Changes for version 0.96
- x App::Widget::DataTable2 - finishes the job DataTable set out to do x App::Widget::DataTable - per-column align, format, scale_factor x App::Widget::TabbedSelector/HierSelector - fix up multi-level tab selector x App::Widget::TextArea - new x App::Widget::Graph - new x App::Widget::DataAnalysis - new, but not finished x App::Widget::Hidden - new x App::Widget::Select - support EACH value
Interface for rendering HTML templates
Interface for rendering HTML templates using the Template Toolkit
a family of web user interface widgets (works with App::Context), enabling development of UI's and UI components as compound, nested sets of other UI components
An application frame.
An HTML button
A widget
A widget
An HTML table which serves as a repository table viewer/editor
A three-dropdown widget for a date
An HTML text field
An ordered multi-select widget made up of two HTML <select> tags and four buttons
Generic HTML element can be anything with proper configuration
An HTML tree view
A generic hierarchical view
A screen selector widget
An HTML image button
A simple label
An application menu.
A widget
A widget
Set of HTML radio buttons
A widget allowing the user to browse and edit a repository
Generic HTML element can be anything with proper configuration
An HTML element which can use the standard set of style elements
An HTML element which can use the standard set of style elements
An application frame.
An application frame.
A screen selector widget
An HTML widget built from a template, rendered by a TemplateEngine
An HTML text field
A toolbar full of pushbuttons.
An HTML tree view
An HTML text field