add_comment content => str, uuid => str
A convenience method that takes a content string and a ticket uuid and creates a new comment record, for use in other commands (such as ticket create and ticket update).
A string of text that goes in the comment denoting the beginning of immutable ticket metadata in a string representing a ticket.
Immutable ticket metadata includes things such as ticket id and creation date that are useful to display to the user when editing a ticket but are automatically assigned by sd and are not intended to be changed manually.
create_record_template [ RECORD ]
Creates a string representing a new record, prefilling default props and props specified on the command line. Intended to be presented to the user for editing using Prophet::CLI::TextEditorCommand-try_to_edit> and then parsed using "parse_record_template".
If RECORD is given, then we are updating that record rather than creating a new one, and the ticket string will be created from its props rather than prop defaults.
parse_record_template $str
Takes a string containing a ticket record consisting of prop: value pairs followed by a separator, followed by an optional comment.
Returns a list of (hashref of prop => value pairs, string contents of comment) with props with false values filtered out.