Doit::Util - utility functions for Doit


use Doit::Util;
use Doit::Util qw(in_directory new_scope_cleanup copy_stat get_sudo_cmd get_os_release);




in_directory {
   ... code ...
} $directory;

Temporary change to the specified $directory and execute the code in the enclosed block. After execution, the previous directory is restored. Dies if the specified $directory does not exist.

Note: commands like last or return apply to the enclosed block, not to the outer function. As this is confusing and the behavior may change it's best to avoid them.


    my $scope_cleanup = new_scope_cleanup(sub { say "This is printed when leaving the current block" });
    ... code ...
# at this point the cleanups are executed

Register a callback which is executed when leaving the current block — either at the end of the block, or when using return, goto or similar commands. Note that the return value of the new_scope_cleanup needs to be assigned to a lexical variable — if this lexical variable goes out of scope, then the callback will be executed.


copy_stat($source_file, $dest_file);
copy_stat($source_file, $dest_file, { ownership => 1, mode => 1, time => 1 });

Copy file properties from $source_file to $dest_file. By default, all possible properties (ownership: owner and group; mode; time: atime and mtime) are copied, but this can be limitted by specifying a third parameter as shown above.

If some of the properties cannot be copied, then just warnings will be issued.


Return an empty list if using sudo is not required (i.e. the current user is the root user), otherwise returns a list with sudo. Handy for writing commands like:

$doit->system(get_sudo_cmd(), 'apt-get', '-y', 'install', @missing_packages);


Return a hash reference of /etc/os-release contents, or undef if such a file does not exist. Usually the hash will contain keys like

ID => 'ubuntu',
VERSION_ID => '22.04'

The file is parsed only once and cached for subsequent calls. To force a cache refresh use the option

refresh => 1

To specify another file than /etc/os-release use the option

file => /path/to/another/os-release

This is probably only useful for test purposes.


Slaven Rezic <>


Copyright (c) 2022,2023 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Doit, "stat EXPR" in perlfunc, sudo(8).