start

Now you can test the server, by trying to access it from http://localhost .

For a basic setup there are just a few things to configure. If you have moved directories you have to update them in httpd.conf. There are many of them, listing just a few of them:

ServerRoot   "/usr/local/apache"
DocumentRoot "/home/httpd/docs"

You should set a name of your machine as it's known to the external world if it's not a testing machine and referring to it as localhost isn't good enough for you.


If you want to run it on a different from port 80, edit the Port directive.

Port 8080

You might want to change the user and group names the server will run under. Note that if started as root user (which is generally the case), the parent process will continue to run as root, but children will run as the user and group you have specified. For example:

User nobody
Group nobody

There are other directives that you might need to cinfigure as well, as mentioned earlier you will find them all in httpd.conf.

After single valued directives come the Directory and Location sections of configuration. That's the place where for each directory and location you supply its unique behaviour, that applies to every request that happens to fall into its domain.

<Directory>, <Location> and <Files>

I'll explain partially the <Directory>, <Location> and <Files> sections configuration. Remember that there is more to know and the rest of the information you can read at Apache documentations. The information I'll present here is important for understanding the mod_perl configuration section.

  • <Directory directory> ... </Directory>

    Can appear in server and virtual host configurations.

    <Directory> and </Directory> are used to enclose a group of directives which will apply only to the named directory and sub-directories of that directory. Any directive which is allowed in a directory context may be used.

    Directory is either the full path to a directory, or a wild-card string. In a wild-card string, ? matches any single character, * matches any sequences of characters, and [] character ranges like in the shell. None of the wildcards match a `/' character. For example:

    <Directory /home/httpd/docs>
      Options Indexes

    If wanted a regex matching a <DirectoryMatch regex> ... </DirectoryMatch> syntax should be used.

    If multiple (non-regular expression) directory sections match the directory (or its parents) containing a document, then the directives are applied in the order of shortest match first, interspersed with the directives from the .htaccess files. For example, with

    <Directory />
      AllowOverride None
    <Directory /home/httpd/docs/*>
      AllowOverride FileInfo

    for access to the document /home/httpd/docs/index.html the steps are:

    • Apply directive AllowOverride None (disabling .htaccess files).

    • Apply directive AllowOverride FileInfo (for directory /home/httpd/docs/).

    • Apply any FileInfo directives in /home/httpd/docs/.htaccess.

  • <Files filename> ... </Files>

    Can appear in server and virtual host configurations, and .htaccess as well.

    The <Files> directive provides for access control by filename. It is comparable to the <Directory> directive and <Location> directives. It should be matched with a </Files> directive. The directives given within this section will be applied to any object with a basename (last component of filename) matching the specified filename.

    <Files> sections are processed in the order they appear in the configuration file, after the <Directory> sections and .htaccess files are read, but before <Location> sections. Note that <Files> can be nested inside <Directory> sections to restrict the portion of the filesystem they apply to.

    The filename argument should include a filename, or a wild-card string, where ? matches any single character, and * matches any sequences of characters. Extended regular expressions can also be used, with the addition of the ~ character. For example:

    <Files ~ "\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">

    would match most common Internet graphics formats. Another alternative is a <FilesMatch regex> ... </FilesMatch> syntax.

  • <Location URL> ... </Location>

    Can appear in server and virtual host configurations.

    The <Location> directive provides for access control by URL. It is similar to the <Directory> directive, and starts a subsection which is terminated with a </Location> directive.

    <Location> sections are processed in the order they appear in the configuration file, after the <Directory> sections and .htaccess files are read, and after the <Files> sections.

    This is the directive that most often used with mod_perl.

    URLs do not have to line up with the filesystem at all, it should be emphasized that <Location> operates completely outside the filesystem.

    The URL may use wildcards. In a wild-card string, ? matches any single character, and * matches any sequences of characters. For regex macthes use a similar <LocationMatch regex> ... </LocationMatch> syntax.

    The Location functionality is especially useful when combined with the SetHandler directive. For example, to enable status requests, but allow them only from browsers at, you might use:

    <Location /status>
      SetHandler server-status
      order deny,allow
      deny from all
      allow from

How Directory, Location and Files Sections are Merged

When configuring the server, it's important to understand an order rules of each section are being applied to request. The order of merging is:

1 <Directory> (except regular expressions) and .htaccess done simultaneously (with .htaccess overriding <Directory>)
1 <DirectoryMatch>, and <Directory> with regular expressions
1 <Files> and <FilesMatch> done simultaneously
1 <Location> and <LocationMatch> done simultaneously

Apart from <Directory>, each group is processed in the order that they appear in the configuration files. <Directory> (group 1 above) is processed in the order shortest directory component to longest. If multiple <Directory> sections apply to the same directory then they are processed in the configuration file order.

Sections inside <VirtualHost> sections are applied after the corresponding sections outside the virtual host definition. This allows virtual hosts to override the main server configuration.

Sub-Grouping of <Location>, <Directory> and <Files> Sections

Let's say that you want all, but a few of files in a specific directory and below it to be handled in the same way. For example if we want all files in /home/http/docs to be served as plain files, but file with ending .html and .txt to be processed by the content handler of Apache::MyFilter module.

<Directory /home/httpd/docs>
  <FilesMatch "\.(html|txt)$">
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::MyFilter

As you see, it's possible to embed sections inside sections to create subgroups with slightly different behavior. Alternatively you can use <Files> inside an .htaccess file.

Note that you can't have the <Files> and <FilesMatch> sub-sections inside the <Location> section, but you can inside <Directory> section.

Options Values Merging

Normally, if multiple Options directives could apply to a directory, then the most specific one is taken complete; the options are not merged. However if all the options on the Options directive are preceded by a + or - symbol, the options are merged. Any options preceded by + are added to the options currently in force, and any options preceded by - are getting removed.

For example, without any + and - symbols:

<Directory /home/httpd/docs>
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
<Directory /home/httpd/docs/shtml>
  Options Includes

then only Includes will be set for the /home/httpd/docs/shtml directory. However if the second Options directive uses the + and <-> symbols:

<Directory /home/httpd/docs>
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
<Directory /home/httpd/docs/shtml>
  Options +Includes -Indexes

then the options FollowSymLinks and Includes are set for the /home/httpd/docs/shtml directory.

mod_perl Configuration

When you have tested that the Apache server works on your machine, it's a time to step forward and configure the mod_perl side. Part of the configuration directives are already familiar to you, however mod_perl introduces a few new ones.

It can be a good idea to keep all the mod_perl stuff at the end of the file, after the native Apache configurations.

META: explain Include file directive to load mod_perl side configuration.

Alias Configurations

First, you need to specify the locations on a file-system for the scripts to be found.

Add the following configuration directives:

  # for plain cgi-bin:
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/myproject/cgi/
  # for Apache::Registry mode
Alias /perl/ /usr/local/myproject/cgi/
  # Apache::PerlRun mode
Alias /cgi-perl/ /usr/local/myproject/cgi/

Alias provides a mapping of URL to file system object under mod_perl. ScriptAlias is being used for mod_cgi.

Alias defines the start of the URL path to the script you are referencing. For example, using the above configuration, fetching, will cause the server to look for the file at /usr/local/myproject/cgi, and execute it as an Apache::Registry script if we define Apache::Registry to be the handler of /perl location (see below).

The URL will be mapped to /usr/local/myproject/cgi/ This means that you can have all your CGIs located at the same place in the file-system, and call the script in any of three modes simply by changing the directory name component of the URL (cgi-bin|perl|cgi-perl) - is not this neat? (That is the configuration you see above - all three Aliases point to the same directory within your file system, but of course they can be different).

If your script does not seem to be working while running under mod_perl, you can easily call the script in straight mod_cgi mode without making any script changes (in most cases), but rather by changing the URL you invoke it by.

ScriptAlias is actually:

Alias /foo/ /path/to/foo/
SetHandler cgi-handler

where SetHandler cgi-handler invokes mod_cgi. The latter will be overwritten if you enable Apache::Registry. In other words, ScriptAlias does not work for mod_perl, it only appears to work when the additional configuration is in there. If the Apache::Registry configuration came before the ScriptAlias, scripts would be run under mod_cgi. While handy, ScriptAlias is a known kludge--it's always better to use Alias and SetHandler.

Of course you can choose any other alias (will be used later in configuration). All three modes or part of them can be used. But you should remember that it is undesirable to run scripts in plain mod_cgi from a mod_perl-enabled server--the price is too high, it is better to run these on plain Apache server. (See Standalone mod_perl Enabled Apache Server)

<Location> Configuration

As we know <Location> section assigns a number of rules the server should follow when the request's URI matches the Location domain. It's widely accepted to use /perl as a base URI of the perl scripts running under mod_perl, like /cgi-bin for mod_cgi. Let's explain the following very widely used <Location> section:

<Location /perl>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options ExecCGI
  allow from all
  PerlSendHeader On

This configuration causes all requests' URI starting with /perl to be handled by mod_perl Apache module with handler from the Apache::Registry Perl module. Let's go through the directives inside the <Location> section in the example:

<Location /perl>

Remember the Alias from the above section? We use the same Alias here, if you use Location that does not have the same Alias, the server will fail to locate the script in the file system. You needed the Alias setting only if the code that should be executed is located in the file. So Alias just provides the URI to filepath translation rule.

Sometimes there is no script to be executed. Instead there is some module that its method is being executed, similar to /perl-status, where the code is stored in Apache module. If this is the case, we don't need Alias settings for such a <Location>.

SetHandler perl-script

assigns mod_perl Apache module to handle the content generation phase.

PerlHandler Apache::Registry

tells Apache to use Apache::Registry Perl module for the actual content generation.

Options ExecCGI

Options directive accepts a few different parameters (options), the ExecCGI option tells the server that the file is a program and should be executed, instead of just displayed like plain html file. If you omit this option depending on clients configuration, the script will either be rendered as a plain text or trigger a Save-As dialog.

allow from all

This directive is in charge of access control based on domain. The above settings allows to run the script for client from any domain.

PerlSendHeader On

PerlSendHeader On tells the server to send an HTTP header to the browser on every script invocation. You will want to turn this off for nph (non-parsed-headers) scripts.

PerlSendHeader On setting invokes ap_send_http_header() after parsing your script headers. It is only meant for CGI emulation, it's always better to use CGI->header from module or $r->send_http_header directly to send the HTTP header.


closes the <Location> section definition.

Note that sometimes you will have to preload the module before using it in the <Location> section, in case of Apache::Registry the configuration will look like this:

PerlModule Apache::Registry
<Location /perl>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options ExecCGI
  allow from all
  PerlSendHeader On

PerlModule is equal to Perl's native use() function call.

You have nothing to do about /cgi-bin location (mod_cgi), since it has nothing to do with mod_perl.

Let's see another very similar example with Apache::PerlRun (More about Apache::PerlRun):

<Location /cgi-perl>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
  Options ExecCGI
  allow from all
  PerlSendHeader On

The only difference from the Apache::Registry configuration id the argument of the PerlHandler directive, where Apache::Registry was replaced by Apache::PerlRun.

PerlModule and PerlRequire Directives

As we saw earlier the module should be loaded before allowed to be used, PerlModule and PerlRequire are the two mod_perl directives equivalent to the Perl's use() and require() respectively. Since they are equivalent, the same rules apply to their arguments. You pass Apache::DBI as an argument for PerlModule, and Apache/ for PerlRequire.

You may load modules from the config file at server startup via:

PerlModule Apache::DBI CGI DBD::Mysql

Generally the modules are preloaded from the startup script, usually named This is a file with plain perl code which is executed through the PerlRequire directive. For example:

PerlRequire  /home/httpd/perl/lib/

As with any file with Perl code that gets require()'d--it must return a true value. To ensure that this happens don't forget to add 1; at the end of file.


As you know Apache specifies about 11 phases of the request loop, namely in that order: Post-Read-Request, URI Translation, Header Parsing, Access Control, Authentication, Authorization, MIME type checking, FixUp, Response (Content phase). Logging and finally Cleanup. These are the stages of a request where the Apache API allows a module to step in and do something. There is a dedicated PerlHandler for each of these stages. Namely:


The first 4 handlers cannot be used in the <Location>, <Directory>, <Files> and .htaccess file, the main reason is all the above require a known path to the file in order to bind a requested path with one or more of the identifiers above. Starting from PerlHeaderParserHandler (5th) URI is allready being mapped to a physical pathname, thus can be used to match the <Location>, <Directory> or <Files> configuration section, or to look at .htaccess file if exists at the specified directory in the translated path.

The Apache documentation (or even better -- the "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C" book by Doug MacEachern and Lincoln Stein) will tell you all about those stages and what your modules can do. By default, these hooks are disabled at compile time, see the INSTALL document for information on enabling these hooks.

Note that by default Perl API expects a subrotine called handler to handle the request in the registered PerlHandler module. Thus if your module implements this subrotine, you can register the handler as simple as writing:

Perl*Handler Apache::SomeModule

replace Perl*Handler with a wanted name of the handler. mod_perl will preload the specified module for you. But if you decide to give the handler code a different name, like my_handler, you must preload the module and to write explicitly the chosen name.

PerlModule Apache::SomeModule
Perl*Handler Apache::SomeModule::my_handler

Please note that the former approach will not preload the module at the startup, so either explicitly preload it with PerlModule directive, add it to the startup file or use a nice shortcut the Perl*Handler syntax suggests:

Perl*Handler +Apache::SomeModule

Notice the leading + character. It's equal to:

PerlModule Apache::SomeModule
Perl*Handler Apache::SomeModule

If a module wishes to know what handler is currently being run, it can find out with the current_callback method. This method is most useful to PerlDispatchHandlers who wish to only take action for certain phases.

if($r->current_callback eq "PerlLogHandler") {
    $r->warn("Logging request");

Stacked Handlers

With the mod_perl stacked handlers mechanism, it is possible for more than one Perl*Handler to be defined and run during each stage of a request.

Perl*Handler directives can define any number of subroutines, e.g. (in config files)

PerlTransHandler OneTrans TwoTrans RedTrans BlueTrans

With the method, Apache->push_handlers(), callbacks can be added to the stack by scripts at runtime by mod_perl scripts.

Apache->push_handlers() takes the callback hook name as its first argument and a subroutine name or reference as its second. e.g.:

Apache->push_handlers("PerlLogHandler", \&first_one);

$r->push_handlers("PerlLogHandler", sub {
    print STDERR "__ANON__ called\n";
    return 0;

After each request, this stack is cleared out.

All handlers will be called unless a handler returns a status other than OK or DECLINED.

example uses: maintains a global object for its plain function interface. Since the object is global, it does not go out of scope, DESTROY is never called. CGI->new can call:

Apache->push_handlers("PerlCleanupHandler", \&CGI::_reset_globals);

This function will be called during the final stage of a request, refreshing's globals before the next request comes in.

Apache::DCELogin establishes a DCE login context which must exist for the lifetime of a request, so the DCE::Login object is stored in a global variable. Without stacked handlers, users must set

PerlCleanupHandler Apache::DCELogin::purge

in the configuration files to destroy the context. This is not "user-friendly". Now, Apache::DCELogin::handler can call:

Apache->push_handlers("PerlCleanupHandler", \&purge);

Persistent database connection modules such as Apache::DBI could push a PerlCleanupHandler handler that iterates over %Connected, refreshing connections or just checking that ones have not gone stale. Remember, by the time we get to PerlCleanupHandler, the client has what it wants and has gone away, we can spend as much time as we want here without slowing down response time to the client (but the process is unavailable for serving new request befor the operation is completed).

PerlTransHandlers may decide, based on URI or other condition, whether or not to handle a request, e.g. Apache::MsqlProxy. Without stacked handlers, users must configure:

PerlTransHandler Apache::MsqlProxy::translate
PerlHandler      Apache::MsqlProxy

PerlHandler is never actually invoked unless translate() sees the request is a proxy request ($r->proxyreq), if it is a proxy request, translate() sets $r->handler("perl-script"), only then will PerlHandler handle the request. Now, users do not have to specify PerlHandler Apache::MsqlProxy, the translate() function can set it with push_handlers().

Includes, footers, headers, etc., piecing together a document, imagine (no need for SSI parsing!):

PerlHandler My::Header Some::Body A::Footer

A little test:
package My;

sub header {
    my $r = shift;
    $r->print("header text\n");
sub body   { shift->print("body text\n")   }
sub footer { shift->print("footer text\n") }

#in config
<Location /foo>
SetHandler "perl-script"
PerlHandler My::header My::body My::footer   

Parsing the output of another PerlHandler? this is a little more tricky, but consider:

<Location /foo>
  SetHandler "perl-script"
  PerlHandler OutputParser SomeApp

<Location /bar>
  SetHandler "perl-script"
  PerlHandler OutputParser AnotherApp

Now, OutputParser goes first, but it untie()'s *STDOUT and re-tie()'s to its own package like so:

package OutputParser;

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
    untie *STDOUT;
    tie *STDOUT => 'OutputParser', $r;
    my($class, $r) = @_;
    bless { r => $r}, $class;

sub PRINT {
    my $self = shift;   
    for (@_) {
        #do whatever you want to $_
        $self->{r}->print($_ . "[insert stuff]");


To build in this feature, configure with:


Another method Apache->can_stack_handlers will return TRUE if mod_perl was configured with PERL_STACKED_HANDLERS=1, FALSE otherwise.

Perl Method Handlers

If a Perl*Handler is prototyped with $$, this handler will be invoked as method. e.g.

package My;
@ISA = qw(BaseClass);
sub handler ($$) {
    my($class, $r) = @_;
package BaseClass;
sub method ($$) {
    my($class, $r) = @_;


PerlHandler My


PerlHandler My->handler

Since the handler is invoked as a method, it may inherit from other classes:

PerlHandler My->method

In this case, the My class inherits this method from BaseClass.

To build in this feature, configure with:



To reload PerlRequire, PerlModule, other use()'d modules and flush the Apache::Registry cache on server restart, add:

PerlFreshRestart On
Make sure you read L<Evil things might happen when using

PerlSetVar, PerlSetEnv and PerlPassEnv

PerlSetEnv key val
PerlPassEnv key

PerlPassEnv passes, PerlSetEnv sets and passes the ENVironment variables to your scripts. you can access them in your scripts through %ENV (e.g. $ENV{"key"}).

Regarding the setting of PerlPassEnv PERL5LIB in httpd.conf If you turn on taint checks (PerlTaintMode On), $ENV{PERL5LIB} will be ignored (unset).

PerlSetVar is very similar to PerlSetEnv, but you extract it with another method. In <Perl> sections:

push @{ $Location{"/"}->{PerlSetVar} }, [ 'FOO' => BAR ];

and in the code you read it with:

my $r = Apache->request;
print $r->dir_config('FOO');


See PerlSetupEnv Off.

PerlWarn and PerlTaintCheck

For PerlWarn and PerlTaintCheck directives see 'Switches -w, -T' section.

MinSpareServers MaxSpareServers StartServers MaxClients MaxRequestsPerChild

MinSpareServers, MaxSpareServers, StartServers and MaxClients are plain Apache configuration directives that control the number of servers that can be launched at the server startup and kept alive through the server's work duration.

MaxRequestsPerChild let's you to specify the maximum limit of requests for each child to serve. The process who served MaxRequestsPerChild is killed and a new one replaces it.

These five directives are very important for achieving the best performance from your server. The 'Tuning Apache's Configuration Variables for the Best Performance' section provides the required details.

Start-up File

There is more to do at the server startup, than just preloading files. You might want to initialize RDMS connections, tie read-only dbm files and etc. Startup file is an ideal place to put the code that should be executed when the server starts. Once you prepared the code, load it before the rest of the mod_perl configuration directives with:

PerlRequire  /home/httpd/perl/lib/

I must stress that all the code that is run at the server initialization time is run with root priveleges if you are executing it as a root user (you have to, unless you choose to run the server on an unpriveledged port, above 1024). This means that anyone who has write access to a script or module that is loaded by PerlModule or PerlRequire, effectively has root access to the system. You might want to take a look at the new and experimental PerlOpmask directive and PERL_OPMASK_DEFAULT compile time option to try to disable some dangerous operators.

Since the startup file is a file written in plain perl, one can validate its syntax with:

% perl -c /home/httpd/perl/lib/

The Sample Start-up File

Let's look at a real world startup file:
use strict;

# extend @INC if needed
use lib qw(/dir/foo /dir/bar);

# make sure we are in a sane environment.
   or die "GATEWAY_INTERFACE not Perl!";
# for things in the "/perl" URL
use Apache::Registry;          
#load perl modules of your choice here
#this code is interpreted *once* when the server starts
use LWP::UserAgent ();
use Apache::DBI ();
use DBI ();

# tell me more about warnings
use Carp ();
$SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck;

# Load and call its compile() method to precompile 
# (but not to import) its autoloaded methods. 
use CGI ();

# init the connections for each child
  PrintError => 1, # warn() on errors
  RaiseError => 0, # don't die on error
  AutoCommit => 1, # commit executes immediately

Let's go and explain the reasons of my decision to include this specific code in the startup file.

use strict;

As with every script longer than five lines I have a habit to use this pragma, which saves me from a lot for troubles in a long run. The startup file is not different from any other perl code that I write.

use lib qw(/dir/foo /dir/bar);

The only chance to permanently modify the @INC before the server was started is with this command. Later the running code can modify @INC just for a moment it requre()'s some file, and than its value gets reset to the previous one.

   or die "GATEWAY_INTERFACE not Perl!";

A sanity check, if Apache wasn't properly built, the above code will abort the server startup.

use Apache::Registry;          
use LWP::UserAgent ();
use Apache::DBI ();
use DBI ();

Preload the modules that get used by our Perl code serving the requests. Unless you need the symbols (variables and subroutines) exported by the modules you preload to do accomplish something within the startup file, don't import them, since it's just a waste of startup time. Instead use empty list () to tell the import() function not to import a thing.

use Carp ();
$SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck;

This is a useful snippet to enable extended warnings logged in the error_log file. In addition to same basic warning, a trace of calls would be added which makes the tracking of the potential problem a much easier task, since you know who called whom. For example, with normal warnings you might see:

Use of uninitialized value at
    /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/  line 110.

but you have no idea where it was called from. When we use the Carp as shown above we might see:

Use of uninitialized value at
          /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 110.
    Apache::DBI::connect(undef, 'mydb::localhost', 'user',
       'passwd', 'HASH(0x87a5108)') called at
          /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/ line 382
    DBI::connect('DBI', 'DBI:mysql:mydb::localhost', 'user',
       'passwd', 'HASH(0x8375e4c)') called at
          /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ line 36
    Apache::DBI::__ANON__('Apache=SCALAR(0x87a50c0)') called at 
          PerlChildInitHandler subroutine 
          `Apache::DBI::__ANON__' line 0
    eval {...} called at PerlChildInitHandler subroutine 
          `Apache::DBI::__ANON__' line 0

we clearly see that the warning was triggered by eval()'uating the Apache::DBI::__ANON__ which called DBI::connect with the arguments that we see as well, which in turn called Apache::DBI::connect method. Now we know where to look for a problem.

use CGI ();

Some modules get their subroutines created at the run time to improve the loading time. This helps when the module includes many subroutines, but only a few are actually get used. falls into this category. Since with mod_perl the module is loaded only once, it might be a good idea to precompile all or a part of its methods.'s compile() method performs this task. Notice that this is a propietary function of this module, other modules can implement this feature or not and use this other name for the subroutine. As with all module we preloaded in the startup file, we don't import symbols from them as they are all get lost when they go out of the file's scope.

Note that starting with $CGI::VERSION 2.46, the recommended method to precompile the code in is:

use CGI qw(-compile :all);

But the old method is still available for backward compatibility.

See also the 'Apache::Status -- Embedded interpreter status information' section.

What Modules Should You Add to the Start-up File and Why

Every module loaded at the server startup will be shared among server children, saving a lot of RAM for you. Usually I put most of the code I develop into modules and preload them.

You can even preload your CGI script with Apache::RegistryLoader and preopen the DB connections with Apache::DBI. (See Preload Perl modules at server startup).

The Confusion with use() at the Server Start-up File

Some people wonder, why there is a need for a duplication of use() clause in startup file and in the script itself. The confusion rises from misunderstanding of the use() function. use() consists of two other functions, namely require() and import(), called within a BEGIN block. See the section "use()" a detailed explanation of use(), require() and import() methods.

So, if the module in question imports some symbols into your code's namespace, you have to write the use() statement once again in your code. The module will not be loaded once again, only the import() call will be called. For example in the startup file you write:

use CGI ();

since you probably don't need any symbols to be exported there. But in your code you probably would write:

use CGI qw(:html);

Since the symbols that you might import into a startup's script namespace will be visible by none of the children, scripts that need a Foo's module exported tags have to pull it in like if you did not preload Foo at the startup file. For example, just because you have use()'d Apache::Constants in the startup file, does not mean you can have the following handler:

package MyModule;
sub {
  my $r = shift;
  ## Cool stuff goes here
  return OK;

You would either need to add:

use Apache::Constants qw( OK );

Or use a fully qualified notation:

return Apache::Constants::OK;

If you want to use the function interface without exporting the symbols, use a fully qualified functions, e.g. CGI::param. The same rule applies to variables, you can import variables and you can access them by their full name. e g. $My::Module::bar. When you use the object oriented (methods) interface you don't need to export the method symbols as well.

In both later cases technically you aren't required to return on use() statement in your code, if it was already loaded at the startup. But you do have to write your code like id there is no code preloaded. Because you or someone else will read your code at some point and will not understand how can you use this or that method, without first loading the module containing it.

Read the Exporter and perlmod manpages for more information about import().

The Confusion with Global Variables in Start-up File

PerlRequire allows you to execute code that preloads modules and does more things. Imported or defined variables are visible in the scope of the startup file. It is a wrong assumption that global variables that were defined in the startup file, will be accessible by child processes.

You do have to define/import variables in your scripts and they will be visible inside a child process who run this script. They will be not shared between siblings. Remember that every script is running in a specially (uniquely) named package - so it cannot access variables from other packages unless it inherits from them or use()'s them.

<Perl>...</Perl> Sections

With <Perl>...</Perl> sections, it is possible to configure your server entirely in Perl.


<Perl> sections can contain *any* and as much Perl code as you wish. These sections are compiled into a special package whose symbol table mod_perl can then walk and grind the names and values of Perl variables/structures through the Apache core configuration gears. Most of the configurations directives can be represented as scalars ($scalar) or lists (@list). A @List inside these sections is simply converted into a space delimited string for you inside. Here is an example:

@PerlModule = qw(Mail::Send Devel::Peek);

#run the server as whoever starts it
$User  = getpwuid($>) || $>;
$Group = getgrgid($)) || $); 

$ServerAdmin = $User;


Block sections such as <Location>..</Location> are represented in a %Location hash, e.g.:

$Location{"/~dougm/"} = {
  AuthUserFile => '/tmp/htpasswd',
  AuthType => 'Basic',
  AuthName => 'test',
  DirectoryIndex => [qw(index.html index.htm)],
  Limit => {
  require => 'user dougm',

If an Apache directive can take two or three arguments you may push strings and the lowest number of arguments will be shifted off the @List or use array reference to handle any number greater than the minimum for that directive:

push @Redirect, "/foo", "";

push @Redirect, "/imdb", "";

push @Redirect, [qw(temp "/here" "")];

Other section counterparts include %VirtualHost, %Directory and %Files.

To pass all environment variables to the children with a single configuration directive, rather than listing each one via PassEnv or PerlPassEnv, a <Perl> section could read in a file and:

push @PerlPassEnv, [$key => $val];


Apache->httpd_conf("PerlPassEnv $key $val");

These are somewhat simple examples, but they should give you the basic idea. You can mix in any Perl code your heart desires. See eg/ and eg/perl_sections.txt in mod_perl distribution for more examples.

A tip for syntax checking outside of httpd:

# !perl

#... code here ...


Now you may run:

perl -cx httpd.conf


To enable <Perl> sections you should build mod_perl with perl Makefile.PL PERL_SECTIONS=1.


You can watch how have you configured the <Perl> sections through the /perl-status location, by choosing the Perl Sections from the menu.

You can dump the configuration by <Perl> sections configuration this way:

use Apache::PerlSections();
# Configuration Perl code here
print STDERR Apache::PerlSections->dump();

Alternatively you can store it in a file:


You can then require() that file in some other <Perl> section.


If you compile modperl with PERL_TRACE=1 and set the environment variable MOD_PERL_TRACE then you should see some useful diagnostics when mod_perl is processing <Perl> sections.

Validating the Configuration Syntax

apachectl configtest tests the configuration file without starting the server. You can safely modify the configuration file on your production server, if you run this test before you restart the server. Of course it is not 100% error prone, but it will reveal any syntax errors you might make while editing the file.

'apachectl configtest' is the same as 'httpd -t' and it actually executes the code in, not just parses it. <Perl> configuration has always started Perl during the configuration read, Perl{Require,Module} do so as well.

If you want your startup code to get a control over the -t (configtest) server launch, start the server configuration test with:

httpd -t -Dsyntax_check

and in your startup file, add (at the top):

return if Apache->define('syntax_check');

if you want to prevent the code in the file from being executed.

Enabling Remote Server Configuration Reports

A nifty mod_info module displays a complete server configuration in the browser. In order to use it you have compile it in or load as an object if the server was compiled with DSO mode enabled. Then uncomment the already prepared section in the httpd.conf file:

<Location /server-info>
  SetHandler server-info
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all
  Allow from

Now restart the server and issue the request:

Publishing Port Numbers Different from 80

It is advised not to publish the 8080 (or alike) port number in URLs, but rather using a proxying rewrite rule in the thin (httpd_docs) server:

RewriteRule .*/perl/(.*) http://my.url:8080/perl/$1 [P]

One problem with publishing 8080 port numbers is that I was told that IE 4.x has a bug when re-posting data to a non-port-80 url. It drops the port designator, and uses port 80 anyway.

The other reason is that firewalls the users work from behind might have all ports closed, but 80.

Configuring Apache + mod_perl with mod_macro

mod_macro is an Apache module written by Fabien Coelho that lets you define and use macros in the Apache configuration file.

mod_macro proved really useful when you have many virtual hosts, each virtual host has a number of scripts/modules, most of them with a moderately complex configuration setup.

First download the latest version of mod_macro from , and configure your Apache server to use this module.

Here are some useful macros for mod_perl users:

# set up a registry script
<Macro registry>
SetHandler "perl-script"
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI

# example
Alias /stuff /usr/www/scripts/stuff
<Location /stuff>
Use registry

If your registry scripts are all located in the same directory, and your aliasing rules consistent, you can use this macro:

# set up a registry script for a specific location
<Macro registry $location $script>
Alias /script /usr/www/scripts/$script
<Location $location>
SetHandler "perl-script"
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI

# example
Use registry stuff

If you're using content handlers packaged as modules, you can use the following macro:

# set up a mod_perl content handler module
<Macro modperl $module>
SetHandler "perl-script"
Options +ExecCGI
PerlHandler $module

<Location /perl-status>
PerlSetVar StatusPeek On
PerlSetVar StatusGraph On
PerlSetVar StatusDumper On
Use modperl Apache::Status

The following macro sets up a Location for use with HTML::Embperl. Here we define all ".html" files to be processed by Embperl.

<Macro embperl>
SetHandler "perl-script"
Options +ExecCGI
PerlHandler HTML::Embperl

# examples
<Location /mrtg>
Use embperl

Macros are also very useful for things that tend to be verbose, such as setting up Basic Authentication:

# Sets up Basic Authentication
<Macro BasicAuth $realm $group>
Order deny,allow
Satisfy any
AuthType Basic
AuthName $realm
AuthGroupFile /usr/www/auth/groups
AuthUserFile /usr/www/auth/users
Require group $group
Deny from all

# example of use
<Location /stats>
Use BasicAuth WebStats Admin

Finally, here is a complete example that uses macros to set up simple virtual hosts. It uses the BasicAuth macro defined previously (yes, macros can be nested!).

<Macro vhost $ip $domain $docroot $admingroup>
<VirtualHost $ip>
ServerAdmin webmaster@$domain
DocumentRoot /usr/www/htdocs/$docroot
ServerName www.$domain
<Location /stats>
Use BasicAuth Stats-$domain $admingroup

# define some virtual hosts
Use vhost example example-admin
Use vhost examplenet examplenet-admin

mod_macro also useful in a non vhost setting. Some sites for example have lots of scripts where people use to view various statistics, email settings and etc. It is much easier to read things like:

use /forwards email/showforwards
use /webstats web/showstats

General Pitfalls

My CGI/Perl Code Gets Returned as a Plain Text Instead of Being Executed by the Webserver

Check your configuration files and make sure that the "ExecCGI" is turned on in your configurations.

<Location /perl>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options ExecCGI
  allow from all
  PerlSendHeader On

My Script Works under mod_cgi, but when Called via mod_perl I Get a 'Save-As' Prompt

Did you put PerlSendHeader On in the configuration part of the <Location foo></Location>?

Is There a Way to Provide a Different File for Each Individual Virtual Host

No. Any virtual host will be able to see the routines from a loaded for any other virtual host.

Is There a Way to Modify @INC on a Per-Virtual-Host or Per-Location Basis.

You can use PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB ... or a PerlFixupHandler with the lib pragma (use lib qw(...)).

Even a better way is to use Apache::PerlVINC

A Script From One Virtual Host Calls a Script with the Same Path From the Other Virtual Host

This has been a bug before, last fixed in 1.15_01, i.e. if you are running 1.15, that could be the problem. You should set this variable in a startup file (PerlRequire):

$Apache::Registry::NameWithVirtualHost = 1;

But, as we know sometimes bug turns into a feature. If there is the same script running for more than one Virtual host on the same machine, this can be a waste, right? Set it to 0 in a startup script if you want to turn it off and have this bug as a feature. (Only makes sense if you are sure that there will be no other scripts named by the same path/name). It also saves you some memory on the way.

$Apache::Registry::NameWithVirtualHost = 0;

the Server no Longer Retrieves the DirectoryIndex Files for a Directory

The problem was reported by users who declared mod_perl configuration inside a <Directory> section for all files matching to *.pl. The problem has gone away after placing the usage of mod_perl in a <File>- section.

Configuration Security Concerns

It is better not to advertise the port mod_perl server running at to the outside world for it creates a potential security risk by revealing which module(s) and/or OS you are running your web server on.

The more modules you have in your web server, the more complex the code in your webserver.

The more complex the code in your web server, the more chances for bugs.

The more chance for bugs, the more chance that some of those bugs may involve security.

Never was completely sure why the default of the ServerToken directive in Apache is Full rather than Minimal. Seems like you would only make it full if you are debugging.

For more information see Publishing port numbers different from 80

Another approach is to modify httpd sources to reveal no unwanted information, so if you know the port the HEAD request will return an empty or phony Server: field.

Apache Restarts Twice On Start

When the server is restarted. the configuration and module initialization phases are called again (twice in total) before children get forked. The restart is done in order to ensure that the future restart will workout correctly, by making sure that all modules can survive a restart (SIGHUP). This is very important if you restart a production server.

You can control what code to execute only on the start or only on restart by checking the value of $Apache::Server::Starting and $Apache::Server::ReStarting respectively. The former variable is true when the server is starting and the latter when it's restarting.

(META: And add an example that writes to the log file - "was restarted 1, 2 times")

Knowing the proxy_pass'ed Connection Type

Let's say that you have a frontend server running mod_ssl, mod_rewrite and mod_proxy. You want to make sure that user is using a secure connection for some specific actions like login information submission. You don't want to let user login unless the request was submitted through secure port.

Since you have to proxy_pass the request between front and backend servers, you cannot know where the connection has come from. Neither using the HTTP headers is reliable.

A possible solution for this problem is to have the the mod_perl server listen on two different ports (.i.e 8000 and 8001) and have the mod_rewrite proxy rule in the regular server redirect to port 8000 and the mod_rewrite proxy rule in the SSL virtual host redirect to port 8001. In the mod_perl server then just check the PORT variable to tell if the connect is encrypted or not.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1258:

alternative text '/perl-status' contains non-escaped | or /