Lingua::EN::Splitter - Split text into words, paragraphs, segments, and tiles
use Lingua::EN::Splitter qw(words paragraphs paragraph_breaks
segment_breaks tiles set_tokens_per_tile);
my $text = <<EOT;
Lingua::EN::Segmenter is a useful module that allows text to be split up
into words, paragraphs, segments, and tiles.
Paragraphs are by default indicated by blank lines. Known segment breaks are
indicated by a line with only the word "segment_break" in it.
This module does not make any attempt to guess segment boundaries. For that,
see L<Lingua::EN::Segmenter::TextTiling>.
# Set the number of tokens per tile to 20 (the default)
my @words = words $text;
my @paragraphs = paragraphs $text;
my @paragraph_breaks = paragraph_breaks $text;
my @segment_breaks = segment_breaks $text;
my @tiles = tile words $text;
print "@words[0..3,5]"; # Prints "lingua en segmenter is useful"
print "@words[43..46,53]"; # Prints "this module does not guess"
print $paragraphs[2]; # Prints the third paragraph of the above text
print $paragraph_breaks[2]; # Prints which tile the 3rd paragraph starts on
print $segment_breaks[1]; # Prints which tile the 2nd segment starts on
print $tiles[1]; # Prints @words[20..39] filtered for stopwords
# and stemmed
# This module can also be used in an object-oriented fashion
my $splitter = new Lingua::EN::Splitter;
@words = $splitter->words $text;
See synopsis.
This module can be used in an object-oriented fashion or the routines can be exported.
David James <>