otaserver - A CGI program (and Registry program under mod_perl) that responds to OTA messages sent via simple HTTP/HTTPS POST
# use the "otaclient" program to exercise "otaserver"
# (by default, the "transport_class" is set to "Business::Travel::OTA::Transport::HTTP")
otaclient --ping
otaclient --ping --transport_class=Business::Travel::OTA::Transport::HTTP --server_url=http://localhost/cgi-bin/otaserver
The "otaserver" program is a CGI program (and Registry program under mod_perl) that responds to OTA messages sent via simple HTTP/HTTPS.
* Author: Stephen Adkins <>
* Copyright: (c) 2005 Stephen Adkins (for the purpose of making it Free)
* License: This is free software. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.