CPAN::Mini::Inject - Inject modules into a CPAN::Mini mirror.


Version 0.18


If you're not going to customize the way CPAN::Mini::Inject works, you probably want to look at the mcpani command, instead.

use CPAN::Mini::Inject;


$mcpi->add( module => 'CPAN::Mini::Inject', 
            authorid => 'SSORICHE', 
            version => ' 0.01', 
            file => 'mymodules/CPAN-Mini-Inject-0.01.tar.gz' )



CPAN::Mini::Inject uses CPAN::Mini to build or update a local CPAN mirror then adds modules from your repository to it, allowing the inclusion of private modules in a minimal CPAN mirror.


Each method in CPAN::Mini::Inject returns a CPAN::Mini::Inject object which allows method chaining. For example:

my $mcpi=CPAN::Mini::Inject->new;


Create a new CPAN::Mini::Inject object.


loadcfg accepts a CPAN::Mini::Inject config file or if not defined will search the following four places in order:

  • file pointed to by the environment variable MCPANI_CONFIG

  • $HOME/.mcpani/config

  • /usr/local/etc/mcpani

  • /etc/mcpani

loadcfg sets the instance variable cfgfile to the file found or undef if none is found.

print "$mcpi->{cfgfile}\n"; # /etc/mcpani


parsecfg reads the config file stored in the instance variable cfgfile and creates a hash in config with each setting.

$mcpi->{config}{remote} # CPAN sites to mirror from.

parsecfg expects the config file in the following format:

local: /www/CPAN
repository: /work/mymodules
passive: yes
dirmode: 0755

Description of options:

  • local

    location to store local CPAN::Mini mirror (*REQUIRED*)

  • remote

    CPAN site(s) to mirror from. Multiple sites can be listed space separated. (*REQUIRED*)

  • repository

    Location to store modules to add to the local CPAN::Mini mirror.

  • passive

    Enable passive FTP.

  • dirmode

    Set the permissions of created directories to the specified mode. The default value is based on umask if supported.

If either local or remote are not defined parsecfg croaks.


Test each site listed in the remote parameter of the config file by performing a get on each site in order for authors/01mailrc.txt.gz. The first site to respond successfully is set as the instance variable site.

print "$mcpi->{site}\n"; #

testremote accepts an optional parameter to enable verbose mode.


This is a subclass of CPAN::Mini.


Add a new module to the repository. The add method copies the module file into the repository with the same structure as a CPAN site. For example CPAN-Mini-Inject-0.01.tar.gz is copied to MYCPAN/authors/id/S/SS/SSORICHE. add creates the required directory structure below the repository.

  • module

    The name of the module to add.

  • authorid

    CPAN author id. This does not have to be a real author id.

  • version

    The modules version number.

  • file

    The tar.gz of the module.


add( module => 'Module::Name', 
     authorid => 'AUTHOR', 
     version => 0.01, 
     file => './Module-Name-0.01.tar.gz' );


Insert modules from the repository into the local CPAN::Mini mirror. inject copies each module into the appropriate directory in the CPAN::Mini mirror and updates the CHECKSUMS file.

Passing a value to inject enables verbose mode, which lists each module as it's injected.


Update the CPAN::Mini mirror's modules/02packages.details.txt.gz with the injected module information.


Load the repository's modulelist.


Write to the repository modulelist.

See Also



Shawn Sorichetti, <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

Copyright & License

Copyright 2004 Shawn Sorichetti, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.