Business::Travel::OTA::installguide::ota - Installation Guide for the OTA Specification Files (*.xsd)
This is the Installation Guide to OTA Specification files (*.xsd).
This is not an official guide, as though there were only one right way to do it. Rather, it describes a reasonable way to install the files. Other installation guides in this set of documentation will assume that the schema files have been installed this way. If you install it another way, you will need to make the appropriate adjustments.
Each OTA specification release (twice a year) includes a set of .xsd (XML schema definition) files, some sample .xml files, and an XML codes table.
If some of the commands below look complicated, that's ok. You can cut and paste them from this guide. (Make sure you get all lines of a multi-line command.)
OTA 2005B on Linux (2006-04-19)
Review and agree to the license.
Choose a location to install. I build all of my systems with a "project root directory" which is stored in an environment variable called "PREFIX". For this installation, I was installing in my development environment. (You could, however, choose a system place such as "/usr/local".)
export PREFIX=/usr/rubicon/spadkins
Download and unpack 2005B.
cd $PREFIX/src
mkdir tar
wget -O tar/
mkdir OTA2005B
cd OTA2005B
unzip ../tar/
Install 2005B.
mkdir $PREFIX/share
mkdir $PREFIX/share/ota
mkdir $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B
mkdir $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B/schema
mkdir $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B/schema-flat
mkdir $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B/samples
# The perl/expand pipelines below simply copy the files
# and perform the following transformations on them.
# 1. change CR-LF combinations to LF only
# 2. change solo CR's to LF
# 3. expand tabs to 2 spaces each
# 4. reformat as necessary
# cp $PREFIX/src/OTA2005B/_OTA2005B_XML/*.xsd $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B/schema
cd $PREFIX/src/OTA2005B/_OTA2005B_XML
for file in *.xsd
cat $file |
perl -p -e 's/\r+\n/\n/g;
s/\r/\n/g;' |
expand -t 2 > $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B/schema/$file
# cp $PREFIX/src/OTA2005B/_OTA2005B_XMLFlattenedSchema/*.xsd $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B/schema-flat
cd $PREFIX/src/OTA2005B/_OTA2005B_XMLFlattenedSchema
for file in *.xsd
cat $file |
perl -p -e 's/\r+\n/\n/g;
s/\r/\n/g;' |
expand -t 2 > $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B/schema-flat/$file
# cp $PREFIX/src/OTA2005B/_OTA2005B_XML/*.xml $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B/samples
cd $PREFIX/src/OTA2005B/_OTA2005B_XML
for file in *.xml
cat $file |
perl -p -e 's/\r+\n/\n/g;
s/\r/\n/g;' |
expand -t 2 > $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B/samples/$file
# also reformat to be nicer to read
# cp $PREFIX/src/OTA2005B/_OTA_CodeTable/OTA_CodeTable20051122.xml $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B/codetable.xml
cat $PREFIX/src/OTA2005B/_OTA_CodeTable/OTA_CodeTable20051122.xml |
perl -p -e 's/\r+\n/\n/g;
s/" *\n/" /g;
s!^<Codes! <Codes!mg;
s!^<Code ! <Code !mg;
s!^<CodeContents! <CodeContents!mg;
s!^<CodeContent ! <CodeContent !mg;
s!^</CodeContents! </CodeContents!mg;
s!^</Code>! </Code>!mg;
s!^</Codes! </Codes!mg;
s/Name = /Name=/g;' |
expand -t 2 > $PREFIX/share/ota/2005B/codetable.xml
* Author: Stephen Adkins <>
* Copyright: (c) 2006 Stephen Adkins (for the purpose of making it Free)
* License: This is free software. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.