CHANGES (Apache::VMonitor)
ver 0.4 - Sun Dec 12 12:06:39 IST 1999
* Added a single process mode
* Added a non apache/mod_perl process display
* Improved formatting
* splitted the TOP section into APACHE and SYSTEM sections.
* Adde lore information columns per apache/modperl process
* A configuration interface was changed
* Now sections can be turned on and off automatically while browsing
ver 0.3 - Tue Oct 19 08:12:47 IST 1999
* Added to top() section: date/time, uptime, average load, num of procs (linux only).
Per process removed the memory segment info (wasn't interested),
added instead a number of bytes transferred and a number of requests
processed, a current status of each process, last request and the
client's IP.
* Added a dynamic configuration: dynamically turn on and off all the sections and enter a verbose mode that explains each section and the used abreviations. and of course the explanations themselves :)
* Fixed the "bug" that displayed the processes that have been killed but wasn't yet replaced. (it doesn't display those anymore :)
ver 0.2 Tue Oct 6 08:12:47 IST 1999
* fixed the README file (generated by pod2text)
ver 0.1 Tue Oct 5 08:12:47 IST 1999
* First version released