Unfortunately, simply reducing the size of each HTTPD process is not enough on a very busy site. You also need to reduce the quantity of these processes. This reduces memory consumption even more, and results in fewer processes fighting for the attention of the CPU. If you can reduce the quantity of processes to fit into RAM, your response time is increased even more.
The idea of the techniques outlined below is to offload the normal document delivery (such as static HTML and GIF files) from the mod_perl HTTPD, and let it only handle the mod_perl requests. This way, your large mod_perl HTTPD processes are not tied up delivering simple content when a smaller process could perform the same job more efficiently.
In the techniques below where there are two HTTPD configurations, the same httpd executable can be used for both configurations; there is no need to build HTTPD both with and without mod_perl compiled into it. With Apache 1.3 this can be done with the DSO configuration -- just configure one httpd invocation to dynamically load mod_perl and the other not to do so.
These approaches work best when most of the requests are for static content rather than mod_perl programs. Log file analysis become a bit of a challenge when you have multiple servers running on the same host, since you must log to different files.
The simplest way is to put all static content on one machine, and all mod_perl programs on another. The only trick is to make sure all links are properly coded to refer to the proper host. The static content will be served up by lots of small HTTPD processes (configured not to use mod_perl), and the relatively few mod_perl requests can be handled by the smaller number of large HTTPD processes on the other machine.
The drawback is that you must maintain two machines, and this can get expensive. For extremely large projects, this is the best way to go.
Similar to above, but one HTTPD runs bound to one IP address, while the other runs bound to another IP address. The only difference is that one machine runs both servers. Total memory usage is reduced because the majority of files are served by the smaller HTTPD processes, so there are fewer large mod_perl HTTPD processes sitting around.
This is accomplished using the httpd.conf directive BindAddress
to make each HTTPD respond only to one IP address on this host. One will have mod_perl enabled, and the other will not.
To overcome the limitation of the alternate port above, you can use dual Apache HTTPD servers with just slight difference in configuration. Essentially, you set up two servers just as you would with the two port on same IP address method above. However, in your primary HTTPD configuration you add a line like this:
ProxyPass /programs http://localhost:8042/programs
Where your mod_perl enabled HTTPD is running on port 8042, and has only the directory programs within its DocumentRoot. This assumes that you have included the mod_proxy module in your server when it was built.
Now, when you access it will internally be passed through to your HTTPD running on port 8042 as the URL http://localhost:8042/programs/printenv and the result relayed back transparently. To the client, it all seems as if it is just one server running. This can also be used on the dual-host version to hide the second server from view if desired.
The directory structure assumes that F is the C directory, and the the mod_perl programs are in F and F. I start them as follows: daemon httpd daemon httpd -f conf/httpd+perl.conf SQUID ACCELERATOR
Another approach to reducing the number of large HTTPD processes on one machine is to use an accelerator such as Squid (which can be found at on the web) between the clients and your large mod_perl HTTPD processes. The idea here is that squid will handle the static objects from its cache while the HTTPD processes will handle mostly just the mod_perl requests once the cache is primed. This reduces the number of HTTPD processes and thus reduces the amount of memory used. To set this up, just install the current version of Squid (at this writing, this is version 1.1.22) and use the RunAccel script to start it. You will need to reconfigure your HTTPD to use an alternate port, such as 8042, rather than its default port 80. To do this, you can either change the F line C or add a C directive to match the port specified in the F file. Your URLs do not need to change. The benefit of using the C directive is that redirected URLs will still use the default port 80 rather than your alternate port, which might reveal your real server location to the outside world and bypass the accelerator. In the F file, you will probably want to add C and C to the C parameter so that these are always passed through to the HTTPD server under the assumption that they always produce different results. This is very similar to the two port, ProxyPass version above, but the Squid cache may be more flexible to fine tune for dynamic documents that do not change on every view. The Squid proxy server also seems to be more stable and robust than the Apache 1.2.4 proxy module. One drawback to using this accelerator is that the logfiles will always report access from IP address, which is the local host loopback address. Also, any access permissions or other user tracking that requires the remote IP address will always see the local address. The following code uses a feature of recent mod_perl versions (tested with mod_perl 1.16 and Apache 1.3.3) to trick Apache into logging the real client address and giving that information to mod_perl programs for their purposes. First, in your F file add the following code: use Apache::Constants qw(OK); sub My::SquidRemoteAddr ($) { my $r = shift; if (my ($ip) = $r->header_in('X-Forwarded-For') =~ /([^,\s]+)$/) { $r->connection->remote_ip($ip); } return OK; } Next, add this to your F file: PerlPostReadRequestHandler My::SquidRemoteAddr This will cause every request to have its C address overridden by the value set in the C header added by Squid. Note that if you have multiple proxies between the client and the server, you want the IP address of the last machine before your accelerator. This will be the right-most address in the X-Forwarded-For header (assuming the other proxies append their addresses to this same header, like Squid does.) If you use apache with mod_proxy at your frontend, you can use Ask Bjørn Hansen's mod_proxy_add_forward module from to make it insert the C header. ################################### ################################### ################################### ################################### config.pod: use Eric's presentation: ################################### mod_perl Humour. * mod_perl for embedded devices: Q: mod_perl for my Palm Pilot dumps core when built as a DSO, and the Palm lacks the memory to build statically, what should I do? A: you should get another Palm Pilot to act as a reverse proxy by Eric Cholet. ################################################# ################################################# DBI tips to improve performance: Need to work on the snippets below: What if the user_id has something that needs to be quoted? I speak of the general case. User data should not get anywhere *near* an SQL line... it should always be inserted via placeholders or very very careful consideration to quoting. Ahh, I see. I basically do the latter, with $dbh->quote. The contents of $Session are entirely system-generated. The user gives a ticket through the URL, yes, but that is parsed and validated and checked for presence in the DB before you even get to code that works like I had described. I agree - but you should always be aware of the issues with using placeholders for the database engine that you use. Sybase in particular has a deficient implementation, which tends to run out of space and creates locking contention. Using stored procs instead is a lot better (although it doesn't solve the quoting problems). OTOH, Oracle caches compiled SQL, and using placeholders means it's not caching SQL with specific data in it. The values can get bound into the compiled SQL just as easily, and it speeds things up by a noticable amount (factor of ~3 in my tests) If we are on this topic, I have a few questions. I've just read the DBI manpage, there is a prepare_cached() call. It's useless in mod_cgi if used only once with the same params across the script. If I use Apache::DBI, and replace all prepare statements (which include placeholders) with prepare_cached(). Does it mean that like with modules preloading , the prepare will be called only once per unique statements thru the whole life of the child? Otherwise a usage of placeholders is useless, if you do only one execute() call per unique prepare() statement. The only benefit is of DBI taking handle of quoting the values for you. I don't remember someone mentioned prepare_cached() ever. What's the verdict? Simply adding the "_cached" to "prepare()" in one of my utilities increased the performance eight fold (Oracle non-mod_perl environment). I don't know the fine points of if it is possible to share cached prepares across children (can you even fork with db connections?), but if your code is doing the same query(ies) over and over, definitly give it a try. Not necessarily; it depends on your database. Oracle does caching which persists until it needs the space for something else; if you're finding information about customers, it's much more efficinet for there to be one entry in the library cache like this: select * from customers where customer_id = :p1 than it is for there to be lots of them like: select * from customers where customer_id = 123 select * from customers where customer_id = 465 select * from customers where customer_id = 789 since Oracle has to parse, compile and cache each one separatley. I don't know if other databases do this kind of caching. Ok, this makes sense. I just read the MySQL manual - with all grief, it doesn't cache :( So, I still think to use prepare_cached() to cache on the DBI behalf, but it's said to work thru the life of $dbh and since my $dbh is my() lexicall variable, I don't understand whether I get this benefit or not? I know that Apache::DBI maintains a pool of connections, does it preserver the cache of prepare statements as well (I mean does it preserve the whole $dbh object )? If it does, I get a speedup at least a speedup for the whole life of a single connection. I think that the speedup is even better than the one you have been talking about, since if Oracle caches the prepare statement, DBI still reachs out for Oracle, if it's local cache we get a little more save ups. Anyone deployes the scenario I have tried to present here? Seems like a good candidate for a performance chapter of the guide if it really makes speed better... The statement cursors will be cached per $dbh, which Apache::DBI caches, so there is an extreme performance boost... as your application runs caching all its cursors, database queries will become execution speed, no query parsing will be involved anymore. On Oracle, the performance improvement I saw was 100% by using prepare_cached functionality. If you have just a small number of web servers, the caching difference between Oracle & MySQL will be small on the db end. Its when you have a lot of DBI handles that things might get inefficient. But I'm sure you are running a proxy front end, right Stas? :) Be warned: there are some pitfalls associated with prepare_cached(). It actually gives you a reference to the *same* cached statement handle, not just a similar copy. So you can't do this: my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare_cached('select name from table where id=?'); my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare_cached('select name from table where id=?'); $sth1 & $sth2 are now the same object! If you try to use them independently, they'll stomp all over each other. That said, prepare_cached() can be a huge win when using a slow database like Oracle. For mysql, it doesn't seem to help much, since mysql is so darn fast at preparing its statements. Sometimes you have to be careful about that, yes. For instance, I was repeatedly executing a statement to insert data into a varchar column. The first value to insert just happened to be a number, so DBD::mysql thought that it was a numeric column, and subsequent insertions failed using that same statement handle. I'm not sure what the correct solution should have been in that case, but I reverted back to calling $dbh->quote($val) and putting it directly into the SQL. My opinion is that mysql should do a better job of figuring out which fields are actually numeric and which are strings - i.e. get the info from the database, not from the format of the data I'm passing it. Actually, I'm a big fan of placeholders. I think they make the programming task a lot easier, since you don't have to worry about quoting data values. They can also be quite nice when you've got values in a nice data structure and you want to pass them all to the database - just put them in the bound-vars list, and forget about constructing some big SQL string. I believe mysql just emulates true placeholders by doing the quoting, etc. behind the scenes. So it's probably not much faster to use placeholders than direct embedded values. But I think placeholders are cleaner, generally, and more fun. In my experience, prepare_cached() is just a judgment call. It hasn't seemed to be a big performance win for mysql, so sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't. I always use it with Oracle, though. prepare_cached is implemented by the database handle (and really the database itself). For example, in Oracle it speeds things up. In MySQL, it is exactly the same as prepare() because DBD::mysql does not implement it because MySQL itself has no mechanism for doing this. As I said in a previous message, prepare_cached() don't cache anything under MySQL. However, you can implement your own statement handle caching scheme pretty easily by either subclassing DBI or writing a DB access module of your own (my preferred method). my $db = MyDB->new; my $sql = 'SELECT 1'; my $sth = $db->get_sth($sql); $sth->execute or die $dbh->errstr; my ($numone) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish or die $dbh->errstr; # This is doubly necessary with this caching scheme! sub get_sth { my $self = shift; my $sql = shift; return $self->{sth_cache}->{$sql} if exists $self->{sth_cache}->{$sql}; $self->{sth_cache}->{$sql} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($sql) or die $self->{dbh}->errstr; return $self->{sth_cache}->{$sql}; } I've used that in a few situations and it appears to speed things up a bit. For mod_perl, we would probably want to make $self->{sth_cache} global. You know, I just benchmarked this on a machine running PostgreSQL and it didn't actually speed things up (or slow it down). However, I suspect that under mod_perl if this were something that were globally shared inside a child process it might make a difference. Plus it also depends on the database used. (Contributors: Randal L. Schwartz, Steve Willer, Michael Peppler, Mark Cogan, Eric Hammond, Russell D. Weiss, Joshua Chamas, Ken Williams, Peter Grimes) ################################################# As a quick side note, I actually found that it's faster to write the logs directly into a .gz, and read them out of the .gz, through pipes. It takes longer (significantly, by my experience) to read 100 megs from the drive than it does to compress or uncompress 5 megs of data. ################################################# ################################################# ################################################# performance.pod - extend on Apache::TimeIt package ################################################# Add a new section - contributing to the guide - with incentives and guidelines of contributions (diff against pod...) ################################################# ################################################# ################################################# ################################################# security.pod : add Apache:Auth* modules ################################################# ################################################# examples of Apache::Session::DBI code: use strict; use DBI; use Apache::Session::DBI; use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); # Recommendation from mod_perl_traps: use Carp (); local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck; [...] # Initiate a session ID my $session = (); my $opts = { autocommit => 0, lifetime => 3600 }; # 3600 is one hour # Read in the cookie if this is an old session my $r = Apache->request; my $no_cookie = ''; my $cookie = $r->header_in('Cookie'); { # eliminate logging from Apache::Session::DBI's use of `warn' local $^W = 0; if (defined($cookie) && $cookie ne '') { $cookie =~ s/SESSION_ID=(\w*)/$1/; $session = Apache::Session::DBI->open($cookie, $opts); $no_cookie = 'Y' unless defined($session); } # Could have been obsolete - get a new one $session = Apache::Session::DBI->new($opts) unless defined($session); } # Might be a new session, so let's give them a cookie back if (! defined($cookie) || $no_cookie) { local $^W = 0; my $session_cookie = "SESSION_ID=$session->{'_ID'}"; $r->header_out("Set-Cookie" => $session_cookie); } ################################################# ################################################# ########################################################################## ################################################################# ################################################################## ######################################################################## ######################################################################## ########################################################################1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
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Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Bjørn'. Assuming CP1252